Outlaws and Angels 2b

But I have finally gotten time to make the banners and host the contest.

And while the site is not moved, nothing will be happening until after this contest is over.

But for this contest, I will say the Banners are all different.  And mixed up.

Let me explain.

The Turning Point was something different completely but was scrapped when a mistake made the banner more awesome than I could imagine.  And even then, I played with it for awhile, trying to change the color of the border, but it wouldn’t work.  But I am seriously in love with this banner.

Next, I tried to work on Worth Fighting For.  I had this idea of a wolf running being the main image, but nothing worked.  I seriously worked on it for hours, and finally gave up.  I went on to Charming Outlaw’s Angel, after asking the author a question.  To only find out the image I had been working on all this time was perfect for this story with tweaks.

Then two nights ago, I woke with an idea for the banner for the last one and had it done in a half an hour.  I will tell you that it has a lot of the story points hidden in there.

Now, The wonderful, amazing, completely awesome 4Padfoot, who does the poll, not only did that but also made it where the contest is live as of now.  We truly had some awesome entries, and I hope I have done them justice with the banners I made them.

The contest is on until the 15th, (which is the due date for the other contest entries) and I will announce the name as soon as I can.

After this one and the Other Worlds contest, the last one will be for the Annual Christmas contest.  Once I get the inspiration for the banner, I will make it and let you guys loose on it.  The entries will be due before the 1st of December, just what day I will be cutting them off will be what I need to decide.  For I will be home this year, and decorating the house is my thing for the day after Thanksgiving, and sometimes takes a weekend.

What can I say?  I love Christmas!!!!

Enjoy the stories, the banner on the top will take you to the main page of the contest.  And make sure you vote and leave comments, which the authors can reply to once the contest is over at midnight on the 15th of October.

Autumn Signature