
I bet you guys want to be doing that right?  Or is this the gif that fits you better?


LOL.  Don’t worry, I do it to when I have people talking to me when I don’t want to talk to anyone!

So.. I bet you are wondering when the group got the tidbit for this one?  Yesterday.

2nd Entry for 0514_edited-2 Banner Facebook

Yep, it was posted yesterday! Click above if you wish to join.

See, I was having issues, and 4Padfoot came on and fixed them for me.  But I hit publish one time, and said ‘F*ck it’.  I wasn’t going to go around unpublishing it, so I let the group know, and waited for my meds to kick in.

As last we heard, everyone but Mr. Kittyinaz and I are sick in the house.  So I am being very good and taking all my meds to make sure I am good, but they are a strong decongestant for the allergies from the poor plants that are actually flowering outside, thinking it is spring.  Yes, the weather has screwed up with the plants too.  I just hope we don’t have a freeze before the real spring hits… And I suspect Monday, when it will be in the 30’s again, will be a shock for them also.

Stupid Weather….

I have been working on switching my sleeping, and because of the meds, I am actually doing it.  But this morning, I read a story in the HP universe that completely sapped my will to get up.  Seriously.  The story was awesome for nothing to happen in the end.  I ended up reading more of kjwrit’s All In, before I remembered I had duties today as a chauffer.  I even thought of wearing my hat that can pass as one.  But my hair is cooperating, and who messes with a good hair day with a hat?  Not me!

So I am up, waiting for 11 minutes to go by, and hoping I can finish the post before then.

Ok… There is no chapter tomorrow.  I am working with my beta for Tin Man, and we are gunning for it to be done.  I have found a new beta for the LOTR, but we will see what she ahs to say, though she has returned the first chapter to me, to prove she can do it.  It was awesome.

Yes, I do have stories still pending betas.  Yes, they are NOT TB/SVM.  A lot are crossovers, because I like crossovers.  But the end is coming before I go to the other side of my brain, and brush off the cobwebs to use it.  Wish me luck when it comes!

I have no idea what is pending, since every time I think that everything is great, and I will be finished, RL throws a wrench in the spanners.  I am trying, but hey, I don’t control everything…::thinks of the good she could do if she could…::

Ok I have NOT changed the music yet, but I will be looking at it when I get back, or even will try from my iPad.  I gots to get ready to go…



Beta responsible and whom I am REALLY jealous of right now:




Writing contest for this month


Go vote!


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