Monday! (Shh!!!!  Just go with it!)

Monday! (Shh!!!! Just go with it!)


How was everyone’s weekend?  I’m doing great, my tea is ready, a Gif to blow your mind… it’s great!

Mine was busy.  Seemed the easy button made it… well, easy, to get to be a member of the Facebook Group.  Welcome again to the group!   For any who want to join, there is a nifty button on the right that says Facebook Group.  You click it, OR any of the teasers, and you will be taken there.

So, hopefully when you get this, I will be back home, but in case I am not, I am writing this early.  The beta is hard at work at the chapter, and when she is done with it, I will be publishing it.  Since I have NO idea how to get a link for it before it is published, I will have to rely on someone else to do that for me.

So what else is going on?  I think I told you that I have a beta for the LOTR stuff, and once I am done here, I will be looking over the submission from another beta for the Charmed one.  I am looking forward to this, since the lady thinks she will be mean.  pshew…  They haven’t met Meridian or MistressJessica!  Those ladies are tough on me, and I love every moment of it!

I am looking through a book and will be doing ‘homework’ while I am gone. Not long, just some RL drama we are trying to fix.  But I am doing my share to help.  I also had a scare yesterday, seems we might have poison Ivy in the backyard, and I was highly allergic.  Like so bad Doctors were legitimately scared I might die.  I remember being miserable.  And I had to deal with it year after year…  Ugh.   Hate is a slight word.  And when my hubs saw something that looked like it, I was sent inside immediately.  Once everything is worked out, they will be going through and trying to get rid of the stuff.  You can’t burn it, cause that is how we found I was being infected.  So they (The males of the family) will be going through it and pulling it up.  Ugh.  I hate the stuff with a passion, but we have to worry about the dogs running through it once the fence is up.

I am such trouble.

Otherwise, everything has been going great.  I am working on Tin Man, have two chapters of that left, big chapters, but only two.  Then I will be working on the Revelations.  That should be easy, the beta sent me all the chapters, I am just going through and answering or rewording things.  After that I will see how my betas are doing, and seeing which of Clocks or Dying to Start Again will be worked on.  Almost there.   Already thinking of my story and going over ideas.



Less than a week for the submissions in the February Writing Contest!  I am divided on the songs, since that is the next one for you guys.  I had a lot of information on pictures, and agreed on a choice.  So we are good to go for a little while.  I can’t see what people got for us this time!!!!


Amazon is a real helper.  We are awaiting the downfall from December to hit my account so that we can add music to the chapters.  I will keep with the MP3 player on the side in case any want to buy the songs.  I have been told you can add them to iTunes.  I know I did it once for a CD from Trading Yesterday.  So it can be used for anything.


My boards are getting whiter and whiter… I will click a picture for you sometime.  We are hitting the end!! With that in mind (if you even read this far) click on the banner above to get to the chapter!  Enjoy!

P.S. Obviously I did this for yesterday’s post, and I will just say we have updated more Tin Man stuff also.  Have fun with the chapter.

Eric-Gif Signature

Results Are In & New Chapter!

Results Are In & New Chapter!



The results are in for the January 2015 Writing Challenge.  And I will admit, I was so shocked on who wrote what!!!

It is my honor to host these contest and read these amazing stories.  I love that not even I can tell who writes what, and some are often my betas!  This time, without knowing who won what, I read the results from the golden envelope 4Padfoot gave me, and asked the betas, if we can do 4 places.  You made your opinion clear, and we acted on it!!  Yes.. There are 4 places… And there were over 200 votes!

Just so you know, Charissa is the one in charge of the entries, and giving me the stories, and then when I am ready for the names, gives me them for the banners.  She gives them to me after 4Padfoot sends me the results.  And they send them in separate Messages, so no one but I am the one to know everything at the end.  Yeah complicated, but it works for it!

Without much ado, here are the winners:

Writers, feel free to respond to your reviews, and to grab the banners with your name on them.  They are now yours, and I very gratefully thank you all for participating in the contest.  I hope you are inspired in the future by a contest.

Writing Chlannge 2015

To read the entries again, please click on the above banner to be taken to the contest page.  I updated everything, and many thanks to 4Padfoot for all her hardwork to make the site look awesome.  She made it a breeze to get through the updating.

For those that were wondering where the chapters went, well HP is delayed until this week’s posting. When I tell you RL takes precedence, I am not kidding.  The chapter is ready, but I will publish it Friday, and hope the beta in charge of the story has a chance to get better.  My betas health is more important than getting chapters out.

