Better Late than Never?

Better Late than Never?


I had some freaking awesome news this past weekend, as well as many things happening in preparation of Thanksgiving.  Who knew it was so hard to shop, then put away the stuff?  Many things are sitting on my counter waiting for tomorrow.  I plan to do lots of prep work, but holy heck!!!!!!

But then I had Monday that MamaKitty had some minor stuff done, but I spent the day either in the hospital; waiting (the procedure took 1/2 to an hour, but we were there from 5am to 12n!!!).  By the time we got home, I wanted nothing but sleep but had to wait until someone else was there to monitor her.  The lady cleaned the house after a gall bladder surgery.  She needs to be watched.

Today I had GrandmaKitty to shepherd around.  I got called a Tattletale since I refused to let her get out of her other Dr Appointment today.  I’m mean like that, her health taking precedence.  Plus I didn’t get called the favorite Granddaughter.  So there.  :Sticks tongue out:

Finally, after some minor meltdowns and so on, I could get online and post this chapter.

I am sorry it took so long, but the site is officially on Vacation EXCEPT for the Writing Contest.  That is one I am eagerly hoping that we get entries on.   I have banned myself from PS to make me even more eager to play.  Plus I have time to do them and I will want to sit down after decorating on Friday.

Here is the chapter:


Also, here is the link for the writing contest:


Looking, I have one entry so far.  I have the answer to my question, so I will be posting shortly the results for the writing contest for October.  I just need to boot PS (I told you I was banning myself) to put the author name in and I will be putting it out after all the relevant information is loaded.

Enjoy the chapter!



Oh My GOSH!!!

Oh My GOSH!!!


So I got off for a while for a nap, I was seriously falling asleep at the computer.  Got back online after I ate something… and had a surprise message.

An old favorite story was beta’d!

The beta for this story and I kept missing each other, but she managed to get online and polished this story up just fine!


In The End has a new chapter!!!!!


I won’t promise the next chapter anytime soon, but it is written, I just need to edit.  But to warn you, Tired Wings is finished, and I just haven’t had time to edit.  RL is crashing down on me, and it aint pretty, but I am working on things!

Now, I will warn you, this chapter is NSFW!!!!  Good thing I am publishing this on a Friday huh?

And I am just waiting to see who wrote what story on the October challenge and will release the winner after I receive them to add to the banners.

Thanks for all the patience on waiting for this story.  I really appreciate it!!

Eric-Gif Signature

Veteran’s Day

Image result for Happy Birthday Marines 2016

First I want to say a very heartfelt thank you to our armed forces and veterans.  Thank you for making sure I have the freedom to write what I want, to follow my passion.

Image result for thank you to military

Second, I know I am late, but Happy Birthday to the Marines.

Image result for Happy Birthday Marines 2016

Third, I thought this was a perfect day for another chapter of Tired Wings are Falling.  I mean we have two WWII soldiers in the story.  It fits?


Fourth, I am hoping this will be something enjoyable to do after the week we Americans have had.  So many people are freaking out, but I wish to inform those that don’t know…

The President of the United States of America is not the end all of our Government.  May I remind you:

Our federal government has three parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts).

The President of the United States administers the Executive Branch of our government. He enforces the laws that the Legislative Branch (Congress) makes. The President is elected by United States citizens, 18 years of age and older, who vote in the presidential elections in their states. These votes are tallied by states and form the Electoral College system. States have the number of electoral votes which equal the number of senators and representatives they have. It is possible to have the most popular votes throughout the nation and NOT win the electoral vote of the Electoral College.

The Legislative part of our government is called Congress. Congress makes our laws. Congress is divided into 2 parts. One part is called the Senate. There are 100 Senators–2 from each of our states. Another part is called the House of Representatives. Representatives meet together to discuss ideas and decide if these ideas (bills) should become laws. There are 435 Representatives. The number of representatives each state gets is determined by its population. Some states have just 2 representatives. Others have as many as 40. Both senators and representatives are elected by the eligible voters in their states.

The Judicial part of our federal government includes the Supreme Court and 9 Justices. They are special judges who interpret laws according to the Constitution. These justices only hear cases that pertain to issues related to the Constitution. They are the highest court in our country. The federal judicial system also has lower courts located in each state to hear cases involving federal issues.

All three parts of our federal government have their main headquarters in the city of Washington D.C.


I hope this waylays some fears I am seeing and hearing from others.  For Americans, we are taught this in our Government classes, and for those that are young enough, we had Schoolhouse Rock:

It is for a kid, but still, it works.  (The Bill one was the one that stuck in my mind the most, but the fact that I remembered they had one for this from over 30 years ago is kinda amazing to me!)

So calm down. Stop attacking people on social media and in person. There are checks and balances to our system, and they do work.  Mostly.

