Wednesday has arrived!


And this means another chapter of You’re is up and ready for you to read. It’s NSFW.  Just letting you guys know. Chapter 24 for those that are still confused between FanFiction, FictionPad, Ao3 and TWCS, who all got Chapter 23 today.

So what else is going on Wendy?  Glad you asked!!! (Cause I know you wanted to!!) Our group did AWESOME in the Fanatic Fanfics!!  Look below for the awards that we got!!! Congrats to all the winners!!!

 Now you want to know how I did?  You’re got 3rd place, and Every Dark Night got 1st in Crossover fics.  I feel like I am boasting, but it is all due to you guys voting!!! Thanks so much!!!!!


That brings me to another announcement.  While we waited for the awards to be announced slowly, Mistress Jessica1028, 4PadFoot, Gyllene and Magsmacdonald got to talking about awards.  From this conversation, we actually moved forward and are going to have one for those in the TB/SVM.  Yes, we know there are the Fangies, and we are not trying to steal the spotlight, but we liked the idea of a couple different contests around that we have been in.  So You Want Blood Awards came about.  And yes that pic is one of my infamous clicky links, cause 4PadFoot aka WordPress Whisperer has already got us a site!!!!  We are gearing up for the contest and have the categories ready and so on.  Nominations will open on May 1st, and will be one week long.  So please pay attention while we play it up, and help make this a great year for our first shot at it.


Crossover Haven… OMG!!  You people ROCK!!!!  We have had a day of almost 1k hits and it has not really slowed down!   And kudos to Bertie Bott for getting one of my favorite FanFiction Crossover writers to post on our site.  For those that don’t know, Crossover Haven is a place for ANY and ALL crossovers to be.  We are still working to suggestions put out on streamlining the site.  Also, while the site has some crossovers listed, we did it to try to show that we will accept anything that falls in our guidelines.  ANY crossovers will be considered, and only if you have incest, rape as being the main part of the story as in it being done to the main characters not as a past story point, or domestic abuse unless again, a story point.  We wish to have some guidelines for the grammar, as in not all in lower case, or upper case and stuff like that.  And for what is considered ok?  Well, to be blunt, if one of the people who reads and sets up the stories has a question, then they talk to the rest of us to agree.  Plus there is a judging panel in case there is any questions from the people submitting.

Why was the Crossover Haven brought about?  Twilighted.  They rejected ED saying that it had too many grammar issues.  I heard other people complaining when I said something, and how that crossovers that are not Edward/Bella are rejected.  So I came up with a place for them to be submitted and NOT have to wait a freaking month to just be rejected.  Plus I really love crossovers.  To read, write and just all around love looking at the ideas.  It is how I got into True Blood, I read a Godric/Bella fic that I cannot find anymore.  But it started me reading True Blood and here I am today.

I am true believer in also helping people get started and recognized for their unique skills.  So yes, there is a lot going on, and I am still writing, making banners, character profiles, hosting challenges in our group, and doing everything I can to push forward to others what amazing talents people have.  I’m paying forward the love and respect I have gotten from others.  You guys are the one who encouraged me to chase my dreams, and so much has come from it.  I wish to help others do the same…

So go forth.. read, write, and so on!  Tell me of your talents, and I will showcase them as I can!  If you wish to participate, or have ideas for things, come to the Facebook group and you will not believe the support you can earn with it.  Its a great feeling when others see what you can do.  Shoot, MamaKitty, my mom, is part of my group!  And there is a current challenge there, and I even have the banner for the current contest done: (And to have it, you just need to submit a one shot!)

Participation 0414_edited-1

Enjoy!  And I will see you soon.


Today is great Day!


Why?  Cause another installment of You’re is ready for you to read!!!  Damon looks at the readers, “Why you are still here not reading about me??”  (Shh!  They are reading my post then they will get to you!)

Don’t forget, it might get a little confusing, but here on WordPress, the chapter is posted first and next week this chapter will be making its way to other sites.  And if you were in the Group earlier today, you would see that I posted there when I got up I had hit publish….  Yes I know I am mean, but hey, it’s all good!

So what have I been up to?  Sleeping.  Oh yeah this past weekend I made a BUNCH of banners.  Go on to the Banner page under Other and you can see all the banners that have been made.  We were a busy group this past weekend.  I also had wedding stuff all weekend, and my body just gave out yesterday telling me staying up to 3am and getting up early was not going to cut it.  I am still in the process of negotiations, but it aint looking good for my night owl self.

