Wordpress Help

For all of those of you who are moving to WordPress and would like some help, well I decided to make a group for it.  Well actually Rissa did the group for me so I wouldn’t get banned.

It is public, easy to find.  And the banner above is, as always, a link to it.

If you would like to join to either receive help, or to help others, please do.  Paying it forward guys.  And it will help us gain a community to help new people to the world of WordPress, and help them to find it is not so scary out here.

We are not building the sites for you, we are only helping out.  Explaining how Pages work vs Posts and so on.  How to add Facebook pages to your site to get automatic updates when you post, as well as Tumblr and twitter.  How to make links and how to use buttons and so forth.  What a Shortlink is and how to use it as well as find it.  How to make your posts more interesting and easier to read.

A place to talk if you are experiencing an issue.

I have had many new ladies in my group going out and trying to use their WordPress, and I figured this would be a great place to gather them all up to get help.  And for those of us that wish to help, be able to share our learning experiences with each other.  Who knows?  Maybe some of us know tricks that others don’t!

It is a wide open group, so mosey on over and feel free to join!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving if I don’t talk to you before then!  (Yeah right!!! I’ll be back!!!)
