Yes, This is Shocking to Me too!

Yes, This is Shocking to Me too!

Aos Si 1

So here I am, with the first chapter being published on Aos Si, since I last wrote on it.

I never expected to be able to jump kinda right back in.  I say kinda, since I spent days researching what I had written before, writing up stats and worrying about other things.

Worrying seems to be the new default for hubby and I.  But, we will get through this and I am doing my side of our agreement.

For those that may have forgotten, or have joined since then, Only pre-readers who review chapters are accepted.  The reason is for to get feedback on the chapters.  They are REALLY rough.  These pre-readers get to see how stories are before I go back and add everything.  I literally write these out, come out here and save the chapter.  This is what I normally do with chapters when I am in the writing mode.  I write out my ideas and the movie in my head.  I try to add what I can but there is a limit.

I can tell you how rough they are, when I went back to read the chapters published already.  Oops… There are alot of oops… Words missing, wrong words used and so on.  I normally catch these when I am editing, or even my betas have had to come back and ask, Huh?  It’s why I use beta’s.  Not only they make the grammar part pretty, they are another set of eyes that can see what I am missing.

But each of the pre-readers HAVE to leave a review about the chapter.  If they do not, we do have to tell them that we are no longer allowing them to read it.  Pre-reading is to help me when I go back and edit these things, (which only the betas will see at that point) I can see what is going on, and what they are thinking.  If it is the direction I want it to go, then I am all for leaving in things.  If it is not described enough and makes them go ‘huh?’ and not where I plan the huh’s to be, I know to make sure I clarify my point.

So without much ado, I will link the newest chapter to the car below.  (which is Jason’s)  The banner above will take you to the first chapter.

Jason and his car 1

If you are a pre-reader, and don’t know the password, well you can contact us, and once we verify you were a pre-reader, the passwords will be handed out.  But be aware, Rissa is sleeping.  (No waking her up!) and I am working on some stuff.  It may take awhile.





Ok… We are officially off track this week.

Give me a break please?

This week will be weird for me, since I am going to be switching over to the novel.  M (aka Mr. Kittyinaz, but he hates to be Kitty anything, so he wanted to be known as M.  I was going with PF, but he gave me the look for that one.) is thrilled to death I am going to work on my novel.  He is giving everyone a stern eye to back off, and let me work on this.  He has this idea it will allow him to retire.  Not quite dear.  But I will allow you the dream.

Before I get into anything else, I wish to say.    THANK YOU!!!!!!

I am so freaking honored to have these two stories nominated, much less EVER expected to place in these contests!!!  This encourages me to get back to what I love.. Writing.  And thanks so much to 4Padfoot for all her hard work.

So what does this mean for you guys?  It means my betas have chapters, I just didn’t finish up Dying to Start or any of the others, but I will work on them on the weekends.  I wanted to finish things, but time was escaping and with everything going on, I needed to just work.  I have my white board all cleaned off, ready for me to plot out ideas, the one note pages ready, and I will be going through to make up the bios for my characters and so forth.  I am NOT leaving any fandoms.

What I do need is some help on the database.  I was using my favorites on, and if someone would like to help out, I will be happy to let you know where I stopped.  They are out there for anyone to see anyways. There is no fear about duplicates since, I have programs that make short work of them.  Just frankly, I was doing all the work on the Fanfiction site, and while MissAliceUnsub was kind enough to help on the blogs, it is ALOT of work!!!  And to be truthful, a month of working on it is to much.  I have other things you guys like.

And to be absolutely truthful, the people who support me have submitted their information to me.  (If you haven’t well… you can ask me for the sheet and I will send it to you.)  But after this past week, I kinda feel like there is no reason for me to break my back and put off my readers who showed so much support for me.  I do so much, and even my friends are asking why.

As it is, I am looking for some positive reinforcement for the Reviews & Interviews I do on the Non-Canon Awards.  You guys have until the current crop is done.  If I don’t hear anything, then I am going to be thinking about telling the ladies over there I won’t be doing it anymore.  Here is the one I did for this week: Back and Forth


The things that will continue are the contests I host.  They make me feel good when I can help someone get their leg up on the wonderful feeling of writing and others liking it.  It truly is awesome, and I wish to continue to give that chance to the writers who are stumbling with writers block, or those that want to start.  I support more than TB/SVM fandoms.