Reminders.  Food Blog.  Tea Bog..  Amazon links.  Good enough?  Yeah.  Use them please!!  Specially the Amazon one!  You can bookmark the link.  It works.

So what is going on in the writing world?  Well I could give you a glimpse of my whiteboard, but that aint fun…  Why would you want all my notes written out for you to see?  But I will tell you Wisdom is coming to you in five chapter groups.   I am writing the last chapter of the Wisdom for the 1st part.  If you guys will want more, you can tell me.  Otherwise I will keep it the first 5.

After that is Clocks, then finishing the Twilight fic.   And finally the part you guys love, editing!!  Yep, I will be editing a bunch of stories, and you guys get to have new reading material.  And I will go off to finish my OF.   When I am done with that, I am hoping to work on more fics.

So I am busy as heck.  And of course Meridian keeps telling me rest, and I laugh and do my thing, and then days like yesterday happen when I am too tired to do anything but sleep.  She always has to be right.  Why do I bother arguing?

Many get wells are still being sent to the original beta of You’re.  And many huge thanks to Meridian for stepping in and getting this beta’d so she can rest and you guys can have your chapters.

Not the least, MANY THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO VOTED FOR ME!!!  Please see the Banners to see what places I got this time!! Thanks again!!

And many thanks to those who voted for our other ladies in the group!!

Enjoy the Chapter!


I know it is late… but there is a reason!


Yep, It’s Sunday, and you guys liked the idea of me showcasing talent on my site.  So I was excited when Robin told me that she made a video for me!  And it was loading…everyone eager to watch, none more than me… Then her dogs pulled out the power cord to the computer.  No kidding.

She felt so bad she had me view it on her computer, and I told her I would wait when the connection was not nice to us.  I waited, and it finally posted to You Tube.  So here I am with my video to tempt to writing more Damon.  Anything.  LMAO!!


Also…It seems Gyllene and Robin had some time on their hands and when I complained I wanted to make banners and couldn’t figure it out, they worked with me, to the point they did the networking thing, and nice, patient, Gyllene sat there and showed me what I was doing wrong.  Let’s say I may have taken off.  I am going off to update the Banners as requested by Gyllene with the ones I worked on.  And I am still learning and playing with effects and so on.  I plan to work on it during the times I am lacking time to get into stories.  And weekends.  However weekends have been with that whole not able to work on stories thing.

Winners for the Writing Contest for this month?  Well I will drop the Banners here and you can see them.  They are truly all awesome and I am looking forward to this month’s submissions.  After I make all the stuff ready for it of course!

Other fan made videos?  Hmm.  I think I will start off with an odd one, but I loved it, and watch it still to this day.  This is an Alice 2009 fan made video made by LollyMalfoy featuring Silent Lucidity by Queensryche.


I plan on doing these more timely, but hey, it was all for a good reason!  So enjoy the videos, and give 4Padfoot some loving and subscribe to her You Tube!  And if you go to visit LollyMalfoy’s Syfy Alice – Silent Lucidity, tell her Kittyinaz sent you.  LOL!

I will see you later this week with a chapter update.



New You’re Chapter is Ready!

Damon 214

Yep you heard it here!  And let me tell you.  when Karen puts the warning that it is NSFW, she really means it!  Yes folks, we are talking that this chapter will not be as fun for those on FanFiction.  It is a MA pictures with MA scenes being described.

And if you had been wondering how I tied in the original books, a lot of it will become clear as you read it.

Now for happenings around the Kittyinaz block.

There are those fandoms voting we spoke of last week.  I would really appreciate it if you vote for me.  Pretty please?  And vote for all those great people that I listed.   They all deserve it.

Tea Blog, yeah think next week for that one.  Wedding people.  Big huge family wedding that will have guests here all weekend and throughout the week.  What does this mean?  Starting Friday (Because this snuck up on me, it really did somehow and I did think that I will mysteriously drop some weight.) I have to go out shopping.  Such a chore.  <sighs>  How am I to get through it?

The food blog bi-weekly thing I do will be late cause lets face it, no grocery shopping will be happening until AFTER the wedding stuff is taken care of.

untitledThe MamaKitty had some great news this week, she has been declared cancer free now.   We are so relieved, it has not soaked in yet.  As a reward, she is getting the house painted.  LOL. I get barky Connor all day, she gets a pretty house.  And I know what it coming, landscaping next.  yuck.  I hate pulling weeds.

