And what does this mean?  Well besides the old chapters being updated on the other sites…

And that this is the start of the new Posting Week for me. New Chapters start for me, for the other betas to know about.  Why Wednesdays?  Why not?  Actually it has to do with me wanting the betas to have rested over the weekend, and if they couldn’t get to something over the weekends, they have additional days. I encourage them to pick a day, and we try to stick to that.  Ok.  I admit it is for me mostly.  I like something to look forward in the week, and this is something I get to gleefully look forward to.  Happy?!?!?  Wait… I have more to say.  So.. Keep on trucking… I mean reading!


Ok.. Yeah it is Hump Day… (I think I will have to do the GEICO Camel.. yeah… As the main pic for this post!  See how these posts come about now?)

Oh yeah.  We are closer to Friday which is my posting day for the Anthem of the Angels Universe… Which… I am getting hints on some more authors talking to Rissa about stories.  We are also looking for people who would like to help out with the Banners and well, anything you can think of.  PM Charissa Horton and she will be able to coordinate everything.  Banner makers are only the ones who are needed the most right now, but there are lots of jobs that someone can do.  You know how to work WordPress and do links?  Oh yeah.  You will be needed!  Linking is a heavy thing to be doing, since we are wanting to make sure it ties into everything.  You want to learn WordPress to be able to help?  Heck yeah!!! I can teach you what I want, and even set up with a site to play on.

So.  What is this post about Kittyinaz?  umm….. ::looks around the room trying to remember what she came in here to do:: Oh yeah!!!  THIS:

Chapter 16 e

Yep.  That is right.  Another chapter of IND.  There is happy news here.  And bad news. I always start with bad, so I can end on a happy note.  Happy notes are good.


  • Bad… One more chapter is written.  I am on a roll, and wanting to finish more stuff before I turn my attention back to this story.  But I will turn back to it and write more chapters here shortly.
  • Good.  Lots of good.  One is a source of pride for me.  You see, I write these things down in a sort of trance like typing session, and when I went back over it, I thought…whoa.  This is an awesome idea!!! But when I went looking for a pic or Gif of what I wrote, there were none.  So I sat down with my trusty Photoshop, and saved a Gif close to what I wanted.  With playing with the options for awhile, thinking I saw what I wanted sometime in the past, but determined to make it work, even if I had to do it by hand frame by frame, I got the Gif changed to what I wanted.  Which was happy with me, since it was a 120+ frame gif.    I don’t want to spoil what I did, but when you see it, it is perfect, and I am very proud of what I did.
  • Good. The other is that you have another chapter ready to go from the wonderful Meridian.  It is all prepped, and ready to go.  In fact, if you were part of my Facebook group, you would have received a warning that I am getting ready to publish a chapter.  I always let them know when I go to work on a chapter to get it ready.  Make sure all buttons and so on are added.  Just saying…

For all the new members, Welcome!! Glad to have you here!! This site is new, and we are playing around it.  Evasmomforever,  we have not forgotten you!  We are still working on the site, and trying to figure out stuff.  Plus… I have to be careful.  I can only play so far, before I may mess up stuff.  So I am cautious.  But there is a lot here like the old one to allow me to play all I want and not disturb things for 4Padfoot.  I don’t want to be the to break the site.  That would be bad.   Very, very bad.

So I am off to write up the last chapter of Wisdom part of the new story based around Points of Authority.  Bertie Bott is ready to be overworked.  She is not only the beta for Wisdom, Justice and Love, but she is also the beta for Cross the Line fic for the Anthem of the Angels site, and for the Harry Potter fic.  She is also a writer as you all know as well as other normal jobs.  The woman is a super woman!

Mummy and Twilight_edited-1

I am also getting to move over to the last competed story I had ready, The Mummy and Twilight crossover.  I will admit, I was not sure about this one.  And neither were my betas to be frank.  Then I started to post them as drafts here, since this site is also the backup of all stories.  One of the benefits of being a beta (Or really any of the personnel behind the scenes) is being able to read anything.  They read the chapters, and asked for more.  This is also an installment series.  I plan, just like for Wisdom, Justice and Love, that there are three parts.  Since they are short, I am not looking to make three separate novels on them.  So the first is ready to go.. and many thanks to MistressJessica1028 for not only volunteering for betaing, but also naming a lead character in it.  or rather the Actor for it.  By doing this, she also influenced the second part of the story.  Yep, I listen to the betas.  A lot.  And blame Meridian for all stories.  She likes to prod my muses too much.

Yes, I am getting back to normal, and I will go back to the Weekly posts for the Non Canon Awards.  For those that have interviews involved, I am working on getting everything back to normal.

I am also be setting up a site to use for reblogs.  I plan to name it Kittyinaz’s reblogs.  Unique huh?  It took me awhile to think of it.  If you want to see what I read, or enjoyed the reblogs I did for my friends and fellow writers, I will be also seeing if I can do stuff on another site.  I like helping my friends and those who just write awesome stories.  And you guys seem to like them too.  I will let you guys know when the sites are up and running.

4Padfoot and Gyllene have a book recommendation site.  When you click in the stories, you will see it on the side.  I highly recommend it!

amazonAlso, it is the holiday season starting.  Please don’t forget the link for Amazon.  I thank those who have helped me out already, and while these are annoying to you guys, when I stopped doing them, the link was barely used.  Since this is our own site, and we have to add a lot of stuff to it to make it even more awesome, I cannot be lazy about reminding people about it.  It is one of the things that we are excited about for doing the ads, since they will hopefully make it where I don’t have to remind you all the time.

Ok.  I think that is all.  I am going to go back to playing, and actually think of eating now that I am cleared to be able to eat and drink what I wanted along with my tea.  I really need to update the Tea Blog, I have new teas and new blends that I am in love with.

Enjoy the chapter!

Eric-Gif Signature