Points of Authority Banner

Cause that is what I am. Excited and giddy as hell.

As my ladies know who follow me in Kittyinaz’s Group on Facebook, I have had the hellacious week of weeks, and it ain’t gonna end anytime soon.

However, I just got told by the TheLadyKT in TWCS, that Points of Authority made the list of the Featured Stories of the Week on The Writers Coffee Shop.  I truly feel like running around the house screaming, “I was honored to have my story, Points of Authority, listed as a Featured Story by TWCS for the week of 20 Oct 2013.”  Ok so that is a quote from Meridian, but holy hell I really feel like screaming, I did it!! I was selected to make a list of a few stories and will be listed on the site for a week.  A major site!”

For those that didn’t know, Points of Authority was written for Ellie aka WhiteWolfLegend.  It is a Cauis/Bella fic, NEVER a Eric/Bella fic.  I made a promise and I won’t break it. But Ellie got me hooked on Cauis with her using Alexander Skarsgard as her inspiration for the role.  So many thanks to Ellie!! And many thanks to Faeregina for Betaing it!

Also as a side note, the WordPress Whisperer has hidden a gif of Skarsgard in the site.  It is part of her Saturday Hide and seek Gif.  And right now, she is figuring out LiveJournal adding my stories over there.  Since it made as much sense as Chinese to me….a rare dialect…. from the mountains…. that only a hundred people speak.   Yep.  I was that unable to do much than read over there.  Thank god there are intelligent people out there that it makes sense to!
