
This is my weekly post to let you know I still live.  And yes the top pic is random.  I love Sebastian! Roche!!!!

First off, to relax your mind, you will not longer have to listen to me telling you about my life.  You can read it now here.

This will be for the stories.

So in case you guys don’t realize, this is how I work.  I write the stories.  I work on them, until I get to a stopping part that the muse won’t work with me anymore.  Then I either head off elsewhere to see if the muse will come back, or I try to edit the work.

I do things in chunks.  So when I edit, I edit a bunch of chapters at once, and give them to the betas.  Now, for editing, it is not what you think.  Yeah, I run it through Grammarly at the end, to try to make life easier for my betas.  But what I am doing is adding the words that I skipped the first time, expand scenes and so on.  The word count at the beginning is the word count when I went through the first time and wrote it.  The final count is once I am down.  Sometimes the betas correct the number when they are done with it, sometimes they don’t.  That is their preference.

I also add the pics, banners, everything but the final steps of linking so that if something ever happens and I am unable to publish, the Betas can publish.  4padfoot can do all the linking and so forth.  So when I am saying I am editing, I try to give it time to settle in my mind so I can actually see those skipped words. I try to do editing things, like all the verb tenses that I am bad at, but yeah.

So often when you guys comment, the chapters are weeks, if not months, behind what I am doing right now.  That is why I often say you can inspire my muse to pick back up a story.

For instance.  Sacred is 29 chapters written.  You will get it once a week.  This gives everyone time to work on everything once they start working on it.  When I say I do things in chunks, luckily as time goes by, the chunks get bigger.

And since Crossing the Fine Line was achieved in a month, I will be trying to write more in larger chunks.

But this leads to longer pauses on things.

Plus we all have RL.  You do, I do, the betas do.

Ok.  So this week it looks I have in the queue for posting What If, and Revelations.  I am going to try to get to work on editing Clocks, then at least writing one chapter a day on a story.  Since there are a couple clamoring for attention, we will see what happens.

I also wish to remind you guys, that there are ad’s on my site for Amazon.  They all contain links to the site with my tag on them.  If you buy through these, or the link, I get a small percentage of what you spend back.  It costs nothing to you guys, but it helps pay for this site.  And for the help that others give to the site.  I know there are some not working right now, but I will need a weekend with 4Padfoot for us to look at the ads and determine what to do.  We try to pick ones that self update, but without input, we have no idea what you guys would like to see.

And if you want to advertise, please contact 4Padfoot and we can work with you.

There is the reblog site for updates.  Now that I am up and moving that will be kept up again. There is also a Food Blog that has some dedicated ladies working on it.  They post a lot of new recipes and I love it!!!

Today, ending at midnight CST, is the banner contest vote.  I was late this month on the challenge, but we have our three contestants, and anyone who is a member of the Facebook Group, can vote.

I think that is everything.  Oh yeah!!

I am doing the Christmas Writing Challenge.  The information will be out by the 21st, since that will give you a month to get the entries in.  I will be heading out of the state for 2-3 months after that, and no too sure how Photoshop will work on my laptop.  Unlike this computer that has dedicated graphics cards and everything maxed out, the laptop is borrowed from another. The laptop I want is $900+.  Yeah, it seems a lot, but it will last me a couple years after I get it.  The last one I had, was a gaming computer that came with Vista on it.  And the major issue with that one?  Not enough memory now as well as an odd reluctance to connect to Drive.  But damn did it run some badass programs!!!!  It’s also the computer I started writing fanfiction on. I more than got my money out of that thing.

Ok I am off to start my stuff for this week.  See you guys later!

Signature for TB SVM Writers2