For those that were Pre-readers before on my Original Fiction, check with Rissa on Facebook and she will organize all that.  You guys will see things being published as I finish things.  You are more than welcome to look through the information I supply.

As many of the authors probably saw, I am working on my emails.  I and down to 88 unread updates.  And none of those are for more than one story.  Yikes.  I am also trying to be better and leaving reviews.  I lost track of the reblogs, and decided to restart today.  Sorry.  My inbox is scaring me and my OCD is freaking out.  Not a good combo.

So I have my tea, a Connor on my feet.  A murphy sleeping, and who knows where Tucker is.  I am also making plans for the ball of fur coming my way.

Here is the chapter for today.  I know it should be Tin Man, but I am off by a day all week.  Hope you enjoy…


See you guys later.



New Brotherhood Characters Page

13Yep!! My awesome WordPress Whisperer has come through on something she has been working on for awhile.

She has redone the character page.

For those that don’t know.  The Brotherhood is my Original Fiction I am writing.  It is a series of interlocking stories in my universe that will lead up to a grand finale.  And then, it won’t be over.  I promise many HEA, but then, when don’t I?

Right now I am in the middle of writing the first one, Aos Si, or rather the long name Brotherhood of Aos Si.  I am looking to finish it here this month, after ED is done editing, then I will be editing it for publishing in December.

So, to tempt you guys, I have a chapter of Brotherhood of Kaschei  available to anyone who wants to read it.  As well as the bios that will be popping up.  Enjoy.  Also there are hints of other changes happening like songs added to the song lists for you to listen to them and so on.  All thanks to my wonderful, awesome WordPress Whisperer.

For those that wanted to know, Godric of In The End won this months Interview spot.  Until midnight CST on 10/16/2013 you can add your questions and vote on the ones you like the most.  The top five voted on questions will be used. No more, but no less.  If you want to see what the normal interview questions are, click here.  Also you can see Niall’s interview and if you look around.

I am off to edit.  Have fun!


New Aos Si Chapter! – Kelly Thorpe


Yep another chapter.  I am taking a small break, so you may see some chapters come around that will be edited.  No guaranteeing anything since my Muse really has this one in her teeth.  But I am in a mid point, and wanted to think of my next moves.   Also give my beta’s time to do their thing, some of them have been waiting for something to do.

I won’t be here tomorrow, so any posts will likely come from the Beta’s or wait until late that day when I do get home.  I get to go watch my nephew, so I am happy.  It will give me time to think more on Aos Si and get myself where I start moving some things behind the scenes.

Here is the Bio for Kelly!

Name: Kelly Thorpe. Age: 17 Species: Human Other Half: Sean McMillian

Bio: Kelly had been the typical rich girl being spoiled.  She had been bored not finding anyone who could be her friends for the right reason.  She ended up forging ID’s to get in with the crowd who partied and be trusted.  Luckily for her, She found Andy before she could be caught.

Kelly’s ID’s were works of art, and still are.  There are no difference in them from the real things.  She got paid top dollar.  But once she met Andy, That all changed.  Andy didn’t want her money, she didn’t want her connections, all she wanted is to be friends with the funny blonde.  And instead they became sisters.  Kelly’s parents soon fell in love with Andy and remade a suit of rooms to allow Andy to stay more often. Then they met the rest of the gang, and that changed everything.  Parties were fun to have, everyone pitched in to make it cost effective.  But at the same time, they loved all the time that the gang came over just to talk.  Kelly soon caught the interest of Sean, and they took their relationship slowly, until it was obvious to everyone.

Played by: Allison Mack

New Aos Si Chapter and a New Chapter for I Never…Did

Yep a two for one.   As many you know, I normally like to split these up into separate posts.  But for today, bear with me.  the pictures below will lead to their relative story.

As some of you may have noticed yesterday, WordPress was having issues.  Due to this happening, my Beta team leaped into the mess that is my site, and quickly realized when I told them I spent ALOT of time on my WordPress, I wasn’t kidding.  Luckily one of my Betas, 4PadFoot, well she is a secret lover of websites.  She got on her computers, and went to town to try to fix the issue.

