New Chapter of In The End!

Eric on closed circuit tv

Yep you heard it here first!!! There is a new chapter of In The End up!! Click the pic for the link…. (And my new picture to stare at…. LOL!)

My awesome as always Beta, Faeregina, has worked her magic on this!  I was excited to read it and I’m the writer!  Sad huh?  But I am always looking forward to what she does with my work.  She understand this story so much it aint funny.  Which she should since it was started because of her and the hours we spent talking.

And by some weird twist of fate, I managed to get excited, run through the house on socked feet (Hardwood floors.  Really Hard wood floors…) trying to get to the TV and record Sherlock, and not break anything.  Remember folks, I broke my leg in two places, sprained my other foot, and tore all the tendons in the foot on the same leg that was broken by falling two freaking steps.  I broke my big toe (And the nail) the day before my gall bladder surgery kicking Marty (which meant no aspirin no nothing for the pain.).  Me falling and breaking things would not surprise anyone.

This trip was caused by who?  By my very own Faeregina who hooked me on Sherlock (And Once Upon a Time).  She told me we could talk after Sherlock and I ran out of the room to record it.  I didn’t get her message saying oops, I meant Elementary, until I came back from a frantic search.

Did I learn a lesson?  Heck no!!! And now I am off to put this chappie on FanFiction.  I just wanted to give you a laugh.. that’s all.


New In The End Chapter

Hello Women

Yep, you heard it, we have a new In The End chapter!! Super Beta to your rescue.  Seriously.  She got it at 4 this morning, did an freakawesome job on it, found a pic I couldn’t and had it ready for you guys.

Chapter 20

Also, I got another Beta.  Yes this is the day for Beta’s to come and help me!!! Our new one is missron80.  Welcome!!!! She is going to work on that dream sequence for Once Upon A Time.  This is making me excited!!!!

All that is left is Tin Man and a Twilighted Tea Shoppe.  Twilighted Tea Shoppe has been offered to someone who has been trying to find a story.  So anyone want Tin Man??  You have plenty of chapters ready for when you are ready?  Please anyone (begging) it’s the last one…

I am off to be editing for work to give these awesome Beta’s.


The Other One


Yep, here is the other chapter of In The End.  What cracked me up was that most of you were more worried about Niall than to say anything about the importance of the Bond being finished and them being married by Hades and Niall.

Ah well.  This starts the plot back on some familiar ground.  The plans are moving forward and while you will get some more E/S/G loving, it will mostly be the plot moving.

I have Chapter 3& 4 for Tea Shoppe up and ready to go.  Will work on some more there.  I also need to write the next chapters of What if, YAIAA4, & of course In The End.  Those are my ‘active’ stories, the ones I am actively working on.

If anyone wants to help me with my Tin Man story, I have tons of chapters waiting to go!! I just want someone to Beta for me.  I also have the Dream, but I am waiting until You’re All I Am Asking For to finish.

Enjoy your chapter!!!!


Read for Happy News!


Yep, I said happy news.  You are getting two chapters this weekend.  The first is right now.  Don’t get your hair all ruffled, there is a good reason!

The other will probably be tomorrow or Sunday.  The reason?  Besides me loving you guys?  Well after hours of discussion, and I do mean HOURS of discussion of what to do, my Beta and I decided to split this chapter.

Why?  Because this chapter, that you are receiving, ends an arc, not a major one, but an arc.  Next up starts the plot moving, and has a totally different feeling to it.  We wanted you guys to be happy.  No it’s not the Mating.  But it’s freaking important and you will be happy.  So enjoy the chapter, and I will post the next one later this weekend.

See ya later this weekend.  I am off to find pics because the next chapter had only one!!  Can leave that for you guys…


Oh Yeah!!! Its that time again!


Yep, It’s time for the new chapter of In The End!!!

New Chapter

Just to give you some story behind this one and the mental picture I had, the opening paragraph is actually inspired by a night I remember.  I was outside on my balcony in the Foothills of Tucson.  It was a cold clear night and I was looking up at the stars, thinking.  Then out of the desert I hear the howls of the Coyotes.  It just has stuck in my head for YEARS afterwards.  (I think the last time I was there all the area is under development now.)  I am just glad to be able to use the memory in my story!

My Beta also offered a song for that paragraph, Full Moon, Full of Love.  It is sung by K.D. Lang, or at least the version she could find for me.  I always entertain suggestions.  I know that is how some of my bands came about.  My brother is my other source.  He knows me pretty well and when I am stuck, he offers suggestions.  They may not work for that chapter, but for others they have.

I am working on Chapter 22.  And for those that got answers in Reviews, I needed the pick me up!! For some reason this chapter is kicking my butt.  So positive things were needed, and your reviews helped a lot.  But I am finding myself in the quandary that I am now taking up to a full day to answer them.  So, If you ask a question, I will definitely answer.  For all the rest, if I can I will, if not, don’t think I don’t read them, or go back and read them for inspiration.

Right now, I am working on Chapters, catching up on my reading and will be working on getting Tea Shoppe up to snuff.  And my resolution is to finish it.  I also plan to work on some others, but I will keep ahead of this story.  It won’t be short…  If you can’t tell!

Also, thank you to all the people who read my posts and recs!  It is how stories get passed around is by word of mouth.  So I try to do my part and let you know what I am reading, and now that I can keep up, which authors I am aware of moving to WordPress.

So enjoy the Short Chapter.  Let me know what you think about all the new Characters, and yes, I am mean.  I gave HUGE hints to who the people are except the last 2.  I will tell you she is going to be a big player.  Think Norse is all I can say.

The pic is another rehash, sorry.  It’s not letting me load, and is restarting the website if I do, so I don’t really want to load this all over again.

Enjoy your chapter!


Choices, Choices.

Eric and Niall

I am getting ready to edit the new chapter.  Sorry, I have been caught up in Connor (Who doesn’t understand I don’t need to pay attention to him 24/7.) and  a new series.

I will answer reviews after I work on this, like I said, I have been caught up reading a series.  Oops.  But I HAVE written on a new chapter this week.

Also, this coming chapter is either going to be short, or it will take me awhile to edit.  I have 6…SIX new characters to write about.  Yeah it one of those chapters… But you guys are wanting hints about what is going on behind the scenes?  Right?

Facebook fans have a pic that you guys don’t have.  It is one of those 6 characters.  (What the heck was I thinking in introducing six new ones??  Outta my head at the time!)

After that I will be off completing that chapter.  And praying since my parents are both coming down with another round of whatever.  I am trying to stay healthy.  Eating 3 times a day and so on.  Crossing fingers, not allowing a black cat to cross my path.  You know everything!!!

I thought you might like the above pic, yes right now I can upload…. Who knows how long it will last.

If anyone is wondering what has captured my attention.  Well it isn’t the Multiverse, which is normally where I have been.  Nor is it Texan Lady.  It is Carroll E. Stewart.  She is writing a TB that I am following.  But I went into her profile… And I am caught.  She is great…  I am only chapter 72 of 77 of I am not an Architect. Click her name to go to her profile.  She explains there so much better.