
Yes, Sooo much going on!!! If you didn’t notice the reblog, there is a Kittyinaz’s Group Food Blog now.  It is AWESOME!! Many, many, thanks to Megan and 4PadFoot for getting that from inception to live within a day!  I am completely amazed!  And for the recipes and offers coming in, thanks!!! We thought it would be nice to have an easy access to recipes, and the holidays are coing and all I can say is.. Christmas Cookies!!!!!!

For those of you that have been following me, you know this time last year, I was being hit with issues one right after another.  In one month, will be the anniversary of my Grandfather’s death due to Alzheimer’s.  But we had lost him years before.  It is hard to have a family member literally forgetting you in front of you that makes you want to cry and frustrated.  And he knew he was forgetting stuff.  He knew something was wrong, so each and every time we saw him, he hugged us and told us he loved us.  Even though he may forget us after or even before that.  I have included a link to the Alzheimer’s foundation to the side. (Well really 4PadFoot did… and she did it for me after I shared on our Facebook group about the memory.) Donating anything will help others have a chance to beating this disease before they lose a loved one.

Finally, a new chapter of ED is up.  Meridian, the Queen Bee of our Betas has already beat me writing this with putting it out.  She is freaking awesome!!

I have many thanks to all those that review, that help me out, and donate time to make this site so awesome and your input inspires me to keep on writing.  Thanks so much!

Enjoy the chapter, and check out all these new features.  And the Beta that is for you guys to check out, Sitalia25.  She is the beta for You’re and she has not allowed me to forget it!  So click on her name under the beta’s to be taken to her site.  Don’t forget that there is a Blog list now under Other Stuff.  It is all the blog’s that I follow.  Have fun!
