
Not at all.

Sunday I came in here and entertained the kitten.  But the Monday, instead of being online, I was holed up in my bedroom trying to keep cool.

It didn’t work.

Today I thought I was being uber productive, (vs veg state I have ended up in lately.) and cleaned the kitchen.  I even asked Hubby M what he wanted for dinner, only to have myself fighting a migraine an hour later.  I retreated into the bedroom, and since my allergies are killing me, I took Benadryl to hopefully help.  (I don’t take pain meds unless it is a last resort.  I have a high pain tolerance, and it also affects my ringing in my ear that is getting worse also.)

M wakes me up and then feels bad, after he touches me, and I am burning up.  he gives me IBUProfen, and then leaves the room in blessed darkness (even though he should be sleeping for work himself.)  The he does something that makes everyone bless him.  He goes outside and sprays off the AC.  Immediately there is a difference in my room.  I finally could get up, and since then, the temp has dropped 2 degrees.  It was 80 in the house, (83 outside with a heat index of 93) and now it is a blessed 77 now.  And still dropping.

Yes, 3rd world issues, but I already would have died long time ago in a 3rd world.  I was raised a Northern Chick, and I need it to survive!  I so hate the heat.  And the Humidity.  Can’t forget that bugger that makes my nice hair frizzy within a step outside.  Seriously.  Don’t need the humidity.  It can go somewhere else.  Like CA.  They need it.

Anywho, this is all to explain how much of a wimp I am.  And seriously, I am.  Once Winter comes, I will be the one thrilled when the rest of Houston is complaining of the cold.  I can’t wait this year to go to Tucson. We stay outside of Tucson in a town called Benson, it’s higher up.  It gets colder and more chance of Snow!!!!  (Yes, I told you I belong in the north!!!!)

Right now, I am going to be sitting here writing out my ideas for Sacred.  I have other obligations, and since they have time limits on them, I need to get them out.  I will probably do what I have done with Sacred, edit what I have, and write on them after I finish a chapter or Midnight comes.

I have an inquiry out on what is ready to go this week.  If I do, you will see another email from me.

For now, please go over and read my review for My Wish by the awesome JC52185!  I have an interview to put up on Friday, so be watching out for that! (And yes I made the banner, she is free to have it!)

My Wish 1

I will also be updating the other sites tomorrow, for those that read them.  I am sorry, I have falling behind on so much, but I am trying.  I am off to write up stuff, then look over the chapter I have up for Clocks to edit.  Hopefully without Stormy trying to help.  She thinks she is, but when I have to restart my computer 3 times in the last 2 days, and reset my keyboard completely, well it aint helping.  She manages to run across any keyboards that are out.  Unluckily, she likes my keys the best.  I guess I will be putting up the keyboard at night. But she makes up for all the bad things by being cute.  Look at this pic M took last night coming to bed:


I just wanted to let you guys know what is going on.  I am not ignoring anyone, I am just having health issues.  Hopefully with this idea, we can hope I will be fine enough to get back to working at night again.  I like being nocturnal, no one talks to me in the house, and I get crap loads done.  My muse loves it also!

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