

I have the results of the contest and am waiting for the ladies in the group to do their own voting.  IF you are a member of the Kittyinaz’s Facebook Group, please head to the group and put your vote in for your choice!!!

While I am waiting, I am updating the banners in Photoshop with the places and I made new Ribbons for the contest:

I did this since the old ones were bothering me with the nice ones I made for the Kittyinaz’s Facebook Groups.  Notice that we only go 1-3rd place with Runner up now inserted for more if there are enough entries.  It will be used for 4th place, or more depending on the entries.  For Instance, this contest gets one Runner Up.  Also, the colors of the ribbons will make it easier for you guys to see who won what.  The middle is just me sayign which contest it is for.

I have been working on Chapter 10 of the Tired Wings.  I spent last weekend prepping for my next quilt, though this weekend I may be working on something someone is paying me for.  Of course, paying gets priority over my wants.  I have some more quilts to make for others, but I will be working towards making some to sell.  I’m setting up a page here on the site to showcase the ones I already made.  Once I am ready, I will be making an Etsy page, but I will also sell from this site since it is part of the theme we have.  But this will not be for awhile, since I only played, and will be dealing with that in the future.  I have all these neat toys, and I want to play with them!!!

So hopefully tonight I will finish up Chapter 10, so I can work on the next ones and get it off to the Beta.  Then I will be turning my attention to Sacred so I can get that one ready for you guys.  Hopefully, after that (or even during!!) I will feel up to writing.  I will admit, my muse is chuckling along with the chapters and they are getting MAJOR edits.  This chapter was originally 2,630 words.  It is safe to say I exceeded 1K words added to the chapter.  I am close to the end, so we will see if there are any more to be added.

I think I forgot to put it in here, but I did get a story written to me for my bday…

She has told me she has plans to continue it and I am looking forward to it if she gets the time!  I am not sure if I like the banner yet, so do not be surprised if it changes.  But seriously, go read it, and let her know what you think!! I am so much looking forward to reading more of it!

I am off to finish up the chapter and the names on the banners.  See you hopefully about this time tomorrow.  I make no promises, cause I really understand how people here in Houston are getting sick.  Yesterday the heater was on in the night for us, and today the AC had to be kicked on cause it was heading into the middle 70’s inside the house.  Our weather is rocketing from one extreme to another.  From what I understand, it is going on in the US in other places.  It sounds funny, but I wish it would just stay cold.  Summer is coming soon enough and it will probably be a scorcher again.

Have a great day/night!!!

A Chapter?!?!?!?

A Chapter?!?!?!?

Yes, you read that right.  I actually have a chapter for you to read!!!

It’s me finishing up the Twilight/Marvel that I have had written all this time.  I am needing to get to work on finishing the rest of the chapters and sending them out, but this is a way for me to get back to writing.  I edit past chapters and slowly it eases me back to my style of writing.  I will finish up this one and then work on Sacred and the rest of the load.

However, you will find me tapering off from editing and getting back into writing soon enough.  So until I get enough banked chapters, I will be posting once a week.  When during that week?  No idea.  But I will aim for a week at a time, once I get banked chapters. Banked chapters mean they are back from betas and I have done my part as well.  Right now, there are not many.  And they are for stories that are for my first fans.

Just a reminder, the writing contest is up and waiting for your reading pleasure. (Click the little banner above to go there if you haven’t had a chance yet!) The other fandom featured for those that are not in the know is Moonlight.  Please still give them a read, others have and find the stories very enjoyable.  No real knowledge of the fandom is needed, it just gives an extra umph.  And for those of you reviewing and reading,

Image result for Thank you Gif

So here is the chapter for those that want to jump right in:

And for those that want to start from the beginning:

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!!!

Service notice

Image result for who pissed off elsa meme

Says everyone in Texas right now…

I am working on the banners for the contest.  I am also STILL fighting being sick.  I was doing great until we hit the gas line…

For we were doing good things, planting trees.  Many many trees.  And had our lines marked before.  And this line was NOT marked, and WAAAAAY too shallow.  Like 8 inches down instead of the 18.  We had been encountering roots for a tallow tree that we are going to cut down that ended up being the same size and color as our gas line to the house.  on the last tree to the background, we hit it.  It won’t be fixed until tomorrow.  And we did this the weekend before the last.  With the freezing temps, they are dealing with a lot of broken pipes.

So, fast forward to yesterday and today, with the temps in the single and teens wind chill, and below freezing since 2 yesterday, I believe.  If not sooner.  We just raised enough to hit the freezing temp but still having the wind chill factors in the 20’s.  I’m in the office with my mom, drinking tea, with Tucker and Connor and a heater.  The door is closed so we can be comfortable in layers.  Luckily everyone in the house is from cooler temperatures.  My family from Pittsburgh.  M’s is from Michigan, but he lived in AZ where it gets much colder in the winter than people think.   You can freeze in the fall and spring at night there.  So it does not take long for the things to come up to stay warm.  One thing is for sure, I am making more quilts for the house.  They are the best for keeping you warm!  (as long as you pick the right batting).

