World Domination – Still Working On It

World Domination – Still Working On It


If I am feeling up to it, I can see in my stats (thanks to a nifty add-on that 4Padfoot put on the site) the pretty map down below.  Yeah.  That thing used to sit as the first thing I can see when I dropped into the dashboard of my site, and now I gotta go looking for it, since I also like to see the stats per day also.  But it shows me I have Europe,  The Americas (ignore the island that is white.. it is not worth your time!) Australia, Most of Asia, and maybe half of Africa.  So I am on my way to dominating the world.



I do have a chapter for today, and I will be posting it further down…

But before we get to that, I will like to take a moment to show you guys what I am looking at for the challenge:

Harry Potter:


How many review would be generated if every follower wrote one review?

How about this:



Or this:


Can you see what I am talking about?  This one small change may take 30 seconds (and I timed myself on the iPad which I hate since I type one finger at a time!) to say, this is intriguing.  It doesn’t have to be long.  Just something that you say as you hit follow.  On any site.

So will you take up this challenge?  All those people that read my posts, and we will see if anyone will.  I have one so far who has accepted.

So here is the chapter.




I’m Not Dead…Yet!

I’m Not Dead…Yet!


Though I feel like most days…

Basically, I was not ready to be up Monday.  And have paid for it, sleeping most days including that one away.  But…I feel better….

Sorry.  No idea why Holy Grail/Spamalot is in my head, but you guys will probably find many puns in here for those that like it.  :winces:

But why am I posting?  Because I am here to fulfill a promise.  Yep.  We will be forming a government based on a lady in the lake giving me the…. Wait.  Nope.  Wrong one…

basis for gov

Yeah.. See why?  :Snickers:

Yes, I have a chapter of What If ready for you.


And my Muse decided to show who is boss when I am drugged.  I have 2 chapters written of a story that I refused to write.  I’m kinda grumpy over it.  She took advantage of the fact I was drugged!!!!  I don’t know what to call it.  To be honest…

Breathe 1

Here is the banner (yeah, you should have seen me looking at the lyrics for Carnival of Rust and stupidly going… Can’t use that… Bertie used it.  And that sounds stupid.  And that doesn’t even put to mind anything to do with the plot. Is that even spelled right?)  Hope someone will enjoy this.  If you are interested, the prologue is up in the Facebook Group.  Use the banner above to be taken to the group. (just to be extra sneaky)


I am trying to be good, but I often sound like the Black Knight, in insisting it is only a scratch… But my betas (yeah even the new ones, and the ladies who joined us over on the Food Blog!) have long caught on to my little idiosyncracies.  So I will be checking the other sites to see if they are caught up.  Then back to bed for me.  And hopefully maybe some work done on the laptop, but it all depends on how I am feeling.

I am shooting for full recovery from the drugs soon. And hopefully, my body can figure out the middle between no sleep and too much sleep. I just want to be kinda normal.  kinda…

As for my tooth?  Yeah, that sucker is on Aleve now.  I’m back to being able to drink through a straw so I am enjoying the hell out of my SodaStream drink.  Yeah, I am weird I can’t drink soda unless out of a straw or once in a while, an 18 ounce or whatever bottle.  Sensitive teeth.

And the pets?

Stormy is ruling the house.  Literally.  Family begs me to get back in the office since she will come in here and just sleep with me.  Or play with Tucker.  Whichever, It is better than her running along the backs of chairs, down a chair then across the chairs to start her track again.  She also has decided to like my dad’s water.  No matter what flavours he puts into it.  She sleeps in the bedroom on M or beside me.  Depends on her mood.

Connor is well… Connor.  He begs to be in the room so he can’t be blamed for Murphy tearing up stuff.  It is a surefire way to know something is torn apart.  He also, if in the room, will sleep the entire night between M and me.  We need a bigger bed.  Coming next month will start us getting him ready for the trip.  He will enjoy that, since he will have new dogs to play with, and maybe, just maybe he can play with mom and dad without M butting in.  (Well he won’t have Murphy since he is staying here with his owners, but there are two other dogs, one of them a golden….)

Murphy?  He likes my rugs in the bathroom.  We have to keep the bathroom door open to allow the AC to run correctly.  Don’t ask, it works is all I know.  He also prefers to sleep on the floor in our room, on an Avengers blanket we bought for Connor.  If we open our door at night, nothing happens, but we get little room on the bed.  We may need to look to buying a king so we have room! But Murphy thinks he sleeps on the bed, but he gets down each time.  He also is bad with his paws, going so far to hit me Monday on my jaw that was operated on.  He is still a work in progress.  We are still teaching him that jumping up and not landing on anyone is ok.  But the other is not.

That is everything on my side.  I am going to get this off.  I appreciate you guys still reading these things.



New Chapter of What If!

New Chapter of What If!

What If 1

You kinda remember this story right?  It was one of the first ones posted to this site, and then I ended up not writing more on it.  Until last year.

I was trying to finish it, but I ended up having a hard time with one of the characters.  After a long fight with them, well I am going with the muse.  Some of you will be upset, but if you read my other stories, there is a hint to the one character I cannot seem to make fit in.  And for once, it is not Edward.  He is behaving…

So I have this chapter ready.  I figured since you guys have been patiently awaiting it, I will give it to you today, but I think I will put it on the rotation for Thursdays.  I already have the next one beta’d I just need to work on the questions she has for me.  It will be up next week.

Many huge thanks to the beta: mags-eric




Without much ado, here it is:


Enjoy the chapter!!
