Aos Si 1

SO while I was writing that other post, I was also writing the story.

See, my Internet is taking forever to load pages and so on.  So I was typing up the chapter while waiting.  And I finished it.


Ah well.  Robin will be happy to have her man in an action packed chapter.

For me, I am done with Original fiction for the week.  But I am working on some other things, as well as hoping my headache will go away.  It’s in that irritating spot of not quite there enough to take something, or even know what I need to take (sinus, headache headache, or what).  So while I wait for it to decide to either go away, or form completely, I am going to get those dang cards done.  For once I am done, I am done.

See ya tomorrow or sometime this weekend.

And the chapter?  PM me, or good luck finding it!  IT is on the site….