The voting for the one shots for the challenge will be over tomorrow.  I think Robin’s time.  So go vote!  Make it exciting!!!!  There are some truly awesome stories out there! Make your voice be heard!

And there may be or may not be truth in a rumor that my group is up to something bug, huge even.  We may or maynot be kicking it around to see if any bugs fall out.  If you want to get in on something groundbreaking, get yourself hither to the Facebook Group!

Now go shoo.  There is a chapter to read, one shots to read and vote.  (And leave reviews on too!! They check for those!) and many fun things on the site.

We also have a new member to the admin group here at Kittyinaz. I want to welcome Gyllene to the group.  Seems Robin wanted a minion.  I guess she got tired of being mine.  So she got one.  This will be fun between the two, cause I can already tell you, they work awesomely together!

So enjoy!!


New You’re Chapter!


Yep.  It’s here.  And it has a story!  ( I know you are moaning and going to find the pic to click… but hey! My post!)

See I wrote this, and Sitalia25 has been the beta on it all this time.  Due to circumstances WAY beyond her control, and then us worried as hell about her, and then she told us to go ahead with it, she is going to concentrate on getting better, (Which I support one hundred percent!!!!!!!!!  I rather she came back for the sequels!  In prefect health!)  She is up to date on the Vampire Diaries and what is going on there and she talks with me a lot.

Then comes all this shit, and Meridian is taking over.  Now Meridian is the Queen Beta of all of it, and she does I Never…Did and the Set You Free Trilogy, as well as various one shots and the Interviews.  She is also in charge of the Betas which means she overlooks it all.  However, she doesn’t know Vampire Diaries.  She is getting brought up to date quickly, but she is looking at the story from an outside viewpoint, and came up with all these questions on this chapter.  So I went back and added over 2K words to make it make sense.

Then I told my betas that she did the right thing, and if they find issues, ASK!!!  Because I am in my own happy little worlds that I see everything.  I forget sometimes you guys can’t tell.  So I went back and helped clarify it all.

I know you guys have questions about how Jasper and Bella are related, and I will say it will be answered.  And it will be answered for Jasper and Bella.  Since they are not sure either, since Jasper doesn’t know what happened and how Bella is his family.

Right now I got a couple of reviews about a one shot I had done long ago, and it sparked something.  I am off to see what it can be.  For this is Friday, and I am writing this ahead of time, cause I am doing stuff tonight (seeing Captain America!), and then tomorrow I will be starting the spring clean of the house.  My mom is tired of all the piles of stuff in closets and hidden away everywhere.  I hate the smell coming from places, and since smells can make bad reactions, we will be having MamaKitty working on that part.

I will be doing my thing, organizing it all.  Knew I never should have done her office.

Going on around the website, Food Blog, Tea Blog, yeah I will try to work on those this weekend.  Sundays are my days off and I have found that I need them.  No computers, no Facebook, nothing but being with hubs.  Who is in the Doghouse right now, but still.  Nice.  They are often his only days off too, so it works out.

The contest for the Challenges ends 04/10/2014 at Robin’s midnight.  I would say mine, but she is in charge of the results.  Next weekend is the wedding, so I will be out of here from Friday and be back on Monday.  We have out of towners coming also, so it all is going to be fun.  I hope!

Sequels, I have been getting requests for them, and they are in the works.  I am actually trying to get rid of fics.  But as I am going back to one shots, I do read your reviews and think on them, so DON’T give up!

Now I am going to work on what I can before all the people start descending on me.  Connor is sleeping at my feet happy to have someone home with him and in a room he thinks is his.  Though Mommie cleaned up all the junk and threw away all but the least damaged toys.  So he may be moping.  Either way, he is quiet and I am going to write.


(Meridian says:  Get well soon Sitalia25 – we really miss you, but please don’t worry about beta’ing right now.  Your health is WAY more important!   But…can I borrow your Vampire Diaries brain?  Please??  I won’t hurt it….honest I won’t!!  And:  Madam Kittyinaz:  Your brain is brilliant – no ifs, ands, or buts about it!  You’d make a FANTASTIC evil genius! )

And now, on to the chapter:
