New Chapter of What If!

New Chapter of What If!

What If 1

You kinda remember this story right?  It was one of the first ones posted to this site, and then I ended up not writing more on it.  Until last year.

I was trying to finish it, but I ended up having a hard time with one of the characters.  After a long fight with them, well I am going with the muse.  Some of you will be upset, but if you read my other stories, there is a hint to the one character I cannot seem to make fit in.  And for once, it is not Edward.  He is behaving…

So I have this chapter ready.  I figured since you guys have been patiently awaiting it, I will give it to you today, but I think I will put it on the rotation for Thursdays.  I already have the next one beta’d I just need to work on the questions she has for me.  It will be up next week.

Many huge thanks to the beta: mags-eric




Without much ado, here it is:


Enjoy the chapter!!


Happy Cyber Monday!!!

Happy Cyber Monday!!!


LMAO….  ok how many of you went crazy this past weekend?  I didn’t get to, but this coming weekend I will be out of commission as I shop my heart out for Christmas.

So… You know what day it is right?!?!?!  Yep.  Monday.  And instead of offering you a special deal of 99% off, I will give you instead a free gift!  A Chapter of AIW!

Chapter 12 AIW 5

Click on the banner to get there, the links will be active once the WordPress Whisperer whispers cunningly to the internet and makes them magically appear.

Yeah, I am in a good mood.  LOL.  I be you guys couldn’t tell could you???  Why?

Because for one thing, it is Christmas.  My favorite time of the year.  The good vibes off everyone is enough to make anyone smile.  To have Christmas songs playing (Joy to the World by Faith Hill right now!!)  I was happier until I sat up and realized that I have downsized a pillow from the attentions of Murphy and Connor.  Ah well.  It’s just money.


Ok so this past week when we were supposed to be all doing the holiday thing, some things went down.  To answer the questions I am still getting, here is a break down:

  • Yes, I am phasing out  This week will be the last chapter for All I Want on that site.  I will be publishing the beginning of stories, and that is all.  If it comes to the need to delete stuff, then the story is no longer being published there. I will continue publishing here everything.  TWCS is another site that hosts my stories as well as A03 and FictionPad.  But they are all published here first.
  • Yes, I am pulling all the Tea Shoppes and stories that have to do with it.  This will happen on Wednesday.  After a long discussion, my betas convinced me it really is good enough to publish.  I didn’t think so.  It has not ended, so it will be sold as a book instead.
  • I am still writing FanFiction.  In fact, last night I finished editing the Mummy.  And was very upset with myself for leading into the sequel.  If I can wrangle the time before I need to do anything, I will start on IND.  I find I can edit on my laptop better since I am not talking to everyone.  I don’t like to edit.  So I am easily distracted.  oops.
  • I also edited a one shot Gyllene loves, so it is off to the betas.
  • After IND, Clocks is being edited.  I plan to have EVERY story I have updates for to be sent off to the Betas soon.  So expect more and more to show up for you guys.
  • Best was opened, but was found to be too tiring for me at 2am to work on.  I expect you will be finding that one sent off soon also.
  • We started a new Facebook group for those who are switching over to WordPress, or who are users of it who wish to find new tricks, talk over issues they are having or so forth.  It is a open group, and as people join and ask, we will discuss some items.  I did some tutorial screen shots to show how to add media, how to use shortlinks and how to embed links in posts and pages through the use of either pictures or words. It is called WordPress Help for FanFiction

That is the questions I received this week.  Here are your answers.  Nothing else is being removed at this point.  I am planning on finishing all the stories.  The reason Tea Shoppe was pulled cause it was an original story being set to the fanfiction worlds.

We held our monthly Banner Contest over in the Kittyinaz Facebook Group.  Members who wish to participate often submit their entries when I open the contest up.  This month was harder due to the holiday.  The first place is the banner of the month on the group page, and 2nd place is the banner for the Kittyinaz Facebook Page.  Please see the Banners below to be taken to the pages.  Congrats to our winner!  (PS, no the banner does not snow on the Facebook Page.  But I use these as opportunities to try new things!)

Bexie - The Best is Yet To Come

Bexie – The Best is Yet To Come

Kittyinaz - You're All I Am Asking For

Kittyinaz – You’re All I Am Asking For

For past entries, please go here to see them.

Kill Bill Contest:

Kill Bill

I received one entry.  If you had forgotten, you have until midnight to get in your entry, otherwise the one entry wins.  Because of the response… This is the last Kill Bill.  I will work to find the theme for this month’s contest.  I am thinking Christmas….


Amazon.. It is shopping season, and please if you use Amazon, use the link above in the banner to buy from them.  It helps me out and does nothing but may help you.  For those that rather copy and paste, here is the link: Thanks!!


Good news on that front.  He got his shots on Saturday with the normal Vet we use.  They are trying to find some flea medicine to use with him since the medication on his mange is really strong.  His fur is coming in, and you have above adorable pics last night as he slept while I edited.  And yes, that is his tongue sticking out.  He is getting the idea of house training, he is actually going to people before he goes inside.  The problem is we have no idea if it is for affection or to go out.  But he is telling us!

For now, I will let you soak in these things as I introduce the Person of the Week!

Person of the Week_edited-1

This week is Naima Demars.

This woman is amazing.  She has never failed to help out in anything we have asked, or to take up causes she finds.  If you are on Facebook, you know this woman as the person who shares updates on FanFiction Lovers as well as SVM/TB FanFiction.  She was the one who spread the word on the You Got Blood Awards, and who also helped spread the word on the Plagarists.  I even saw her comments on the person’s stories that she told them which stories they stole it from!!!!

She is so very loyal to those she sees as friends.  Even though English is not her first language, she works with us English speakers.  I am constantly amazed.

