Today is great Day!


Why?  Cause another installment of You’re is ready for you to read!!!  Damon looks at the readers, “Why you are still here not reading about me??”  (Shh!  They are reading my post then they will get to you!)

Don’t forget, it might get a little confusing, but here on WordPress, the chapter is posted first and next week this chapter will be making its way to other sites.  And if you were in the Group earlier today, you would see that I posted there when I got up I had hit publish….  Yes I know I am mean, but hey, it’s all good!

So what have I been up to?  Sleeping.  Oh yeah this past weekend I made a BUNCH of banners.  Go on to the Banner page under Other and you can see all the banners that have been made.  We were a busy group this past weekend.  I also had wedding stuff all weekend, and my body just gave out yesterday telling me staying up to 3am and getting up early was not going to cut it.  I am still in the process of negotiations, but it aint looking good for my night owl self.

Reminders.  Food Blog.  Tea Bog..  Amazon links.  Good enough?  Yeah.  Use them please!!  Specially the Amazon one!  You can bookmark the link.  It works.

So what is going on in the writing world?  Well I could give you a glimpse of my whiteboard, but that aint fun…  Why would you want all my notes written out for you to see?  But I will tell you Wisdom is coming to you in five chapter groups.   I am writing the last chapter of the Wisdom for the 1st part.  If you guys will want more, you can tell me.  Otherwise I will keep it the first 5.

After that is Clocks, then finishing the Twilight fic.   And finally the part you guys love, editing!!  Yep, I will be editing a bunch of stories, and you guys get to have new reading material.  And I will go off to finish my OF.   When I am done with that, I am hoping to work on more fics.

So I am busy as heck.  And of course Meridian keeps telling me rest, and I laugh and do my thing, and then days like yesterday happen when I am too tired to do anything but sleep.  She always has to be right.  Why do I bother arguing?

Many get wells are still being sent to the original beta of You’re.  And many huge thanks to Meridian for stepping in and getting this beta’d so she can rest and you guys can have your chapters.

Not the least, MANY THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO VOTED FOR ME!!!  Please see the Banners to see what places I got this time!! Thanks again!!

And many thanks to those who voted for our other ladies in the group!!

Enjoy the Chapter!


New You’re Chapter is Ready!

Damon 214

Yep you heard it here!  And let me tell you.  when Karen puts the warning that it is NSFW, she really means it!  Yes folks, we are talking that this chapter will not be as fun for those on FanFiction.  It is a MA pictures with MA scenes being described.

And if you had been wondering how I tied in the original books, a lot of it will become clear as you read it.

Now for happenings around the Kittyinaz block.

There are those fandoms voting we spoke of last week.  I would really appreciate it if you vote for me.  Pretty please?  And vote for all those great people that I listed.   They all deserve it.

Tea Blog, yeah think next week for that one.  Wedding people.  Big huge family wedding that will have guests here all weekend and throughout the week.  What does this mean?  Starting Friday (Because this snuck up on me, it really did somehow and I did think that I will mysteriously drop some weight.) I have to go out shopping.  Such a chore.  <sighs>  How am I to get through it?

The food blog bi-weekly thing I do will be late cause lets face it, no grocery shopping will be happening until AFTER the wedding stuff is taken care of.

untitledThe MamaKitty had some great news this week, she has been declared cancer free now.   We are so relieved, it has not soaked in yet.  As a reward, she is getting the house painted.  LOL. I get barky Connor all day, she gets a pretty house.  And I know what it coming, landscaping next.  yuck.  I hate pulling weeds.

The voting for the one shots for the challenge will be over tomorrow.  I think Robin’s time.  So go vote!  Make it exciting!!!!  There are some truly awesome stories out there! Make your voice be heard!

And there may be or may not be truth in a rumor that my group is up to something bug, huge even.  We may or maynot be kicking it around to see if any bugs fall out.  If you want to get in on something groundbreaking, get yourself hither to the Facebook Group!

Now go shoo.  There is a chapter to read, one shots to read and vote.  (And leave reviews on too!! They check for those!) and many fun things on the site.

We also have a new member to the admin group here at Kittyinaz. I want to welcome Gyllene to the group.  Seems Robin wanted a minion.  I guess she got tired of being mine.  So she got one.  This will be fun between the two, cause I can already tell you, they work awesomely together!

So enjoy!!


New You’re Chapter!


Yep.  It’s here.  And it has a story!  ( I know you are moaning and going to find the pic to click… but hey! My post!)

See I wrote this, and Sitalia25 has been the beta on it all this time.  Due to circumstances WAY beyond her control, and then us worried as hell about her, and then she told us to go ahead with it, she is going to concentrate on getting better, (Which I support one hundred percent!!!!!!!!!  I rather she came back for the sequels!  In prefect health!)  She is up to date on the Vampire Diaries and what is going on there and she talks with me a lot.

Then comes all this shit, and Meridian is taking over.  Now Meridian is the Queen Beta of all of it, and she does I Never…Did and the Set You Free Trilogy, as well as various one shots and the Interviews.  She is also in charge of the Betas which means she overlooks it all.  However, she doesn’t know Vampire Diaries.  She is getting brought up to date quickly, but she is looking at the story from an outside viewpoint, and came up with all these questions on this chapter.  So I went back and added over 2K words to make it make sense.

Then I told my betas that she did the right thing, and if they find issues, ASK!!!  Because I am in my own happy little worlds that I see everything.  I forget sometimes you guys can’t tell.  So I went back and helped clarify it all.

I know you guys have questions about how Jasper and Bella are related, and I will say it will be answered.  And it will be answered for Jasper and Bella.  Since they are not sure either, since Jasper doesn’t know what happened and how Bella is his family.

Right now I got a couple of reviews about a one shot I had done long ago, and it sparked something.  I am off to see what it can be.  For this is Friday, and I am writing this ahead of time, cause I am doing stuff tonight (seeing Captain America!), and then tomorrow I will be starting the spring clean of the house.  My mom is tired of all the piles of stuff in closets and hidden away everywhere.  I hate the smell coming from places, and since smells can make bad reactions, we will be having MamaKitty working on that part.

I will be doing my thing, organizing it all.  Knew I never should have done her office.

Going on around the website, Food Blog, Tea Blog, yeah I will try to work on those this weekend.  Sundays are my days off and I have found that I need them.  No computers, no Facebook, nothing but being with hubs.  Who is in the Doghouse right now, but still.  Nice.  They are often his only days off too, so it works out.

The contest for the Challenges ends 04/10/2014 at Robin’s midnight.  I would say mine, but she is in charge of the results.  Next weekend is the wedding, so I will be out of here from Friday and be back on Monday.  We have out of towners coming also, so it all is going to be fun.  I hope!

Sequels, I have been getting requests for them, and they are in the works.  I am actually trying to get rid of fics.  But as I am going back to one shots, I do read your reviews and think on them, so DON’T give up!

Now I am going to work on what I can before all the people start descending on me.  Connor is sleeping at my feet happy to have someone home with him and in a room he thinks is his.  Though Mommie cleaned up all the junk and threw away all but the least damaged toys.  So he may be moping.  Either way, he is quiet and I am going to write.


(Meridian says:  Get well soon Sitalia25 – we really miss you, but please don’t worry about beta’ing right now.  Your health is WAY more important!   But…can I borrow your Vampire Diaries brain?  Please??  I won’t hurt it….honest I won’t!!  And:  Madam Kittyinaz:  Your brain is brilliant – no ifs, ands, or buts about it!  You’d make a FANTASTIC evil genius! )

And now, on to the chapter:


Hmm What is This? An actual post?


Yes!!!  Thanks to Meridian.  She wanted to beta the chapter to make sure our Beta in charge of the story is resting easily and NOT tempted to work.  We’re nice that way. (Yes, Alicia, This is meant to make sure you get better!!! Health is WAYYY more important than stories.)

The Crossover site?  Yep it is being worked on, and I have already submitted stuff so they can play with the way they want to set it up.  I am really excited about this!

So please read, and don’t forget to look over the Amazon page, it really does help me out when you just click the link and make sure that Kittyinaz-20 is there when you appear on Amazon.  Kindle books, it all helps!  I know you may forget about it, but when things help the site out financially, it makes more things available.  Like maybe music videos and playlists and such.

Also, the Foodblog has a bi-weekly entry from me about what I shop for.  And if there are any new recipes on there, I post about them later.

Tea Blog.  I’ve been too sick to eat, much less drink tea, but I got a bunch of new teas in.  Ask the ladies in the Kittyinaz’s Facebook group, I can talk all day with you about teas.

The writing challenge for this month is over soon, so get over to the Facebook group and listen to the prompt this time.  Then get them submitted!! I am not allowed to play, but you guys get to.. and get some awesome banners out of it!!!

Enjoy the chapter!! And remember, the chapter won’t go out to the other sites until next week…..



Damon 78

This week, I took my office, that looked like below, and transformed it into something neat (See more pics below.)   My mom is working on her side of the room.  She already switched the desks around and is now seeing where she wants everything.

Yes, I went and repainted the entire room (times two, some spots three times, including the ceiling.) then scrubbed the freaking floor, (Actually scrubbed with dawn and hot water) cause we were going to patch up a spot on the ceiling, which we did, then my hubby bought the stuff to make it repopcorn, since the other popcorn was put up with glue.  Industrial type.  But the damn stuff exploded everywhere, and when he painted the ceiling to prep it for it, I told him  no.  But we had to clean the damn stuff off the floor, and instead we ended up being able to remove DECADES of paint on the wooden floors.  Thank god for Steam cleaners, cause it removed the Dawn from the floor.  However… it worked!!!

Thursday (Cause Wednesday was spent getting the paint and supplies, and prepping the room.) was spent crawling around the floor, painting the trim, then when I got back to the beginning, instead of having to wait like I was told, it was completely dry.  So I applied a second coat.  I also had to make a false bead on the floor cause the idiots had covered up the original to the house from 1920’s wood floors with, yep you guessed it, carpet.  Only to rip it out, but not fix the trim.  So yes, there is carpet still under the trim.  Along with all those years of paint.  Now we had decided NOT to redo the room, since I was going to be spending so much on furniture, and all we thought it needed was a coat of paint. ::Bangs head on desk::  As you can see, not true.  The prepping of the room should have warned us, since we spent the time sanding off sharp edges to the texture on the wall and filling oh so many holes.   I was thrilled when my hubby came home and decided after checking the trim himself, to tape off the room and paint.  Yes!! We may actually get done by Friday!!!!

And… I was disappointed to say the least.  I am not scared of color.  My bedroom is what they call navy suede.  the ‘suede’ parts look like you rubbed your hand the wrong way and there are so many shades of blue in that room, it isn’t funny.  The ceiling is painted another color of blue, one of the shades that came from the suede effect, with bright white trim on the crown molding.  The ceiling looks MUCH higher than it really is, as well as gives a floating feeling.  Which works, since it was our first ceiling to put in ourselves, and Marty has one of the boards flipped, which later gives us a wavy look to that section.  Hey, live and learn!  But the reason I am saying this, is to give you an example of how I am.  And I was disappointed in the color of the room.  I was shooting for soft dove gray.  2 shades darker.  I got a soft gray.  Real soft, like almost white over the blue that was there before (faded denim).  I went to bed, upset.  We had also tried to remove the popcorn ceiling and nothing was going our way.

Friday morning, (After my hubs had been up to after 1am and got up 3am to go to work) I was woken by cleaning elves.  I told them not to bother with that room and my own, and went back to bed.  Bad headache, though the window was open.  All I can say is fumes.  Came in the room, and it was better, but the smudges on the ceiling were still the color I wanted, and the walls were not.  So I coated them again.  Better.

Hubs came home, (and he had left my flowers on the dresser since my desk was under a pile in the living room).  And instead of going out, he showed how much he knew me by bringing me what I call outlet plates.  To paint, so they will match.  He knows me so well.   He also tested the walls, and took off the tape around the room, and climbed up to tape off the walls for the ceiling.  He painted.  We ate take out from Mickey D’s me not wanting to go out in the madness of Valentines Day.  This, to me, was a better present.

The following morning, we got up, and went to Ikea.  Spent almost all day there.  I got my furniture. Lost my drivers license and Ikea Card, Hubby backtracked through the showroom and found license.  Hero!!!  Went downstairs, and started to pick up things to buy (Hubby had found a puppet owl which yes, is on my bookcase right now.)  My mom was picking her side of the room, and I had mine all picked out.  Fought with an employee who told me that they won’t restock in the middle of the day my bookshelves.  Then was vindicated when he showed they had 25 in stock and made him search for them.  We got home last night after stopping for dinner, and Marty started building, having me hand him parts since my CDO (OCD to normal folks, but it ain’t my fault you can’t put the letters in order!) has me excelling in this.  He put together a sofa table, (That doubles for me as a storage place and a table behind me) 2 bookcases and my desk.  Which took the longest.  Then he put together my mom’s desk.  It was past midnight when everything was finished.