I don’t want a debate, I won’t answer anyone who starts an argument over this.  I am just sending this out there to reassure people, that our President is NOT our King or any ruler like one.  He is one man versus the other 2 branches.  He can veto, but even the Supreme Court can overrule him.

Now I hope I calmed someone down, and if not, go read this chapter.  I am trying to get where I can write again, its been kinda hard with my wifi adapter going out on my constantly, as well as my computer sometimes thinking I have 2 harddrives.


Enjoy your weekend.  I will be updating the Food Blog with more recipes added to the new menu.  Please remember all the old favorites are still there.  The search engine works awesomely, and I have used it a few times to get recipes that I have added.  I am also be getting some more family recipes soon from my family, my grandmother would like them to be added so that anyone can come in and use them.

I will be doing a post with the winners of the contest as soon as my ladies send me the information.  Don’t forget the Christmas Contest….

Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!

Autumn Signature

Finally, Some Tea Time!

Finally, Some Tea Time!


First off, I wish to thank those of you who commented on my last post.  Depression is not to be taken lightly.  Not to be a joke.  It literally turns your body and mind against you to where you feel there is nothing good left.  While I am saddened by others having this, at the same time I comforted by the thought there are others who really understand it.

Thank you.

Now, I have some chapters of Tea Shoppe, both the Alice and the Twilighted version.  For those that are wondering, Peter is Hatter.  I have had this question pop up a couple times, but I figured I would answer it. Yes, in my fic, Peter is British.  Why?  Because I wanted to see how this story worked if it was published in the Twilight world.  I was originally going to see about publishing it, but I don’t know if anyone would be interested, and frankly, I don’t write like this anymore.



So I hope this helps distract everyone from the stress of yesterday.  Myself?  I am hoping my computer allows me to continue to work, it likes to turn off the Wifi adapter, and sometimes acts too stupid to fix it.  I hate restarting the dang thing since it sometimes thinks that I have too many hard drives and that it cannot find one of them.  I only have one, but yeah…  Makes me frightened to turn off the stupid thing.  The only happy thing is that I have everything backed up on a cloud, as well as here.

Also, Thanks to 4Padfoot, Tea Shoppe (the original one in Alice) now has a character page with stats and so on.  You can find it here:

Character List 1

(Yes, I stole the banner from Dying)

In Addition, we added an Affiliate Sites button to the side for those who host their own sites that we know, or who are actually affiliated with this site.  Click it to find out what we have!!!!

I have been overhauling the Kittyinaz’s Food Blog.  It has a new menu system, and I am working to add all the recipes we have collected to it.  It looks completely new, and I am very impressed with how it is turning out.  I never expected it to ever have as many recipes as it does, as well as being a go to.  I am hoping to get it all sorted out for the holidays for you to use.  I am working on the desserts, and boy, are there tons of them!!!  The menu is set up like a food menu at a restaurant, to make it easier to find things.  And of course, the search field is at the bottom of the page in case you want to use that instead. I am working to change the fonts from Yellow that was easier to read on the old theme to black on this one, but if you have any issues, message me and I will go in to switch the recipe for you earlier.


The Christmas contest is live!!!  I am looking forward to the entries!!!

The Amazon link is also here.  The link is: The kittyinaz-20 at the end should be in the address field when you pull up Amazon. After that, anything you do will give credit, even if you don’t buy.  It might make it where the next person comes in and looks and buys the item.

I will be doing a page for you guys to see what all is going on with the monies we get from donations and the Amazon referrals.

Enjoy the Chapter!!!

Autumn Signature

Tea Time!

Tea Time!


Yes, you heard correctly, it is time for some Tea Shoppe!

I have an update to both the Twilighted and the original.  I know, I know.  I’m behind on updating, but I had what was trying to be a migraine after I posted on Tuesday.  I should be having one soon, since we are getting a cold front pushing through, and I am extremely sensitive to barometric pressure changes.

Plus, tomorrow is grandma day and is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL.  I love cold fronts, they wipe away the humidity and give us cooler weather.  It looks like we will have both Friday and Saturday of pretty weather, so who knows what will happen those days.

For what has been going on, not much.  Right now I am surrounded by pets, especially a Connor who is thrilled with Mom being up and in the office.  I am going to try to write or edit something.  We will see, since I am also trying to work around the possibility of a storm.  I even threw my sheets and stuff in the wash early so I can hopefully get them done ahead of time.

So if I don’t talk to you before Sunday, have a great weekend.

And in case you might have forgotten these are all the chapters updated so far this week:


Tired Wings are Falling


Some Sacred Place in Time


Tea Shoppe


Twilighted Tea Shoppe

If one of the pics are missing (stupid database), please click on the words for the pic.  It will still take you to the chapter. Enjoy!
