It’s Sunday…

Love me

Which unfortunately means Monday will be coming after midnight.  Blech can we just skip to Saturdays and repeat?  And still get paid for those days between.  You know, as in our clones work for us as we sleep and so on?  No?  Ah well.  I tried!  You love me anyways right?

Ok.. this week you have had two new chapters.  And there is a rumor of two more chapters coming to you guys from well established series here.  Why?  Cause I made a deal and I am honoring it.  Yep.  You make a deal with me for a chapter, and I will pay up.  Two people asked, and now two chapters I will start working on.  So this week will be a great one to stalk around.

You guys are freaking awesome!! I am over 400K visitors to this site.  This site that I said, heck with it, I can post and hopefully a couple people will come read it.  You guys rock and I am speechless.

The interview for this month?  Eric with In The End.  I will be working on that this week along with the two stories.  It will be after the stories since I just write the answers he gives me.  LOL!   The Kittyinaz Facebook writing challenge ends Wednesday, and I am going to try to make the banners for all the contestants.  So if you want to enter, remember, even I don’t know who writes what.  I don’t find out until the voting is done by you guys.  So if you are nervous, just submit it.  No one will know you did it until the end, and you can see other love your work!!

I have an Deviant Art account.  Guess what name it is under. Yep, Kittyinaz. LOL.  I have been putting the stuff I have been making over there, as well as some stuff I made for when I write.  Like a bloodline and stuff like that.  I see in pictures, so I work in pictures.   So it is over there in case you guys are wondering about information about Clocks.

Robin has informed me the Amazon page here is updated for Mother’s Day.  Yep.  We are getting ready for it, and please use the link to buy your stuff.  It helps me, and costs you nothing at all.  I sound like a broken record about it, but hey, it makes me money so I can show Marty that there is a benefit for writing.  Now to finish up my little side project, get my promises done, and back on schedule.  I have two more stories to finish before I edit.  Then I will be off to finish my original fiction so we can get that ball rolling.

My little side project?  To make character banners for all of In The End.  I have TONS of respect for Sephrenia!!!  I have as of this posting, two left.  I will be finishing them up, then going to bed.  I have to take Marty to the Dentist, he has spent an entire weekend in so much pain it hurts to see him.

You have seen the information for Crossover Haven and The awards that will open up for nominations?  Yeah, go read below this post.  There is plenty to read and see….

So who is getting the spotlight?  Gyllene FanFiction.  She was the one that took the time to teach me on Elements, and she makes some wonderful Banners!!!   I am in awe of her and hope to only catch up with her abilities.  Below are a few Banners she has made for me.

She is not only an amazing artist, but she writes as well!!! Click on her name and it will take you to her site!

Now for the Fan Made Videos

The first one is for our Once Upon a Time fans.  Captain Swan!!!!  It is made by Ivana Cincur, using Fix You by Cold Play.  I love this even though it is of their first season.  But since I am still there in writing, it works. LOL Feel free to subscribe to her, and let her know you came over from Kittyinaz’s Site!


This next one is stuck in my head and won’t leave me alone.  It may end up being the next song I use for a story that is mentioned in it.  It is a True Blood fanfic!  It is by andrajacsi call Love Don’t Die.  Again, let her know who sent you and leave some reviews for her!


And just because I liked it, here is another one from her…


That is it for tonight.  I am off to finish off my two last banners, and then I will be hitting the bed.  I will see and talk to you later this week!



Sunday Sun-Day SUN-DAY!


And a VERY Happy Easter to you all!!!! I am getting more proficient in Elements.  But not enough to put bunny ears on an owl.  Or anyone else…. LOL!

So, for what has ben going on.  I have finished the first five chapters to Wisdom, and you guys will get it when I do the other 4 stories I am working on writing and then Editing.  I am back to working on Clocks, and so Happy that my Muse finally let me in on the plans for that one.  She let me know the following stories, but no the one I was writing. Stinker.

Right now, (Its the weekend, my time!) I am working on Character Banners.  Go check out ITE’s character pages and you can see what I am doing.  Our WordPress Whisperer is even making some neat things happen also.

The new site is getting hits, but we need some of you that are writers to submit also!!! If your crossover is not listed, no worries!  We will put it up!  There were just too many to guess at so we took a selection of the first page of crossovers to use, along with the ones we have already submitted.  And there is a Mature section, that you have to click a button to say you are over 18 years of age to enter.  I don’t know about anyone else, but I am getting a lot of new followers, so it is good for you on your site also!

Ok, what am I showcasing today?  The artistic hand of one of my ladies.  Her pen name is Cuinawen.  And while she writes some really awesome stories, she also can draw!!! Her banner and background were handmade by her.  She also has a gallery of her drawings.  I only wish I could do the same!!!  I had a book on drawing horses, and I can do anything beyond the basic cicles and lines in between.  It kinda looks like a horse…..  If you turn your head to the side and squint hard.  But please go check out her site!!!   Click on her name up above to be transported to her site!

4Padfoot has not made any videos this week (That I know of), so I dipped into my fandom videos for you guys to watch.

The first one is one that made me fall in love with this song.  I never head of Red Jumpsuit Apparatus until I got obsessed with syfy Alice fan made videos.  So I bring to you one of the ones who inspired me to write the Alice and Hatter fic. Subscribe if you like her stuff!


The second one is one of the best fanmade videos I have seen.  I love Hurricane by 30 Seconds to Mars, and when I saw this Vampire Diaries rendition of it, I was dumbfounded.  She did one, then redid it. Again, don’t forget to subscribe or leave a comment!


Other than that, I am working on banners then back to Clocks.  I have been dropping off teasers when I am writing, so you guys have some stuff in there to read, as well as allthe other teasers and stories on the page form the other ladies.

So I am off to make more banners, to relax, and to have fun this Sunday!



I know it is late… but there is a reason!


Yep, It’s Sunday, and you guys liked the idea of me showcasing talent on my site.  So I was excited when Robin told me that she made a video for me!  And it was loading…everyone eager to watch, none more than me… Then her dogs pulled out the power cord to the computer.  No kidding.

She felt so bad she had me view it on her computer, and I told her I would wait when the connection was not nice to us.  I waited, and it finally posted to You Tube.  So here I am with my video to tempt to writing more Damon.  Anything.  LMAO!!


Also…It seems Gyllene and Robin had some time on their hands and when I complained I wanted to make banners and couldn’t figure it out, they worked with me, to the point they did the networking thing, and nice, patient, Gyllene sat there and showed me what I was doing wrong.  Let’s say I may have taken off.  I am going off to update the Banners as requested by Gyllene with the ones I worked on.  And I am still learning and playing with effects and so on.  I plan to work on it during the times I am lacking time to get into stories.  And weekends.  However weekends have been with that whole not able to work on stories thing.

Winners for the Writing Contest for this month?  Well I will drop the Banners here and you can see them.  They are truly all awesome and I am looking forward to this month’s submissions.  After I make all the stuff ready for it of course!

Other fan made videos?  Hmm.  I think I will start off with an odd one, but I loved it, and watch it still to this day.  This is an Alice 2009 fan made video made by LollyMalfoy featuring Silent Lucidity by Queensryche.


I plan on doing these more timely, but hey, it was all for a good reason!  So enjoy the videos, and give 4Padfoot some loving and subscribe to her You Tube!  And if you go to visit LollyMalfoy’s Syfy Alice – Silent Lucidity, tell her Kittyinaz sent you.  LOL!

I will see you later this week with a chapter update.

