It’s Friday, and That Means…


It’s time for another installment of You’re!!

Many thanks to Sitalia25 for betaing the chapter.   I also have to give a nods to missron80 for her help with Pictures.   And Huge amount of Thanks to Meridian for doing all the magic she does.   Of course the WordPress whisperer can’t be forgotten . ::Music Begins:: Oops.  I guess I am done with that.  Thank you to the Fans!!!

Also thanks go to the fans!! BertieBotts aka Ashley, one of my awesome betas, did awesome on the Burning Diamond awards!!!  They don’t have the banners up but here is a breakdown of the awards we won (Taken from the Facebook Page Kittyinaz’s Group):


The awesome news?  Ashley Maul swept ALL her categories!!!  Yes our very own Ashley Beat everyone and won First place for the following categories:

Overall Favorite Author,  Overall Favorite Story,  Best Breakthrough Author,  Best dynamic,  Best Friendship, Best Romance,  Best Kiss,  Best Drama , Best Damon.

As for me on my own I got:  3rd in Overall Favorite Author,  2nd in Best Breakthrough Author.

For You’re All I Am Asking For:  2nd Best Romance,  1st Best Villain, 1st Best Plot Twist, 1st Best Love Scenes, 1st Best suspense, 1st Best Bella, 2nd Best Damon.

The Shortcut Home:  1st Best Supporting Character,  2nd Best Family Dynamic.

Huge thanks to everyone who voted!!!  And please join me in congratulating Ashley!!!

Thanks again to everyone who voted.  I most would like to thank ::music begins::.  Where the hell is that music coming from???  Ah well.  On to the rest of the post.

Meridian wrote a E/S story and posted it on her site.  Please click on the link (contained in the word Site cause I’m awesome like that) and read it.  Tell her I sent you.  As you tell her to write more.  Hey she is the reason you had ED and so many more stories.  So it’s her turn!

I am still working on You’re.  Once I finish, I will be either take a break, write some, or start on the next story to be edited.   Who knows.  My little brain is going crazy on the story I have open, that I took a break on to bring you some stuff to read.


On a VERY Happy Note, I wanted to say Welcome to our new Betas:   Kelly, better known as Kelpie’s Corner.  She has taken on the OUaT story, Best.   We also have another Kelly, who is going to be in charge of Tin Man.   I am still looking for some betas, feel free to contact Karen on our email,

Before that annoying music starts again, I’ll shut up and allow you guys to get to the chapter.  See ya later!!

Enjoy the chapter!


Shhh… I have a Secret….

Charlie Bewley aka Demetri 2

Not really, but I am looking for interesting titles.  But.. I am here to say the rumors that have been spread by some weird person on the Facebook group is correct.  A new chapter of You’re is up!  And who is this person?  Well you will learn in the chapter!

Huge thank to Meridian, and many, many, thanks to Sitalia25 for her work on this chapter.  Both worked really hard to get the chapter ready, so that you guys can start up on one of the favorites.   I am working n the next chapter, and its being a huge monster of one.  I am reading thorugh it all since I think I was repeating myself at the end.  So, hopefully I can finish it and hand it off and finish this one.

Just a reminder, Facebook will get the hints of chapters beforehand.  It will be published on WordPress completely first and a couple of days later on the other sites.  Stories will be published once a week, with the weeks starting on Wednesdays, but the Beta’s are the one in charge of that end.  Each can choose whatever day they like as long as it is Wednesday-Tuesday.  The new week allows to hit publish when THEY are ready.

Yes, I am trying to edit anything I have, (And I do have another completed story) before I go back to my other projects.  I’m trying to make sure you guys will have something being posted, but if a current story (like the one for my mom) is epic, well, I hope I have enough time to keep giving you a chapter.

So I am off to keep working on the story, hopefully have it finished completely, and handed off to Sitalia25 for her enjoyment, and go off to edit the next one.  We are busy bees behind the scenes.  Also there is a banner contest for the Media to go, Robin had posted it earlier, and a Banner contest this month for two Banners for the Facebook site.  If they can be used here, I will doing that too.  Next month will be an interview, and so on.

So enjoy your chapter, I am off getting the next one, and the rest ready for you!


Last of the Published Chapters for You’re

Ian Awesome...

I never realized that while I was out sick (Technically I still am.) That this chapter never got announced.

Guess what?  It’s the last of the prepublished chapters!!  Everything after this will be new!

Now to the bad news:

Just want to let you guys know ahead of time.  I have been sickly lately, and my betas have been pushing for me to take a vacation from publishing.  I push myself really hard, and lately I am running out of chapters and not enough time to work on new ones.
Brotherhood is the precursor for one of my stories I will be turning into a Original Fiction.  What most of you don’t realize is that I have no job.  My deal with my hubby is to have something by the end of the year ready to send to be published.  The story I will be turning that way is not even close to being finished.  Brotherhood is my answer to it.  I HAVE to do this or the stories will be stopped because of looking for a new job and the stress of learning a new job.  I much rather work on writing.
My goal for this vacation?  To just … write.  I have some chapters out for Betas to work on, but I am not going to push for it. If they publish, then I will do my side of the work.  I want to finish some stories, like Tea Shoppe (Which their fans have been waiting years for) which will complete Twilighted version of that story, and What If.  I want to also finish up the current books for ED and You’re along with Revelations.  This will leave me able to concentrate on the stories that I know will be big.  Tin Man, Once, ITE, Blood are all on the list to have many chapters be ahead.  Along with the sequels to Revelations, ED and You’re.
So I will be publishing, for those that have chapters to the Betas and they indicate are ready for you guys.  But I will be focusing on finishing some stories.  The ones I named are the closest to finishing.
Please be patient and you will be rewarded with many, many, weeks of constant updates!!
So please enjoy your chapters!

New chapter of You’re!

Brunette and man 3

And what is the picture above meaning??  How about the mating!! Lemon alert!!!!!!!!!  Reminder, this is going to be censored on FanFiction!

Plus another bonus, one more chapter of the posted chapters left before we get into the new stuff.  I am so excited!! Though I need to get writing on this more!!!

ED is the only other chapter that is waiting for me to post, so I will be working on editing and writing for the next week to get everything ready for the regular posting.  🙂

Enjoy the chapter!


New Edited Chapter of You’re!


The official countdown has started.  Two more weeks… Two more chapters left until we get into the new stuff.  Yep, there is more to read, and more characters are being added, and my Beta’s can tell you how they are loving it.  I do plan for at least two books on this.  If not more.

As ALWAYS, Sitalia25 is my awesome beta for this chapter.  And, like the prior ones for today, she is a writer also!!! Click on her name in the Beta Box and enjoy the awesomesauce that she is.  Tell her I sent ya!

This is officially the last chapter that will be on FanFiction without edits.  Yes, folks, citrus is coming.  And if you want to know levels, well we did define it one day in the Beta group.  There is Orange (Bland 1st base and shortstop), there is Limes (A combination of 2nd and 3rd base) and then there is lemons.  And I will tell you now, we are in Orange level here, but very faintly…    And yes, I did edit through the chapters posted.

Just a reminder, I am going to be essentially off my computer and on the iPad from Friday through Tuesday.  This means, editing and writing is going to be cut back, so next week may not be updated as normal, though since this one is edited as is ED, I will try to get them up.  But remember, while I seem to have no life, my betas do!

Enjoy the chapter!
