And Here Is That Other Post…


LOL.  Sunday post anyone?

I think I am only going to work in the evening, since I get a ton of work done!

Last night, I really couldn’t sleep, and ended up finishing the chapter for In The End for the beta, and sent it to her after running it through Grammarly.   Yes, everything goes through it, even when I laugh at how it hates Mates, (wanting me to turn it into friends) it also strongly dislikes anyone growling. (growing anyone?) and multiple other things it just does not like, and I have to tell it to ignore.

I’m currently working on Edge, if I can keep my mind on task.  I might leave, and when it is quiet in the house, work on it.  We will see, I have been having massive problems getting to sleep, last night it was after 7 am this morning when I fell asleep finally.

I am going to try to do two posts a weekend.  TRY is the operative word.  No more than one chapter per week per story though.  I need something, so if I do run out of stuff, I can write something and maybe have something to post.

I will say not this chapter of Edge, but the next one has me shocked I wrote it, and laughing my head off.  It is an example of what happens when I am not pushed to write for a story, these little bits of humor makes it in the story.

Right now I am jamming to “Get Back” by the Beatles.  I love my hometown of Tucson, Arizona is mentioned in it. And that I can sing it word for word on tune.. lol.  And I have to say I love my freaking list of songs. I can have a brand new song next to a classic.  I have been also playing Pokemon Go.  I have no idea what the heck I am doing, nor do I care.  I think they are cute, though I am really done with the many rattata’s that seem to be in my area.  But I love that I caught the most powerful Pokemon so far in my hallway.  <snickers!>  So far the Kadabra is the one that made everyone laugh as it batted away my balls with his spoon.  I want to know who makes up these things.

I got it because Connor and I are going to start walking when it gets cooler.  It was 115 as a heat index, and right now is the coolest it has been at 9 pm in weeks at 88 heat index.  I hate humidity, and since we are under a flash flood watch tonight, it seems it will not be getting much better.  But I figured it would be interesting to walk not just a normal little square, but to go exploring.  This way we both get all happy, and we get exercise.  And I get to catch cute little things.

So… reminders!!!


You want blood awards, I did a post that lays out all my stories that are eligible.  PLEASE make sure you nominate!!!  When she tried this in April, there were not many nominations and she pulled it.  Please go in, and nominate!!!!


I’m going to be still working on the banners and so on for the blogs.  If you have not been updated (banner the same size as the others) on my Blogs I Love Page, I have not done you yet.  If you have not posted and are not on the list at ALL, you need to contact me.  The banners are being made as close to your headers on your Home pages.  Or if I feel like making one, but this is so rare, the work in trying to reproduce the headers is not really all that easy.  I have way too many fonts.    If you want to make your own, the size is 888×499.  It just needs to have your name on it.  For the other place being used, your ‘card’ will be the first thing they see in the listing.  Or as a slider.  So make it unique!  Please send it to

Outlaws and Angels 2b

And of course there is the Writing Contest.  Tomorrow will be the halfway mark…  I am looking forward to the submissions.  And me making the banners.  I need to start up my lessons again.  But when do I have the time anymore? Ah well.

Here is the ‘card’ for tonight:

Bite My Tongue 1

She is a writer of many talents, and she loves to Twilight Crossovers.  Her favorite?  TVD and/or The Originals with Bella. And her stories are so unique!!! And then there was the year of one shots last year.  Check out her if you are looking for some awesome stories to read!

And here is the chapter:


Finally, I wish to thank all of you who are donating to the site. It relieves Robin and I’s minds.  Why does school time and everything seem to hit all at once.

Now I am going to watch Murphy run around the house like a crazy dog.  Seriously, he runs in here, looks at me and if I look back, he takes off runnign and jumping through the house.  I think someone is feeling his Wheaties.  And who fed him?!?!?  Robin?!?!?!?


You Want Blood Awards!

You Want Blood Awards!

It is that time!!!

