But not quite!

Ok… So what has been going on Wendy?  You disappeared and didn’t post yesterday as well you were almost too late today.













Starting Friday I decided that the house needed a deep clean.  I started in my office, so I can clean and organize the shelving and so on.  The cleaning elves are awesome, but they don’t life books and so on to clean, and won’t move anything around on my desk to clean.  I guess they got worried after I told them to leave the white boards alone. (they partially erased a draft I had up of how my original books were going to go…I got smart and put that stuff in photoshop and did it in there.) So they don’t move anything around in the office.  Fine… I can clean that.  But they also do dry dusting.  Which is fine.  But once in a while, you need to attack it with pledge. (By the way I am listening to Kiss, and the minion performs to the song perfectly….)


So I got the office done on Friday.  I tore everything apart, arranged things, and ended up with 2 free shelves when I was done.   Awesome.  I need two big whatamacallit thingies that can go there.
(thingies is my catch all phrase… but I like Whatamacallit’s too.)  Then I moved to the bathroom, and cleaned the doors and so forth.  Get the idea when I say deep clean?  Yes. Doors, baseboards, windows and so on.  Pull the furniture apart and wash it all however you can.  Saturday was spent in the living room.  My Hubby started in the attic.  Sunday was the big push to finish it all and the whole family got into by then.  MamaKitty cleaned cabinets in the kitchen as DadKitty went outside in the 100 degree weather to wash the last of the windows in the main part of the house.  We finished at 6pm, ordered our super fast pizza, and then I crashed.


Yesterday I was happy with the house, but so sore from the weekend.  I climbed ladders, which I am terrified of falling, so I was shaking per M (Mr. Kittyinaz wants to be called M from now on…).   Then I did the bulk of the work.  And I washed everything.  ugh.  I remembered why I hate spring cleaning like that.

I spent 0 time on the computer during that time.  Saturday and Sunday were spent in an exhausted state of mind. Which continued to Monday.

Last night Insomnia struck and though I was so freaking tired, I couldn’t fall asleep until after 5.  I was up before 10 this morning.  Ugh.  lol.   I got to the gym today, so I am thankful to Royal Ember for her suggestion that made me do a palm face.  Sometimes I just don’t’ think things all the way through.

Also yesterday, even though I did nothing on the database, I wrote two chapters for Sacred.  Let me tell you, when I am done with this, I am off to write the next one.  4Padfoot may threaten me if I don’t since I left it on a cliffy last night.  I am up to 22 chapters, and we are not done with the beginning part to me.  Yeah, this one will be huge.  I am trying to stay on it and finish it, since you guys deserve as much of this one as possible.  And 4Padfoot and Royal Ember may cause harm to me if I keep them waiting.

I did start on the database, and hopefully tomorrow, after the updates to the other sites, I can finish the Harry Potter area.  Then skip right through the other ones until Twilight.  This thing is much bigger than I ever imagined.  It will probably take awhile to get it out to you guys.

ok reminders:

The review for this week was California Kat’s story Funeral.  Check it out below:


The Writing Challenge for this month.  It’s a pic.. maybe think of someone in the woods or something happening in it?  Either way, I DO know what next month will be.  It will be outside the normals, and be kinda like the Angels in the Fire.  At least I hope so.  It is one of those that I was thinking of, and I came up with ideas.  Alot of them.

2015 1

The You Want Bloods is still running.  Have you voted?  I will tell you, this is awesome to seeing you guys reach out and credit these amazing individuals who put forth their time and efforts for nothing.  Please participate and give them a heads up, you know that little nod thing.  They will appreciate it more than you ever know.  I know I do.  To be nominated, and to know you guys not only thought enough for me to get into the awards, but then on one of them, as a wild card, you thought enough of me again to put my name up.  Thank you so much!


I am going to be adding more stories over at Fanfiction Affliction.  Please go and see the site, get involved.  This is open to any fandom, and they are pretty easy to work with.  Let’s help this take off.  IT is an easy format for authors to use, and they have a few rules.  Mostly, no plagiarizing, and no Child Pornograghy.  You go in, you sign up, and you are in!!! Start posting the stories.  One of the admins is around to help out and they have a facebook group in case you have any issues.  When I post what I need, they are quick to answer as they do the rest.  I love how it shows you what has been loaded on recently (I am on there alot since I do massive downloads.. oops.) and gives you a random story to find.  They are good about updating their site with news also.  Go over and lets see if we can get this as the alternative to FanFiction.net!


Here is the chapter for today.  I know we are getting closer on some of the other stories I have already written chapters for.  The betas are checking in with me, and I am quick to assure them that their RL comes before the stories.  They are not getting paid for it, and they worry about keeping to the schedules.  I will tell you this one took me forever to try to find the pics for it.  You will understand more when you read it.  Be prepared to start understanding how I am tying things together.


Enjoy the chapter and I will see you guys later.  Hopefully without being this exhausted!