I’m Not Dead…Yet!

I’m Not Dead…Yet!


Though I feel like most days…

Basically, I was not ready to be up Monday.  And have paid for it, sleeping most days including that one away.  But…I feel better….

Sorry.  No idea why Holy Grail/Spamalot is in my head, but you guys will probably find many puns in here for those that like it.  :winces:

But why am I posting?  Because I am here to fulfill a promise.  Yep.  We will be forming a government based on a lady in the lake giving me the…. Wait.  Nope.  Wrong one…

basis for gov

Yeah.. See why?  :Snickers:

Yes, I have a chapter of What If ready for you.


And my Muse decided to show who is boss when I am drugged.  I have 2 chapters written of a story that I refused to write.  I’m kinda grumpy over it.  She took advantage of the fact I was drugged!!!!  I don’t know what to call it.  To be honest…

Breathe 1

Here is the banner (yeah, you should have seen me looking at the lyrics for Carnival of Rust and stupidly going… Can’t use that… Bertie used it.  And that sounds stupid.  And that doesn’t even put to mind anything to do with the plot. Is that even spelled right?)  Hope someone will enjoy this.  If you are interested, the prologue is up in the Facebook Group.  Use the banner above to be taken to the group. (just to be extra sneaky)


I am trying to be good, but I often sound like the Black Knight, in insisting it is only a scratch… But my betas (yeah even the new ones, and the ladies who joined us over on the Food Blog!) have long caught on to my little idiosyncracies.  So I will be checking the other sites to see if they are caught up.  Then back to bed for me.  And hopefully maybe some work done on the laptop, but it all depends on how I am feeling.

I am shooting for full recovery from the drugs soon. And hopefully, my body can figure out the middle between no sleep and too much sleep. I just want to be kinda normal.  kinda…

As for my tooth?  Yeah, that sucker is on Aleve now.  I’m back to being able to drink through a straw so I am enjoying the hell out of my SodaStream drink.  Yeah, I am weird I can’t drink soda unless out of a straw or once in a while, an 18 ounce or whatever bottle.  Sensitive teeth.

And the pets?

Stormy is ruling the house.  Literally.  Family begs me to get back in the office since she will come in here and just sleep with me.  Or play with Tucker.  Whichever, It is better than her running along the backs of chairs, down a chair then across the chairs to start her track again.  She also has decided to like my dad’s water.  No matter what flavours he puts into it.  She sleeps in the bedroom on M or beside me.  Depends on her mood.

Connor is well… Connor.  He begs to be in the room so he can’t be blamed for Murphy tearing up stuff.  It is a surefire way to know something is torn apart.  He also, if in the room, will sleep the entire night between M and me.  We need a bigger bed.  Coming next month will start us getting him ready for the trip.  He will enjoy that, since he will have new dogs to play with, and maybe, just maybe he can play with mom and dad without M butting in.  (Well he won’t have Murphy since he is staying here with his owners, but there are two other dogs, one of them a golden….)

Murphy?  He likes my rugs in the bathroom.  We have to keep the bathroom door open to allow the AC to run correctly.  Don’t ask, it works is all I know.  He also prefers to sleep on the floor in our room, on an Avengers blanket we bought for Connor.  If we open our door at night, nothing happens, but we get little room on the bed.  We may need to look to buying a king so we have room! But Murphy thinks he sleeps on the bed, but he gets down each time.  He also is bad with his paws, going so far to hit me Monday on my jaw that was operated on.  He is still a work in progress.  We are still teaching him that jumping up and not landing on anyone is ok.  But the other is not.

That is everything on my side.  I am going to get this off.  I appreciate you guys still reading these things.



FanFiction Exchange

FanFiction Exchange


I lied.


Sorry!!!  But I had to!!!  I already had a great alibi, my story was not done until after the submission date. In fact due to the awesomeness of my new beta, we ended up taking to the very last day, but she came through and busted out this story.