I’m going to list the stories so you can know what will be eligible. April 15, 2015, to August 1, 2016

First off All The stories that are eligible:

Crossing 1Completed 9/25/15

Sacred 1a First Posting – 04/02/16

Picking Down Clocks 1 (x-over) – 6/4/16

Edge 1 (x-over) – 4/12/16

Now, the ladies who make me look good, so they get1st entry under the categories.

Eagle Eye – Best Beta

Category nominated by authors for the stories they help with, must provide story title

Christine: Crossing The Fine Line

Juliet709 – Put Your Feet up to The Edge

MistressJEssica1028 – Picking Down Clocks

tj6james6 – Some Sacred Place in Time

The Hybrid Award – Best Crossover

Category for all crossover stories with other fandoms

Picking Down Clocks (x-over) – 6/4/16

Put Your Feet Up To The Edge (x-over) – 4/12/16

I am not saying anything, you have the stories above that qualify for the following awards:

Mr. January Award- Best Lemon

Category for best love/sex scene

The Greatest Love Story – Favorite Story

Category for best story of the year

Rollercoaster Award – Best Angst/Drama/Cliffhangers

Category for those stories that are able to leave you gasping for breath

The Viking Award – Best Eric

Category for the Best Eric in a story

The Saucy Award – Best Sookie

Category for the Best Sookie

The Flying Monkey Award – Best Villain

Category for the best villain, must provide name

Sacred so far has:

Bill 1

Crossing the Fine Line:



Bill 1

Who the Hell Are You Award – Best OC

Category for the best Original Character, must provide name

The following is a list of characters that would qualify for Cross The Line.  Some Sacred Place in Time doesn’t really have any for you guys…yet…..  I put them in a slideshow cause there are many…  I also have a character page here.

Pins and Needles Award – W.I.P. story you wait anxiously for updates on

Category for WIP stories only and last update must have been in the dates provided

These are all the WIP Stories as well as the last update.

Sacred 1a

08/04/16 (most recent but the one that qualifies: 04/01/16)

Best of the Best Award – All Time Favorite Story

Category for the best story of all time.  This is the only category with NO time limit.  Yes . . . Any story can be nominated for this award.


In The End 1

Crossing 1

Sacred 1a

EricIsMine Award – Favorite Author

Category for your favorite author

Van Gogh Award – Best Artist

Category for artists who make banners, gifs, videos to visually enhance stories   ( I make most if not all of mine own now.  There are others, markedly Gyllene that makes some of mine like What if, and Picking Down Clocks!)  And I made sure, but all my videos are made my 4Padfoot, and she told me she isn’t allowed to be nominated.  But I wanted to mention her!


I think that should give you a good head start.  Yes, all banners link back to the story cover page.  I am off to work on other things, liek updating other sites and Robin’s project.

Dying to Start Again

Dying to Start Again

Dying to Start Again

For those that know what means, yes, it is here!

Dying 1

Description: The Source of Evil finally finds someone who accepts him as he is, and he will do everything to protect her.

I have had sooo many people ask for this story.  It has been with the betas and I am getting the chapters back.  Slowly.  There are reasons behind this, but I can say that it will be worth it in the end.  Remember how I said I don’t like tossing my betas in the deep end?  Yeah, circumstances had it happening, but now we got it fixed. We have someone who is being a mentor and saved my ass.  Thanks t6james6 and Miss Potter for your work on the chapter.

So this story is the first one I ever completely plotted out the idea.  This means it is easier for me to pick up and write anytime.  There are 5 chapters written out and waiting for the betas to look over.  Due to the fact I am still posting the Chapters of Revelations and Clocks (1 left until I need to write more…I think.) And I am still working on ITE, be kind.  We are still doing one post a week.

There are other stories I had ready for betas, and there are reasons why things are still in the holding pen.  RL sucks for all of us, and can hit us all.

Good news?  1 completed chapter for ITE, yet another one in the works and getting close to being finished.  Unfortunately, there will be another chapter of the current arc I am doing.  It is lighthearted fun that our trio needed after the drama and angst from the other ones.  It is also helping me get back into writing these three. I won’t be releasing chapters until I am ahead.  Remember, I write basically a rough draft, then go back and edit it to add in the details.  Then it goes off to the betas.

Participation Banner for 063016 2

We had some latecomers to the contest saying they will be turning in their pieces Sunday.  I receive all the pieces at one time, so there is no way I can figure out who is who.  Once I get them all, I will work on getting them ready for you to read and vote, comment and etc.

Meanwhile, M bought me a present a few weeks ago on Photoshop.  It is a book on classes for Photoshop.  It has 14 chapters and is obviously self-paced. Since I have it, as well as a WordPress Bible to look over, I am going to work on the lessons, then fit in writing and making banners around it.  I already found a technique that will help me in the future.  It is outdated (he tried, but he has no idea what is current on Photoshop.) but it is the most updated until the Creative Cloud came out to replace the old PS.  I figured that two chapters a day (or more) will be helpful.  Some chapters will not do a lot of good, (editing film and so on, but who knows) but some of it I am eager to get my hands on.

So this week will be dedicated to getting through it, as I work on everything else.  It will be one less thing sitting on my desk to do.  Which will make me a happy little Kittyinaz.

I also only have two more movies to watch through my Marvel marathon.  I have watched everything but Dark World and Guardians of the Galaxy.   Maybe Iron Man 3.  I have to check on that one.  I have been watching it all on the 3D being amazed by the picture.  And falling in love with Loki all over again.  My favorite three so far?  Hawkeye, Loki, and Bucky.  Stark is another one, but nowhere close to the others. Will I be writing on the Avengers?  Maybe.  After I catch up on other things.

Ok Reminders:

Non-Canon Awards Review of the week:

TA clean Red Header flair

I am still reading it.  I am in the parts where I put it down and read something else to come back to it.  But heck, I still come back to it!  The fact that the story is turning towards Sookie more makes me thrilled for however long it goes on.

We are still working on the site.  Just face it as I have, it’s always going to be ongoing.  But 4Padfoot is freaking awesome.  She improves it all the time.  And it leaves me time to do what I like to do.  Write and work on PS.  I never can say thank you to her, as well as MissRissa81.  These two ladies do more than you can ever imagine behind the scenes.

For those of you wondering, Stormy is back to normal, running through the house, bouncing off walls and so on.  And then acting normal when I am around.  WE had some laughs with her and her cone, but all in all, we are done with that episode in her life.  Connor and Murphy are happy to be allowed back in the bedroom and they got their baths today.  Exhausted but thrilled Connor.  Murphy is just putting up with it since I pay attention to him more when he is clean.

Facebook Group.Falling Stars Owl Banner 3

They got this Sunday night when I released it in between lessons.  Just saying.

I am off to work on my lesson now.  Or go to bed halfway through it.  We will see. It is late.



Many Revelations Today!

Many Revelations Today!


First off, Thanks to everyone who voted in the Better In Texas Awards!  I won the following Awards:

2ndKittyinaz - Crossover and Crossing The Fine Line 3rdKittyinaz Favorite Fandom Story - This is not the Beginning, this is not the End

Either banner will take you to the Better In Texas Site.

This week is going to be short.  I have a busy day here, Stormy is off getting fixed so that we have no worries about kittens, as well as being microchipped so we can find her again.  I also have my Grandma to take to the Doctors.

Because of Stormy being fixed, it might be a couple of days before I am back online.  I have to keep her in the bedroom to try to limit the access of the pets to her.  Not fun.  She is very loud when she is wanting out of the rooms.  I only have to try to keep from jumping for 2 days, then she can only do small jumps.

I think the comment issue is fixed, but anytime you have issues with the site, the is monitored often.  We are working on a form to add to the bottom of the site for you to fill out also.

Other than that, I think that is everything.  Enjoy the Revelations chapter!