Since then, I have talked with her, and she is happily taking over the website maintenance for me.  I will have writing, editing and making these posts left for me to do.  Can we say I did the snoopy dance?  Cause I did that, and have no problem admitting it.

So for the future, the site may be changing.  She is taking all the comments people are making for her input, since the site does not always look the same on all devices.  So meander over here and leave her a message on how awesome it looks, or if you have a suggestion.  Themes will be cycled through as we try to find one that will work as we wish, then she will be doing all those little things I never find the time to do.

Also. I am writing out Aos Si as fast as I can.  Once I am done with it, I plan to go back and really work on it when I go to AZ for a couple of weeks in December.  None of the stories are being forgotten.  I have ED ready for me to edit and hand off.  You’re is next on deck and so on.  I figure you want chapters, not filler until I get the time to write it.  So be patient.  This little fic I am writing is for to send out to try to see if I can write in other forums.  Since I write chaptery outlines, it takes awhile.  But I have not forgotten any of them and they will be all worked on!

Lots of things going on behind the scenes.  We are getting more organized, realizing that with all the readers we have, we gotta make this good!  So thanks for reading!!!

First up: Aos Si – Sean McMillian


Name: Sean McMillian, Age: 24 Species: Human Other Half: Kelly Thorpe

Bio: Sean is an Air Force Brat.  He has moved as many times as Andrea as his family moves from base to base. He had developed a love for genetics, they seem to be a great question of what is out there.  For him, he finds them easier than most. He had been in his senior year when he met Andrea.  He had to take a health class that he had somehow missed all this time, and he has never regretted it.

Over time, he has been very close to Andy, her mind amazes him as well as how she has opened up under the loving care from the group.  He knew Jason from rumors, but seeing the so called playboy fall so hard for the tiny girl had made him laugh.  Since then, Jason and Sean have become close.  Sean is also responsible for the group to get the credits for the college level classes they are going through.  He has also, over time become very fond of Andy’s best friend, Kelly.  He is the leader of those who have stayed around the group after graduation.  He is also the one who the group turns to with medical issues.  His calm demeanor is often a lie, hiding a mischievousness that is equally matched by Jason often.  And even though he is older, he and the rest of his group fall under Jason’s leadership.

Played by: Luke Mitchell

Next:  I Never…Did

Alexander Skarsgard 25

We got another chapter of this story ready to go!

Just a reminder, The links and such are going to be done by the Web Admin.  I have another of my ladies, who is in charge of the Betas, Meridian, who is going to spread my stories to the other sites.  So, my job is mostly to write and write and write.  Also Edit in there also.  I will be out of the house for once, so enjoy these presents! Thanks for your patience.


New Chapter for Aos Si – Andrea Larson

Nika Shatova 1

Another chapter of Aos Si!  And there is a MA rating.  I got some lemonade in this one for you.  Still waiting on the chapter to come back from the betas.  We are working some kinks out of the system we have changed to.  It’s all to help me do what I love, so all good!

Bio for today, Andrea Larson!

Name: Andrea Larson, (Drea or Andy) Age: 17 Species: ?? Other Half: Jason Smith

Bio: Andrea had moved many times in her life.  She had lived in Houston area since she had to leave Pittsburgh due to the Steel Mills shutting down.  She had shuttled between schools, then later when her parents split, she had been told to move to Galveston which was not good for her with the schools she had gone too.  School Rivalry huge in the deep South.

She had come to Tucson, basically tired and withdrawn.  That is until she met Jason.  He challenges her, and she comes to relish times they compete.  Jason moved himself into her classes that he cared to be in.  She tested so high she was in College level classes.  She thinks in math terms almost all the time.  Anything like Computer skills, Accounting or even memorizing the engineering information for her best friends father is a walk in the park.  She is very insecure, her family having stripped it from her.  She talks with Jason a lot as friends, they have discussed everything from news to their futures, including her wish for many children.

Played by: Victoria (Vika) Levina

Enjoy the chapter!