So I was not given a lot to go on.  And my brain wanted E/S/G.  So I sat here for a week or two (not sure it is all a blur in my head) telling my family I was hating not knowing what to write about.  I listened to music, I looked at millions of pics.  Anything to find inspiration to write this fic.


And then one night, I was listening to Between the Raindrops by Lifehouse, and the beginning hit me.  And I went with it. NO idea what it would become, I let the muse have the reins and just sat down to enjoy the ride.

Then I got nervous and told my betas.  My pre-readers Royal Ember and 4Padfoot stepped up to read it.  And they encouraged me to keep on it. That it was brand new idea to the fandom.  MissRissa81 was there checking it out, and making sure I wasn’t skipping anything as I wrote.  And they pushed me to finish it.  They wanted to know what was going to happen.

I never wanted a 27 chapter story.  I wanted something short, that way I could get it written, edited and beta’d before it was due.  But did my muse listen?  No.

But I did celebrate the day I finished the writing.  Then the next day, I got on the story to edit it.  Many things are added to the editing process.  Jason was given more time in the story to cover some blanks.  I fixed the second lemon to be better.  And over a couple thousand words were added. And I ran it all through Grammarly.  I learned some things from doing it.  I do recommend it to new authors, or authors like me who don’t understand things.  In addition, it gave me a huge boost when it started to send me the results each week of my work.  Seems I use more vocabulary than 98% of it’s users.  Go me!!! And I write a lot more.

At first, we had time, and I was doing the chapters here where the Beta will correct to make sure they were done.  Then I got sick.  Yeah, no fun and the pressure was on me and I just felt terrible. As soon as I could, I was in here in the office, on the laptop, anywhere to finish editing and posting for my beta.  I got done, and I went off to relax.  My beta was all set to work on the chapters, and then her internet went down.

She stayed up to I think 3 or 4 in the morning my time, to finish betaing the chapters.  I was right there with her, blearily blinking my eyes, but as she finished a chapter, I would strip it from anything that is my normal practice on posting and send the watered down chapters (not the content, just no title, no previous, and so on that I do) to the Queen of Area Five.

And she was awesome throughout this thing.  I told her where I was and she pushed out my submission as far as she could so I could finish.

I have to say I liked the result.  There is a little Doctor Who for anyone who watches it (10th doctor!!).  If you ever are curious, that episode is how Lucifer escaped.  There is Asimov in there.  There is many examples of what shapes me to who I am in this fic.  The muse dipped deeply in my subconscious for this one, and I was quite amused on how it came out.  I never got to use the InuYoukai that I found.

I own NONE of the pictures I used for this fic.  As often as I could, I used the artist’s copyright in the banner and left any signs they made it there.  Unfortunately, since I was going so freaking fast, I didn’t get the links to the original pics.  If anyone wants them, I can try to find them for you.

Now, I am still working on linking all of this, as well as adding the pictures, making banners (for both the chapters and the characters.)  Since I will be out as of Wednesday, I am going to be posting this all at once everywhere.  So as I work, this story will be added to until it is done here.

Crossing 1b

Here is the main page, and you can start there.  If you don’t mind, leave a review.  This story was so outside my normal, I want to hear your thoughts on it.  It is finished, and posted over on the Fanfic Exchange.  I will be working REALLY hard to post this here and the other places.

Hope you enjoy this, especially Natsgrl1.  I pushed myself to make sure it is a story worthy of your awesome talents!!

And Huge thanks to Queen of Area 5, for not only working with me, but for writing my own story!!!!  I loved it!!!

Eric-Gif Signature

New Story!

New Story!


I’ve hinted about it a few times, and then today happened.  Yes, the LoTR/Twilight crossover, The Sun Holds the Moon is now ready for you to read.

Now please remember, that all these stories are only edited to what I had written in my files until I started the database.  There are a few stories for me to work on when I am done with the database.  Dying has two more chapters for me to work on, then there is Clocks and Best that need to be worked on.