Revelations 12 1


There is Action Going On!

There is Action Going On!



First off, I did a review on the Non-canon Awards.  It is for an oldie, but goodie.  I am diving into the completed stories on to go back to the stories that introduced this universe to me.  While I am not reading them all, (some had sequels that were never finished and so on) I am reading some of them and will be reviewing them.  I figured they deserved some love too!

The first one was…. *Drum roll* is:

Bright Future 1

Click on the banner to be taken to the review.  And yes, I make banners for the stories I review if I feel inspired or they don’t have one.  Otherwise, I try to use their banners.  Since I only found this on, I did their banner size for them.  (It works… I promise!)

The next good news?

I worked on the next chapter of The Sun Holds the Moon!  I have one in reserve still (since I like to make sure that I don’t write myself into a hole in this one) but Chapter 6 is done and the beta is notified.  Now… I do have to remind you that a lot of work goes into the Lord of the Ring stories, fact checking as much as possible.  Yes, I have taken liberties, but there is a lot I want to remain the same.  So once I am done, I hand it to the beta, who goes through and fact checks things also.  But it is done on my side!

Then… I finished another story edit last night.  I have to go through and make a ton of banners since it is a new story.  Though I will warn you… You really need to watch this video.  It is the prologue to the story, and I will be making the page for it.

Yes.  Sacred is about to become a live story for you to read!!!!  Well, I mean it will have a chapter to read along with the beautiful video 4Padfoot made for it!  The video is important to the story.  Without it, some things will not make sense.  And later it repeats for another person….  All I will say is it is a dream….

In addition, I wanted to highlight a story from my completed file

The first one is a One Shot for the TB Fandom.  It is based on a song – Austin by Blake Shelton.  I have heard it a few times, but for some reason, this time it clicked and this story came to be.  I will say it is due to Gyllene that I published it.  She loved it, so I dedicate it to her…

I Still Love You 1

Description: One Shot – All Human Sookie leaves, and almost a year later, makes a call that changes everything.

Secret Doors 2

Don’t forget that the Writing contest ends tomorrow at midnight CST.  Thanks!!!

That’s it for today.  I will see you guys later!

Eric-Gif Signature

It’s Monday.. Again

It’s Monday.. Again

Mountain during a dayReally, why does this day come around all the time?  The fun days are always over too fast.

Ok, Some short announcements.


  1.  I got nominated over at the Twific Awards:
    1. Fandom 411
    2. Fic Pimp
  2. Please vote for me, and so many of our wonderful ladies who hang out in the Kittyinaz Facebook Group!!!!  Click on the button to be taken to the list of nominations by name.  There are a lot, so vote for your favorites!
  3. Yes, the site is being attacked, but we are working to get it cleared.  I just got notified last night about it and forwarded it.  I have noticed for some reason it happens more on Google Chrome than others.  AS admin for the site, I have been running malware since it is the type of attack.  Yeah us.  We got popular enough to be attacked.

Today is one of the bad days, I have been up since 4:30 am, and unable to get the gumption to get up and do anything until now.  *Winces* Sorry.  I was tired, and used that as my excuse until now when I realized, it was an excuse and that it has been not a good one.

So I have work to do, and will try to get to it.  Last week was a bust.  So many other things going on that I ended up doing nothing.  Well, I say that but I did do things, but not what I wanted to get done.

This weekend was a very wet one.  I live in Houston, and man did we get blasted with rain.  The dogs and the house smell of wet dog.  And since it is still muddy outside, there is nothing for me to do about it since they need to go out.  I think we were all about to hurt Murphy since he couldn’t go outside to run.   But when they went out, just to literally run out and lift their leg and come back in, they were soaked to the bone.  It’s time like these we are happy to have a raised beam house.  That means we are a couple feet above ground.  Not in stilts, but high enough not to worry about our yard flooding us.

So I am off to finish laundry and do all the things I let go from Saturday on because of migraines.  I so hate them.

cinematics signature