Mountain during a day

So I have a funny little story to tell.

See I went and tried to write a chapter of I Never Did.   And got 626 words into it.  That is it for the entire night.  (Teaser below!!) (It’s rough people.. pretty much my thoughts as I type!)

Song I listened to for this chapter: Marchin On (feat Timbaland) by OneRepublic


He shakes his head slowly, and then moves to be in front of her. He cups her face softly, and then he kisses her as the room just stares at them, shocked.

After he allows her to breath, he looks down to her, “I apologize, if I had known, I would have never left. I gave up the hope of you long ago. Will you forgive me, mein gefahrte?”


The whole room is frozen as they hear what he said and it vibrates through their head. Then Eric slowly chuckles.

His little mate is still out of it in his arms, and he plans to soon have her in their room. But this defientely changes the game. He wonders if she had known…

Brandon is just blinking then starts to laugh. When his family turns to look at him, he shakes his head. “I didn’t know of all of it, and like usual when a part of whatever it is comes true, it comes clear. This is one of the reasons he needed to come back. Aisling needed him.”

Godric is looking down at his little mate, and he asks, “So you are my Dotter’s assistant?”

She is staring at him, and nods.

Frey chuckles, “I don’t think she would ever be that silent!”

Griffon, Gainor and Carter all grin at each other. However, before they could say anything, Eric shakes his head at them.

He has a huge grin on his face, and relaxes even more. Unless something happens to Aisling, his Master will be here for a long time. And nothing could make Eric any happier than he is with his mate here, bonded and pledged with her father, and his, here to be here.

Eric gently lays his little one down in their bed, and he just watches her for a minute. He commits every part of her to his memory, as he does each and every time he has a moment to do so. When everything is as he remembers it previously, he takes a finger and trails it down her face, loving the fact he can do this any time he wishes to.

She is his.


And in turn, he is hers. In every way, but then, she has owned him since she walked into his bar that night. He just refused to acknowledge it. He fought the war against allowing her in; not knowing it was way too late for it.

No. That time is over. Now is the time for their beginnings to happen, their happily ever after. Or it would be if there wasn’t all the mistakes that have happened.

Like him not killing Russell. Mistake number one. And he is sure that there are more, and that not killing Bill Compton will be one of those things to come back and haunt him later on.

Quickly undressing, he moves to Sookie, and looking down at him, he gets a mischievous look on his face. Within moments, there is only pieces of what had been her clothing floating on the air as he gleefully on his handiwork.

A naked Sookie.

A naked Sookie on their bed.

A naked Sookie on their bed waiting for him.


“You think you were going to get away with that?”

He slides in behind his love, kissing her shoulder. “Me?”

A silvery sound of laughter sounds out, as Sookie looks at her other half, “The innocent look doesn’t work so much for a 6’4” Viking vampire. Just letting you know.”

Enjoying the feeling of her enjoyment in him like those bubbles he sees in champagne glasses popping inside his

And that is as far as I got in 6+ hours of trying.

I normally write about 2k words per chapter and about 2 chapters a night.  Needless to say I gave up and went back to editing.  Clocks had been edited up to chapter 4 last night.

Instead I was going to post this one shot Gyllene had fallen in love with since my awesome Beta Mistress Jessica went ahead and did it.  Figured you guys would love it, and we all be happy this week.

Until last night I was trying to find something and went on my laptop to the Google Drive that holds everything.  And found out my laptop was not updating to the Drive.

Remember all that head banging?


Yeah I was doing it again.

I went back and looked, and nothing was updated.  I should have checked when Jessica had mentioned about the verb tense, but while I thought I fixed it, it is one of those things I get wrong.  So I thought I missed some.

No wonder she said something.

So I had to go to her and apologize late last night. I was embarrassed as hell, and mad that I walked away after I fixed it all.  And you guys don’t get the chapter, since I did clarify a lot of things in the chapter when I went back to Edit of things that just didn’t sound quite right.

My fault!!!

Everything is fixed, and I will be carrying a little thumb drive back and forth until I can get the laptop updating like it should be.  I bet you are wondering why am I still using the laptop?  I got ALL of the Mummy done in one night.  I got a lot of Clocks done in one night.  Frankly I get a lot of work done out there in the other room, and spend more time with family.  A great win in my books.

My laptop is great, but it is old. I bought it back in 2007.  It can keep up with things, except where memory comes into the equation.  It has, I think, 4 gig memory harddrive.  Yeah.  My desktop has a TB and so does my Google Drive.  And while one has pictures and stories on it, the other has the programs to run all of the above as well as the precious iTunes.  And they are about even.  I am Kittyinaz and I am a memory hog.  I seriously have to edit what goes on EVERYTHING I own.  All in the interest of memory.

So I do what I can, and am still fiddling around trying to find what works to get out the stories to you guys, and to keep me happily writing.  I am working on editing only because it works right now.  I will need to go back read everything over, make my notes, go through Rissa’s timeline and then start drawing on my white board what is going to happen to start writing a story I have currently going on or I am writing the sequel to.  And I have 20+ stories to do that with.  Things are happening, you are getting chapters, but I am doing what I can.  I like to write, it’s the editing process I hate.

Basically, we are working on updates to all the other sites, in fact, right this minute we are taking down the Tea Shoppe stories.  I know they are down from here and FictionPad.  This is also the last week All I Want and Wisdom, Justice and Love are being updated on FanFiction.  I was not joking when I said we were going to start pulling away from the site.

Because, ficlet78 announced another story of hers was plagiarized.  And as she said, it’s getting stupid.  Funny how it seems to be FanFiction that holds most of the plagiarists.  I enjoy the majority of the fans, and it is NOT their fault.  But there comes a time that you need to realize enough is enough.  And I have long since given up on the site.

Anything new will follow my fellow writer’s Dr Harley’s example.  First chapters will be published.  I publish on other sites, A03 (Archive of Our Own), FictionPad, and TWCS (The Writer’s Coffee Shop).  I hear rumors of another site by some of my ladies, and I will support that one with everything I can.  But I cannot spend my time chasing thieves instead of writing.  I can’t even reply to comments since it takes days for one story.  Much less all the ones I have going on!   I try to answer the questions, and grin with glee when I get the others.  It has given me days of being taken from being in the dumps, to grinning like the Cheshire Cat.


So I am going to go back to making sure everything is ready, make some Homemade mac and cheese for dinner. (The recipe and step by step pictures are on the food blog!) Then edit my heart out for the rest of Clocks so I can move on to another story.  I think I will be overworking my poor betas!

Enjoy the night, and when I can publish again, I will be!
