We had a slight mishap in the chapter for this week.  I will say this much, it is for Tired Wings.

Yep!   It is one of the stories I have been hoping to get done.  I am going line by line trying to save my beta some work since we found out the same error in chapter 9.  It is an editing issue and will make no change to the story itself, but we are working on fixing it cause it will bug me otherwise.

I also have some RL issues going on at the same time, with Monday tiring me out.  It might happen (I’m hoping so!) again tomorrow or later this week.  If so, things will be a little delayed.  Sorry, but it can’t be helped.  But it is good things for the house so…

But I wanted to let you guys know we are working on stuff.  It isn’t as fun as editing (which is not as fun as you might think) and I am needing to go line by line for 9 pages of edits to make sure everything is done.  Hopefully, I am able to get one chapter at least sent to the betas, as I work on writing some more on Revelations to get that one done.  I am almost done with that book, and the final story of that trilogy is already planned in my head.  I wanted to get it on paper this week as well.  We will see.

I am also rereading the In Death books by J.D. Robb aka Nora Roberts.  I have found later that Hatter/Peter in Tea Shoppe was partly influenced by Roarke in the In Death books.  Not that I knew it until later when I was describing him to someone and it flashed across my head the similarities.  At least at the beginning.

So, I am working on returning to writing, as I mentioned before.  And I wanted to let you know that there is a slight problem we are working through to get the chapter to you this week and that it is on a story that most of you have been waiting on.  Be patient!!  NO story is going to be unfinished.  As evidenced by the fact I am going back to the beginning to finish those stories.
