chase%201%20(Large)It is!! And we are safe!!

The chapter for tonight is:

Chapter 3 Wisdom 4

Many huge thanks to Bertie Bott for betaing this even though she was sick.  I told her that her health comes first! But she ignored me.  I understand that.  I sneak onto the computer when I am sick too.  Shhhh it’s a secret!  I get bored!

Murphy is gaining weight.  He is no longer skeleton dog.  We are giving him the medicine for his allergies to the flea bites, his poor nose was a mess of blisters, and they are going away.  We are giving him the stuff for his mange, and he is getting fur.  Slowly, but hey it has been two weeks.  We are dealing with the potty training. That is a mess.  I think I rather have babies with their diapers.  But we are slowly getting there.

Ok reminders: (remember to click the banner to be taken to the sites!)

Kill Bill

Kill Bill is this month.  Either you can do the whole Kill Bill from Tb/SVM or you can do any story with the mention of the words Kill Bill in them.


Amazon, I really can do with all the help possible.  I am posting the link often to help you guys out if you think of it!

Reblog Header 5

Reblog page.  It is slow and then there are busy days.  If you want an idea of who I follow and when they post, that is a great place to see them.


And lastly, but not by far, I have a new team member!

Lisha Watermark

This is Lisha.  We have been working to learn Photoshop, and she is doing great.  Her first pieces were like a month of me doing them!  So please welcome her.  She is aiming to help us out with the Banners, as well as The Anthem of the Angels site.  I can’t wait to see what she can do!

Not much for today, but I am tired.  A cold front came through and all I want to do is crawl into bed.  I even blow dried my hair cause going to bed with wet hair was just not something I wanted to deal with.  No it doesn’t make you sick, but I don’t like my hair being cold.  Don’t ask…

So have fun, enjoy the chapter!  The next mummy chapter will be Saturday.  I am hoping that I can get another chapter done for the Mummy, I just finished chapter 3 today.

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