So I am writing to let you know I am still trucking on.  I have three banners to finish.  But The awesome bestest friend in the world, Robin, has let me know that our server will be down between 10Pm and 5 am tonight.  We do have media to go… you can find it here:



Click on Eric for the downloads

Robin says she will update the folder when she gets home, so check back to see if there are more than listed.  I am off to finish up the banners so I can get to editing.  I am REALLY ready to edit some stories to send them out to the betas so they can work on them!

Results Are In

Results Are In

So Sorry everyone.  I had no idea what was happening until it was way too late to do anything about it.  And even then it took me until a week and a half ago to admit I needed more help than I was getting.  I got it and I am finally getting to where I actually wanted to be on the computer.

I didn’t even really want to play games or anything.  I was thrilled on the days I got out of bed.

If anyone else is going through Depression, please know you do get out of it and are able to breathe once again.  It has taken me a long time, as well as this being one of the worse episodes that I ever went through.  Luckily, M and I talked daily about it, with me letting him know when he needs to do to help.  It is one of the hardest things I ever done, but thankfully, he listened.

One of the things I was suggested, was to pick up a new hobby, so I am learning to sew.  My mom was a seamstress, so she is the one teaching me.  I am 41 years old, and I am just now learning how to sew.  My thing though, is I like household items more than clothes.  She already signed me up for a Quilting Class, and I am currently learning to sew a Roman Shade and Valance.  Thank Goodness my mom knows how to do these things since we had to scrap the pattern and make our own.  Sadly, we forgot to buy regular needles… So guess what I will be buying this coming weekend?

Enough about me, here are the results for the contest:

1st Place:

2nd place was close.  Literally, only 3 votes separated them!

Thanks again for those who entered.  I will not be hosting a 3rd Quarter contest due to the depression.  I will be working forwards to the Christmas one, so be on the lookout for that one.

And huge thanks to those who wrote to me during the time I was battling depression, your words helped me more than you know.  Now I am off to hopefully sleep since I have appointments to run Grandma to.  Have a blessed day, and thanks again.


Just Some Friendly Prime Day Tips!

Just Some Friendly Prime Day Tips!

As some of you may know, today starts the buildup for Amazon Prime Day which is on July 10th.  (And I am apologizing ahead of time for no pics, but I am stopping in the middle of getting some stuff done so I can work on my computer!)

Thanks to the Krazy Coupon Lady, I have some information I can share with you.  And yes, the links I have here, are for me to get credit, cause, well I need it!  Also, by the way, the Krazy Coupon Lady is great for those who want to save money, but have someone else do all the work.  And though her name says coupon, she is more about how to save you money without needing to cut coupons.  She looks for sales, like for Old Navy, Carters and so on.  She is as in love with Target as I am, so it really helps me!!

Here we go:

  1. Sign up for a FREE 30-day Prime Trial to gain access to the sale.  Then cancel if you want to.
    1. Yes, you can really get it for free, and take advantage of the great deals.  Plus, if you use my link (Hint!) I get extra credit for Prime Memberships.  (every bit helps!!)
  2. Get $10 for streaming your first video or movie by July 7th.
  3. Follow the Krazy Coupon Lady to get “Up to the minute” information on Prime Day Deals.
    1. She has an App, that I use all the time. Also, I get emails with the great deals on them.  I often pass them on to my family. It really does help me, as well as telling when there are great deals!!! She also tells you HOW to get the deals.
  4. Shop a day early (July 9th) and view deals that will be on July 10th!
    1. Just click “Upcoming” to see what deals are coming up.
  5. Sign up for Paribus and get Amazon gift cards when your shipments arrive late.
    1. If any of your Amazon Prime shipments arrive even one day late, Paribus will negotiate with Amazon to get you either a free month of Prime or $10 Amazon gift card.
  6. Add Lightning Deals to your cart before the sale is live.
    1. They are called Lightning Deals for a reason.  These things sell out FAST.  So if you want the deal, click it in your basket, and be ready to check out with 1-click to get the deal.
  7. Shop through Alexa for exclusive (and better!) deals.
    1. Just ask, “Alexa, what are your deals?”
  8. Take Advantage of the daily deals featured from today to the 9th.
    1. Today is Alexa voice shopping
    2. July 6th is Amazon Music
    3. July 7th is Amazon Prime Video
    4. July 8th is Everyday Essentials
    5. July 9th  is Amazon Reading.

For more information (since I only highlighted her blog on this) please visit this page: 18 Amazon Prime Day Tips You Need to Know.  As I mentioned, I have been using her and noticed some awesome deals that I have taken advantage of through her. And again, She gets all the credit for researching this, I am just sharing her post on it for my wonderful readers!

As for the chapters and the writing contest, I am working on the banners.  You guys submitted some awesome stories, so I am trying to stretch my banner skills to showcase your stories!  I already learned one technique that I suspect will be handy other times also! I am off to finish cleaning, then mowing the grass since I am up early.  Then I will be in the nice cool office working after all that.  If I don’t need a nap!!

Here is the link again for me to get credit for your shopping at Amazon.  Remember, it does NOT cost you a single penny, or even a halfpenny!

http://www.amazon.com/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=kittyinaz-20 The Kittyinaz-20 part is what gives me the credit, so look for it when you open the site up at the top, after that it will disappear, but as long as you don’t leave the site, you are good.

Have fun shopping!!!
