Damon 3

Yep another chapter of You’re!  I also added a character list for you guys too (that has a teaser in it for the newly written chapter!)  And yes, you heard it, I wrote a new chapter for this!! You will have to wait until this catches up for new chapters.  But they are being written!!

I also went through all the chapters to add the buttons to them, as well as the theme for You’re (Water and location).  I also replaced pictures of Bella so they are all showing the same person.

In addition, I am doing a change on how the Beta’s and I go about our work.  In the background, I have been editing chapters and sending them to Betas starting on Wednesdays. But, this has made me unable to write.  I need a break like everyone, and I was getting to the point I was working everyday, OR editing.  I was burning myself out from the computer, but my obsession was not letting me rest, wanting to write!  My editing is going back through the story and adding words to make it flow better.  I leave the grammar and punctuation to the Betas, unless I find it, then I try to correct, but it is not why I am editing.

Starting this week, I am editing more than one chapter, but the betas will only press publish after Wednesdays.  They will notify me, and I will do my part, but I will only edit when I don’t have a muse pushing me.  This will also lower my stress down, since I really do worry about updating you guys.

What does this mean for you?  More regular chapters, but until I get this all organized, and allowing my muses to write, I will be behind in posting for a little bit.  Give me some time, and I am trying!  ED and ITE are the only ones on the rotation thingie, and I will probably run out of edited chapters for them before I can settle into this.  But I cannot do what I was doing anymore.  Nothing was being written and for stories like What If and When I Pretend, I could never get ahead.  Now I can do this.

So enjoy this chapter… I am off to do one of the stories…  And no, the edited version will not show up on this story until Wednesdays at the very soonest.
