
So, this weekend as a bust for me working and apparently sleeping.  But those voices still try to talk… ugh

However, it was mostly for good reasons!!!

First off My dad’s bday was yesterday, but we gave him his present on Friday.  See, he has issues with technology.  Computers are something that are just not very good for him, since he doesn’t understand them.  He just wants to get on them, and have them work.  This causes issues since he agrees with anything that pops up to get it off his screen.  Yes.  He has had so many computers die from viruses that is not even remotely funny.  So, when he gave up on the last one, gave it to my mom, he started making noises that he wants a tablet, thinking they would be easier.  He sees M and I on ours all the time.

MamaKitty talked with me about it, and I told her to get him a iPad, since he has finally started to understand his iPhone.  No need to confuse the man, and since I have had an iPad since they first came out, I can vouch for them.  In fact, M has my first iPad, and told me not to get him a new one, he will just take the one I am using now when I get a new one.  Awesome man… truly!!!

Friday, Mamakitty was all excited, while I was dead.  My insomnia struck and I didn’t get ANY sleep that night. Miserable.  Finally, I got some later on, then worked with MamaKitty to get DaddyKitty there.  (I know many of you are kinda confused.  My bio dad died a couple of years ago.  The man I call DaddyKitty raised me, so… you can get the idea.)  WE did, and then he turned around and bought my mom her bday present, an iPad.

Now, this is funny, since I have been telling her to buy one all this time.  Now she has one, and she aint putting it down.  LOL!!!!  She has also admitted after using it, it is easier to work with than the Nook and Android Tablets.  But they are happy, and I might actually have the new Laptop they have unless M gets me a new one.  (my one that I started writing FanFiction on is dying slowly.  After 5-6 years, I guess I can let it finally rest…. ::snickering::)  This makes working while in Tucson something that IS going to happen.  Since I managed to write all of AIW during that time, we can guess that more will be coming out during that time.

I am typing this all up at 1am, (not breaking my Sunday rules ladies!!!) since I cannot sleep.  Allergies are bad, and I ended up sleeping most of the day die to them.  But, going through my emails finally, I saw that the Friday post for the Non-Canon Awards didn’t go out.  Since I didn’t make one for Monday, I figured I would write up one while checking up what happened.

I didn’t hit publish.

Oops.  My bad!!!  So it is up and by the time you read this, it really will be published.

Here it is:


Stormy… went to the vet on Thursday, (And we suspect this may be the reason for the insomnia, she had been cuddly needing to be soothed after they shot her up with 3 shots and a med by mouth.)  And no, there is no official word on what she is, they suspect a male.  I told them if so, he will be Stormin Norman.  Nicknamed Stormy.  Hey it works.  She is growing fast.  And she is hunting me right now as I type.  Lol.

Connor and Murphy got a present yesterday.  A wacky sprinkler thingie.  And it was hilarious to watch them play with it.  Right now, Murphy is playing in the living room, while Connor is sleeping by my feet.  Their lives are so hard.

As for me, I watched Alice yesterday and today.  Well, Alice in Wonderland yesterday and Alice was last night and finished it today.  M watched the end with me, and made all sorts of insightful comments.  Ugh.  No need more fuel for stories in that fandom!

I plan to finish my project tomorrow as well as the interviews/reviews for the next couple of weeks.  So look out for more.  Enjoy the time, and there is a hint of maybe a new story being done betaed.. maybe…

c-ya hopefully when I wake up!
