I finally have the new chapter of the Lord of the Ring story up.

I warned you guys it would an every other week thing.  I need to write more on this, and this is one I need to sit down and really look over to write.  The idea of it is awesome.  But, as one reader was kind enough to inform me, I had a bit of information wrong.  I named Gladriel as Legolas’s Grandmother.  Nope.  Wrong family.  Elrond was of her line.   Duh!

But it is this that makes this one more tricky than most for me to read.  There are huge family lines and so forth that Mr. Tolkien wove into his story telling.  The movies didn’t help either since there was no way for Mr. Jackson to make a movie on everything in the books.  The Fellowship of the Ring would have been three movies by itself!

On the other hand, I spent this past weekend and so far this week not feeling so well.  And it is the hateful sort. I am mostly over it, but I am bored by reading, and have so much to do.  And it is stationary. However, my stationary ends up being where I hardly move and that is not good either.  I really need a laptop.  One that will connect all the time to the internet.  Then I can work on it, and feel much better on staying in bed and resting like I should.  I am good the first couple of days.  But it is now I am so bad, and what gets me in trouble. I get to where I want to do something.  Anything.

I am so good about insisting on my betas get rest and not work, but for myself?  Yeah.  Not so good.

Luckily, the rest of this week is the betas telling me when to hit publish and write these out.  Also one of the ladies is helping me out on the database.  I am going to work on it for awhile.  Though I am being begged for the next chapter of Sacred from the prereaders.  One of them is having a really bad day, so we will see.

So reminders!

There is the Writing Contest for this month!

2015 1

There is the YWBA nominations going on….


Then there are the Fanatic Fanfics nominations going on…


Don’t forget the Fanfiction Affliction neither, that is taking off.


  I know I am forgetting some.  I need to make lists for what to highlight in these posts.  Here is the chapter for tonight:



Enjoy the chapter.  Tomorrow is the Tin Man chapters.  And remember we are in new territory for those that are not a beta.  As for the pre-readers, well there is one.  That is not tied in some way back to the site.
