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I am just letting you guys know what is going on.


So for the month of July, I spent it as busy as hell, or sick.  With the two juxtapositioning over each other sadly way too often.

In the middle of June, I was looking at the last week of the month, excited but at the same time worried.  My parents, who lived with me at the time, were moving out the last week, with the last day planned for Saturday, with me having guests (in-laws) that following Monday.  I also had a quilt due, as well as after they left after a week, I was going to have a couple of days down, then will be living at my brothers for a week and a half watching my three nephews.

I thought it would be tight, but hey, I can do this!

That last week, they closed on Monday, and we proceeded to show how much a Traverse could hold and move.  They wanted to sleep in their new place after I showed them how much we moved in one day?  Sure!! Mr. M (aka Mr. Kittyinaz) packed my mattress in the traverse (a queen, and holy cow!!) Then I spent that Thursday while everyone worked, packing the rest of my parent’s bedroom.   (Yes, they were not done packing… )  Then we spent that evening, moving what we could there.  And found more things that could fit in the Traverse that I never thought could.  However, my hubby borrowed my brother’s truck and moved a lot also.  The rest to be moved on Saturday.  Which left Friday as me desperately cleaning, moving around my house.  (At one point I had a couch in the kitchen stuck and had all the cats watching me clean around it, and move a dining room table from one end of the house to another by myself.

Remember, I had guests coming, and the house had been configured for two families only sharing the kitchen basically.  And my mom and I sharing an office.  So I was spreading the belongings of my side of the house to the rest of the house, as well as cleaning and washing so much stuff cause I was about to lose the washer and dryer.  M came home to start laughing at me and the way I had chairs stuck in places as well as the before mentioned couch of my parents.  (yeah not mine.  That was staying in the front room now designated the living room only).  He soon was working, and getting into the idea I had of trying to get everything gone and what could be cleaned as soon as possible, had us moving things outside to store in the garage at midnight only stopping at 3 am.

We then moved them the rest of the way with the help of my brother, his truck, and a trailer.  And oh yeah.  The aforementioned Traverse.  We were done moving them out and then went home to work some more on the house.

There was a laundry list of things to be fixed, and we did them.  Then I went to lie down with a headache, and then woke up to no sink in the main bathroom.  I had asked him to fix the leak, and the pedestal sink (that I absolutely hated) cracked all the way.  So we ended up having to replace the whole thing and went for one that was a vanity.  There were other things that went wrong, and as M said, if it wasn’t for his bad luck, he wouldn’t have had any.

We get everything done in time and spent the following week showing them Houston.  Only resting on Wednesday (7/4) cause of a storm.  Somewhere, (maybe exhaustion?) I started to get sick on Friday, but pushed it off, as nothing big.  I spent the following week cleaning and resting.  Then went off to watch the boys.  It was fun, and my family was reminded of how I made up games for everyone all the time.  The boys loved it.  And though I was sick and very exhausted, I loved it as well.  They helped me with the cutting out of the hundreds of pieces I needed for the quilt and would work with me.

But I was seriously sick and was so bad I was on the BRAT diet.  I came home sleeping and trying to better on Wednesday, and ended up with an infected tooth.  I had a quilt class that Mom and I signed up for, and went to it, with my pain tolerance kicking in finally.  I went to that each week and finally got to the dentist, only to have him tell me I am insane.  Apparently, it was a very bad infection.  He was worried cause I have VERY bad ringing in my ears, and wanted to make sure he didn’t make it worse cause he had been told that it can add to the pain I would be feeling.  Somehow, my allergy to penicillin was missed.  Luckily my Pharmacy caught it and it was fixed.  I spent a weekend in bed sleeping with taking pills as needed.

Last week I finally got the root canal and would sleep irregularly, with my insomnia kicking up and finally kicking in completely Friday night.  Which I had a class that morning, then I family party that I had to show up for a little bit to show I was alive.  Especially since it was my cousin who figured out I was really sick and checked up on me the entire time.  (The antibiotics had kicked whatever it was that had me so sick as well).

Which leads to now.  The second day since that long ago day in June as feeling better mostly rested and pain-free.  While I am LOVING having my own place with my pets and my hubby only, it had been a huge ride to get here.  I am also working on the class stuff then I still have that quilt to finish as soon as I do the stuff I needed to this week for the class.

I REALLY want to write, and even have a plan ready.  I am going to finish those fics that I started out on, to get them finished, then go back to the other stuff that I am still strongly inspired for.  I am also going to try to edit things, and so on.  However, I do plan to make quilts and sell them, as well as take orders.  Something to help supplement the one income we are having in, while not working on my end.

Also, I just read this blog, that VikingsSuccubus posted.  It helped motivate me to get this all handled.

And just for a last whatever, if anyone is interested in seeing what I am doing, I am posting the finished blocks, I am learning to make on the Kittyinaz’s Group. Now, I am going back to finish up the Ohio Star and the four after that one to finish my homework for this week.