Everyone changes.

They grow, they learn, their preferences change.

Why am I saying this? I just found out reading something that I had only read a part of in the past, and left.


Because while I am all for people being themselves, and actively say something against other people trying to make choices about others bodies, I just didn’t care to read about it. It did nothing for me, and wasn’t my cup of tea.  Nothing against the pairing or anything like that.  But then there are fandoms I don’t read, and there are pairings I don’t read at all (Bill/Sookie?  Ewww!!!!!)

My choice.

The way I always thought about it, was it was like getting your hair done. It’s your hair. You have the right to do with it what you like. Shoot even now I can see the looks on family faces as I color and cut my hair. But I’m the one who has to live with it. Has to look at it everyday. If I can’t be true to myself, then how could I look in the mirror?

Sadly, while so many people would agree on this, those same people would think they have a right to tell me what to do with my body.

Let me ask you, if a woman couldn’t have kids, did that mean they can’t get married? If a man is impotent, or was injured, could that mean he wasn’t a man? If a person was burned to the point you couldn’t tell what color his skin was, much less any other defining feature, a lesser being?

Let’s put in more stark ideas. If someone was saving another human being, animal, or really anything, is that person any less of a person?


But all you people with your claims that a lesbian or gay couple shouldn’t get married because it corrupts the idea of marriage are deciding for these people that their bodies, minds, souls are yours to judge.  That you are the master of them.  That you own them.

My personal belief system says there is someone else to do the judging, and that other person in my belief is my God. And he ain’t on earth. Joe Blow on the street, sitting in the coffee shop across from you, in the train, working with you, working ON you, or saving your life, has a different opinion.

Does that make them less of a human?

People this is not hard. I’m sorry to say even the bible was told by humans. Shoot, right now, the original words would make no sense to us.  Seriously, do go try to read the Dead Scrolls, or the original books.  If experts still debate on the meanings of the originals.  And even then, It was told by humans, and I hate to say it, but I cannot write what the muse tells me without putting it in my own words.  Especially when she gives me a picture, and I have to struggle for the words to tell you what I see.  How was it that these people who had no idea how God thought, could interpret his thoughts without putting their own twist on it?

But this is not a debate on meanings and such.  I came about these conclusions after being encouraged by my Bio Dad, to read and go through all the versions of the bible.  It was eye opening, and I learned a lot from it.  One is that how I believe in him is no different than someone believing in another God.  Did all those people, who never even heard of God going to hell just because they didn’t even have a chance of knowing about it?  No.  My God is not that way.  And if he is, I truly would rather believe in something else.  He is supposed to be better than all the human bigotry and so forth.  He is NOT human.  But this is my belief.  I do not shove it down your throat, shoot I don’t even tell you the exactness of what I believe.  And some of it will throw you for a serious loop.  But that is my opinion.  That I read and came to separate from another telling me.

Educate yourselves. Don’t be sheep.  Don’t accept what I am telling as the gospel.  Don’t accept that the person in Government is better than you.  I only wanted to be president in 8th grade.  Never again later.  What says that the smartest people are running for offices?  What makes you think that they can make your decisions for you?  Think about it.  If they came out and told you, sitting next to a black person is a crime.  Would you just accept it?  Or even more basic, that you sitting next to the other sex is wrong?

Children understand the truth much easier and sadly, they are so much better than we are.  They don’t care who they play with in the sandbox.  The most you get is they will run away from another saying they have cooties.  And we laugh.  But isn’t what labels we put on people just grown up versions of cooties?

Harry Potter. Death eaters. Voldemort. We are familiar with this story. The Death Eaters are bad cause they are killing Muggles and those not pure blooded in the minds of these people.  They are hated and the sheep of the Wizarding world just hid away.  We cheer that the good guys win, because it was wrong.

So how are we, prosecuting those that are not the same, because they believe in something different, were born different, or even dared to have different opinions, any different?

How is refusing to serve gays and lesbians any different than refusing to serve someone based on their color?

Do we really need to go back in time, and have to live through the atrocities of the Holocaust, the race wars? Did we not learn anything??

Do we need another 9/11 attack to wake us up and shove the truths into our faces?

I would like to say no.

For myself, growing, educating myself, and changing. I do say no.

What do you say?

How will you explain the deaths of others, for your choices to your children? To any child period.  Look into their eyes and when they ask why, you tell them it is because we didn’t learn the lessons over and over and over again that there is no difference in a human being from another.  That all Man was created equal.

Think about it for yourself, and not as a sheep, not as a Death Eater, Nazi, racist. Or whatever label it takes for you to wake up and realize you are no better than they.