Today’s was another instance.  But the beta had it ready for me late yesterday, but I am not on the computer on Sundays.  I will say that I cheered this chapter.  Eric gets a haircut!!  I have tons of pictures of him with short hair, but hardly any of him with the long hair as you guys could probably be able to tell.  So from now on, I will be able to dip into my artsy side for the chapter banners.

As for where I am, I am working on Tin Man, which will probably go pretty quickly.  Then I will be getting the rest of the stories out.  It may a couple of weeks, but we will see the rest of the chapters come out from the betas.  Hopefully, I will be working on the original story at that time.

Once I am done with the rough draft, I will be starting on the other stories, but there will be a short time until I undertake editing, my old way adding lots of stuff to it, and then I will have to figure out what to do with the finished thing.  Well after the betas all get their hands on it.  Yes, I am not taking a chance, and with all the wonderful betas I have, I am hoping that it will be pretty good.

As for personally, all I can say is that the weather.  WE will be going from 76 yesterday to 30’s today.  And for the next few days we will be cold, then warm up then repeat.  Mamakitty has already gotten bronchitis from the wonderful weather and DadKitty is getting sick.  ::knocking on wood:: that my hubby and I don’t catch it.  Flu season has hit Houston badly, and it doesn’t look like the weather will be helping!

But I have a warm Connor on my feet, my fingerless gloves on, and I am working on staying healthy.  I need to get to writing the new stuff for all our sakes!


Click on any of the Amazon ad’s around, to be taken to the site with my tag and I will get credit.  Also, Don’t forget, I add the newest songs for the chapters I update on the mp3.  4Padfoot and I were talking about trying to add the music to the chapters also.  Unfortunately, due to the weather on her end, we had to sideline that right now.  Stinkin’ weather!


There is a contest over at the Non-Canon Awards going on for crossovers.  As a judge, I cannot enter, but I encourage you all to enter!  It has been extended…

Quote d

The February Writing Contest is up and waiting on entries.


I think that is everything.  Enjoy the chapters!

Eric-Gif Signature

Back to Your Normally Scheduled…schedule?

Back to Your Normally Scheduled…schedule?


Yes!  This chapter was brought to you by the amazing beta Mknue!  She gave it to me early, so I got to schedule this.  And you know what that means right?  Yep.  The chapter posted early.  This time 2 hours earlier than the post.

If you were in the Kittyinaz Group, you would know this.  I posted the notice at 1:27am Sunday.  Just saying!

Ok,, what else is going on?  Oh yeah!! The banners were updated on this site with the chapters of stories that are or should be updating. (By the way did you know you can click on the banner and be taken to the cover page for the story?  4Padfoot is just that awesome!!!) I will be also changing the song (Since I am writing this on Sunday at about 1:30 am.. well you can see the mix up of tenses!) on the side to reflect the song on this chapter.

I did nothing as far as I know on Sunday for editing, I will probably still be reading the chapters and spending the time with family.  There is talk of pedicures and so on.

I hate making this so short, but it is hard writing for the future.   I wish I could write from the future to the past, I would give everyone the lottery numbers.  After I got it and shared with my betas.  Hey!  They deserve it!!!

This chapter is moving forward with the hits.  I chuckled all the way through reading it.  And there is character advancement.  And if no one has noticed, I have changed the Sookie.  She is changing, it is mentioned a couple of times.  But there is old Sookie (Anna Paquin) still there.  It’s not easy to do this, I am NOT good at this stuff.


Enjoy the chapter and I will see the lovely reviews you leave on Monday, and it will hopefully motivate me to get up.  And work on Stories to see if I can get those chapters all done.

Chapter brought by:

marnie-hatter-large Beta

Have a great day!

Eric-Gif Signature

Oops!  I didn’t do it!

Oops! I didn’t do it!



I was going to work on stuff yesterday.. but my husband went nope.

See, Sundays were instituted as my days off the computer by my betas.  They got pretty strict on me for awhile.  And it seems Mr Kittyinaz started to think of them as his days.  And since this past weekend was spent with everyone but him, he declared yesterday that there was no way for me to work on stuff.

There went my plans!!!!

Ok.. So here is the good news, there is another chapter of AIW!!! (more…)


4516907+_399006ae911162c87d0d42cdbd6a1f45Dang.. I am really sorry on dropping the ball yesterday.

See, I didn’t know until I went to take the pills last night, and noticing that the Sunday pills had been taken already.  Oops…  I blame Mr. Kittyinaz.  He had the day off, and Sunday we had spent the day cleaning out the garage.  We went to barely pulling in my Traverse, to allowing 2 cars in the garage.  Lots of work… (more…)