So please, leave her a kind word on her wall in Facebook.  She more than deserves the credit for working to see the SVM/TB Fandom not dying as many have seem to have done.  We well appreciate her efforts and continue writing, knowing she will be there cheering us on!

Have fun this week, and I will see if I can get a IND chapter done now.

Eric-Gif Signature

Removal of a Story

Due to the rise in plagiarism combined with the fear of censorship (it’s REALLY racy), my beta team and I have discussed pulling this story and holding it to publish as an original fiction.

After much arguing, they finally got it through my thick skull that it is good enough to be an original work.

So, you guys have until next updating (Dec 3) to read this. Then it will be taken down in all incarnations of it.

Sorry to all of you who wanted this to end here, but the work going into it is going to be huge. And with people stealing work and so forth, I just don’t trust people. Right now, there is no ending written in stone yet, but when you buy the book you can find out how it goes down…


New Wisdom Chapter

New Wisdom Chapter

Wisdom FFN 1

Have you ever had one of those days that nothing seemed to go right?  That was yesterday.  I got to the point that I was ready to throw my hand sup and say fuck it.  Yes.  I actually said the word instead of Duck.  That should tell you that I didn’t care about Autotcorrect, to say what I wanted, I would fight the damn thing.

My phone was acting up.  And wouldn’t sync a new song that I have drove everyone crazy trying to guess this song from NFL games and Marty’s Madden 15.  All I could hear was the damn beat, however, I wanted the song.  It ended up being Dangerous by Big Data.  Thank you Siri.  When a song catches my attention with the beat, it is safe to say it is on it’s way to inspire a chapter or something that I will be typing huge amounts of words when I figure out what story it fits.  Right now.. the next You’re (which is not on the board to start) is playing around since I could see the song being perfect for Damon…..

Anywho, I wanted the song on my phone.  I ended up having to reset the entire phone, which happened after I ended up deleting my major playlist off my computer from my phone.  WTFH?!?!?!?!


Oh yes.  There was a lot of that going on….  And cussing and so on.  So I had to rebuild the dang list, and do you know how hard that is?!?! It is an ongoing piece of work, that I delete songs and add songs on all the time.  I basically didn’t load the ones I know I have kicked off the list for sure, but I am having to listen to them all and am continually deleting songs.  To give you an idea, this is the list I normally put anything that may inspire me to write more.  Instead of allowing it to run in the background until my subconscious clicks and screams with the voice of one of the muses, “THERE!!! That ONE.  Use IT!!!!”   Yes, they scream loudly.

During this, my dad was home, complaining how Murphy, who we have had for 2 weeks now, isn’t potty trained yet.  Really?!?!?!? Cue another head bang.

Banging head 2

Then I remembered that I didn’t finish the chapter for this week’s Cross The Line.  I left off to finish that one, ready to turn the above head bang into other outlets, and instead, my muse came out of left field.  She laughed at my ideas of where the story was going to go, and forcefully wrenched my head out of planning tortures and the like, to the course she decided on.  I was not happy.  I wanted to let lose Gabriel and allow him to have fun.  Oh what she did was Amazing, it was Stupendous!! It blew me away and I love it.  But I wanted to torture someone.

In the attempt to save something from my brain, I won’t bang my head anymore.  Never mind that crap.  Pillow anyone?!?!


There that is better… and it makes you want to bang your head more s you look at it…

So I went to make dinner, while still fighting with my phone for not loading 500+ songs for unknown reason.  But it did load the song I was after.  Win or lose?!?!

But I did find some songs like Candy and some others I had forgotten I owned.  For good and bad.  Some I am still trying to figure out who loaded them on my computer.


Matter went on to make yesterday where my head hurt too much to head bang.

Cue today.  Dogs.  Yes Plural.  Connor included, decided that today would be a day to test mommy.  TO pee on the floor.  Where I know who did what…

Then I noticed that I didn’t make FFN banners for my stories Wisdom, lost and found the Mummy one, and for the hell of it, made one for the Songs of Alice.   Up above is the one for Wisdom, and as I mentioned I found the Mummy one and it is loaded.   The Alice one?  Yeah I got fancy and make a collage.  I make them, I don’t have photoshop do them.  I made it way too hard on myself in the end.  Typical.

We can’t forget the family drama, that if I wrote it up, you wouldn’t believe it.  Any of it.  And next week it will be part of the Thanksgiving holiday.  Oh Joy.


That is my life.  In two lousy days this has come down on me, and I am ready to run for the hills.  And they call me crazy?!?  You have to be to deal with all this!!

But… Bertie Bott, who is having her own set of woes, worked to give you this chapter.  She worked HARD!!!!  SO you need to give her kudos.  I will when she comes back.  I just hope she didn’t decide to run off on me…

Chapter 4 Wisdom 3

So click on the banner above for the new chapter.  We have 2 more before this part of the story is done.  I am STILL trying to work on Mummy, and then move on to Heavenly get a one shot out, and all the fun we have going on.

After the Mummy’s post, this site will be pretty much quiet.  I gave the time off, and I will be using some of it to relax, to get ahead of my awesome betas, and to deal with the above mess while I cook for people.

So reminders!


Please use the link.  Costs you nothing, gives me money for you clicking on it aka referring from my site.  Thanks!!!

Kill Bill

Kill Bill.  Due on the night of the 30th.

Banner contest for the Facebook ladies, it is a Christmas theme.  Have at it, and due on the 29th so we can vote on the banner for the month of December.

The interview.  Will be done once I can get back to IND.  I am trying!!!!

I think that is everything.  If I forgot… Sorry!!!  Enjoy the chapter!

Twilight-Gif Signature