And…  umm…well.  I had a need to write to get over something that happened, and so I did.  Something new. The betas are going gaga over it, and I have no idea where I am going with it.  But I cannot wait for a certain part that the muse came up with last night.  I just have to write until then.

Think of it this way, there are stories being moved from the Coming Soon to Active, so I had to put something down there right? *sheepish look*

Back to this story.

This story came up 2 years ago when my mom had gone into surgery for her breast cancer.  She was bored, not able to do anything afterwards, and before I left for AZ (with her blessing since there was much more going on) so I would go over to my cousin’s house to entertain her while she was recovering from the surgery.

She was asking questions about the stories I was working on, and wanted to know how I came up with ideas.  I told her I had an idea, one that has LoTR and Twilight (Bella) that I dreamed.  She wanted me to tell her, so I started this story.  I spent days sitting in a chair just telling her this story, and she was frankly amazed.  I told her the muse usually starts me with information, and from there I expand it.  She  requested a few things, one that Jensen Ackles be in it, and that I write it up for her. I also added one element on my own after the Hobbit came out.  Blame my parents and their obsession with MI6!

Unfortunately, when I got to Arizona,  All I Want came out, but I did write enough of this to come back to it.  Since then, I seem to work more on editing and not writing, which is why I am changing things up.  But I am finally getting around to publishing this.  Since I really have little chapters for it, I may make it every other week, depending how this week ends up and your response. I think there are 5 chapters for this one so far, but we are looking at EPIC people.

So here is the story I dedicate to my mother, and her brave (and successful!) fight against cancer as my small contribution to combat the boredom afterwards.

The Sun Hold the Moon 2

Description: Things go differently for Bella when Edward leaves, and after college, she leaves to travel through the mountains.  Imagine when she wakens to a whole new world that only had been hinted at in a book that is regarded as fantasy.

 Thanks to Carb0408, she is the one who made the banner on the front page for current chapters, as well as the slider banner for this story.

Many thanks to for her work betaing:Lorelei-beta-1

Here is the first chapter:


Thanks for your support, and I will see you later!





So.  Today I am working on the database (And grumbling since I had to manually correct 130 entries for authors on what fandom they are in) and Miss Meridian, her royal highness, popped up on my Facebook.  Seems she had a few questions.

Meridan "The Queen"

Meridan “The Queen”

I thought we were just conversing, cause we do that a lot.  And frankly I was all like, save me from the monotony of adding TB/SVM to 135 entries, PLEASE!!!   Instead she is asking questions.  But I bet you guys wouldn’t care about that right?

I mean the Beta for two of the most liked fics asking me clarifying questions on a story that she got her hands on wouldn’t interest you guys. (more…)



Snoopy Dancing

YEAH!!!!  I got to sleep in!!! OMG it felt so good.  Not to rush out of bed, to take out puppies and so on.

So today is the day I know at least the ladies in the Kittyinaz Facebook Page have been waiting on.  They have been teased about this story for awhile, and I know they will be happy to finally be able to read this one in the full unedited version!

Yes.  The Mummy/Twilight Crossover is now happening!  The first chapter sets up the theme, the idea of the story. This is a short one for me, but it will consist of three minor stories in one.  The first one is done, and I am working on editing it right now.  Well I would be but it’s the weekend and I am normally working on Anthem of the Angels universe.  I need to write more stories for it, and I will be doing that right after I post this and do all the sharing and so on.

Light Up The Path

There is the cover page…

And for those ladies who have been following this the entire time:

Chapter 1 Light

Click on the appropriate banner to get where you need to.  There is a character page, and as I go through editing, I will be adding characters I think you need to know.


Well you know these.  I will just do the Amazon link in case you guys are shopping online.


So enjoy your Saturday, and while it is short, I can’t wait to see your impressions.  And Mucho Gracias go to MistressJessica1028 who beta’d this bad boy.  And to the ladies in the Beta chat who encouraged me to write this when even I was going… WTH?  Thanks for taking a chance with me ladies!

Have Fun!

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