Today, Connor woke us up, and I started to bring things into the room.  He replaced all the electrical work, and once everything was in here, he took off his electrician’s hat to put on his IT hat to put the computers together.   Then I brought in the books and fixed up my area, and tested my computer.  Then I took a nap.  My headache from the paint still there, and I pushed myself so my ankle AND knee were telling me how bad I was.  When I got up, I found he had completed the covers, put up the curtains, and put the glass back on the lights on the fan.  But it doesn’t stop there!! My mom came home, and he helped her to rearrange her furniture to her liking.

Finally, we are done.  Both of us.  Later (Tomorrow) I will take a picture of the room for those that care and have it up on the Facebook Page.  It looks so different, as you can tell from the preliminary pics.

But why am I sorry??  Chapter 18 AND 19 of You’re posted while I was out.  Meridian has since posted 18 to our different sites, but 19 is still here and waiting for the next Wednesday.  Just a hint, the Beta for that one likes posting on Fridays.  I didn’t have a computer, since mine was in pieces, and I kinda forgot to ask.  Sorry!!!

Other news, Prayers are needed for betas and MamaKitty since they will be in surgery soon.  One next week, and the other soon.  It was one of the reasons I pushed for this to be all done, since she wanted to go back to Ikea before the surgery to get the last of the stuff.  So this way we are all set.

Our awesome WordPress Whisperer has attacked my Tea Blog, and updated it.  As well as made it and the Food Blog’s latest posts be seen from the side menu.  We are also in the final stages of the interview process for this month’s participation on the Facebook page.  Damon of You’re is the winner, and the five questions to be asked is going on until Friday.

Also, for those wondering, I have a couple chapters of You’re left to Edit, then I will be working on a favorite to finish.  This one is NOT a one with a sequel, so when it is finished, it will be done.  then I will edit the new E/S story I have out, and then edit the story I finished.  Seeing a pattern?  I am hoping that I will be able to work on writing since I got a lot done when I was out.  I also want to get back to MamaKitty’s story so she can read it after her surgery.  So much going on!!!

I am going to go post chapters to FictionPad that should have been done Wednesday.  I am also going to spend the rest of my supposed day off, reading the 43 emails I have in my inbox.  🙂

Enjoy the chapter!! Click on the Picture at the beginning to get there.


It’s Friday, and That Means…


It’s time for another installment of You’re!!

Many thanks to Sitalia25 for betaing the chapter.   I also have to give a nods to missron80 for her help with Pictures.   And Huge amount of Thanks to Meridian for doing all the magic she does.   Of course the WordPress whisperer can’t be forgotten . ::Music Begins:: Oops.  I guess I am done with that.  Thank you to the Fans!!!

Also thanks go to the fans!! BertieBotts aka Ashley, one of my awesome betas, did awesome on the Burning Diamond awards!!!  They don’t have the banners up but here is a breakdown of the awards we won (Taken from the Facebook Page Kittyinaz’s Group):


The awesome news?  Ashley Maul swept ALL her categories!!!  Yes our very own Ashley Beat everyone and won First place for the following categories:

Overall Favorite Author,  Overall Favorite Story,  Best Breakthrough Author,  Best dynamic,  Best Friendship, Best Romance,  Best Kiss,  Best Drama , Best Damon.

As for me on my own I got:  3rd in Overall Favorite Author,  2nd in Best Breakthrough Author.

For You’re All I Am Asking For:  2nd Best Romance,  1st Best Villain, 1st Best Plot Twist, 1st Best Love Scenes, 1st Best suspense, 1st Best Bella, 2nd Best Damon.

The Shortcut Home:  1st Best Supporting Character,  2nd Best Family Dynamic.

Huge thanks to everyone who voted!!!  And please join me in congratulating Ashley!!!

Thanks again to everyone who voted.  I most would like to thank ::music begins::.  Where the hell is that music coming from???  Ah well.  On to the rest of the post.

Meridian wrote a E/S story and posted it on her site.  Please click on the link (contained in the word Site cause I’m awesome like that) and read it.  Tell her I sent you.  As you tell her to write more.  Hey she is the reason you had ED and so many more stories.  So it’s her turn!

I am still working on You’re.  Once I finish, I will be either take a break, write some, or start on the next story to be edited.   Who knows.  My little brain is going crazy on the story I have open, that I took a break on to bring you some stuff to read.


On a VERY Happy Note, I wanted to say Welcome to our new Betas:   Kelly, better known as Kelpie’s Corner.  She has taken on the OUaT story, Best.   We also have another Kelly, who is going to be in charge of Tin Man.   I am still looking for some betas, feel free to contact Karen on our email,

Before that annoying music starts again, I’ll shut up and allow you guys to get to the chapter.  See ya later!!

Enjoy the chapter!
