
:Peeks out around the corner::  Ummm… Hi?

I know.  I suck.  I do have a chapter to post on the LOTR/Twilight story that I meant to post last week.  I do!!!

Just last week was more than I anticipated.  I was so overwhelmed by the time I would be home, I was just wanting down time.  But then I have that Time sensitive project I am working on.  So no downtime for me.

Which is messing with me more than I can explain.  Then there is the whole OCD thing I have going, and the fact I need to make up the stuff around the project.. UGH!

Then I was all, this week I am going back to the gym.  Yep.  This is the week.  I am tired of being tired all the time, and maybe this will help me sleep.  At the least, I will lose some weight, now that I am mostly back to eating 3 times a day.  mostly.  I mess up sometimes and only realize at night that I ate only 1 meal all day.  Oops.

Except, it wiped me completely out.  Like I had to stop to grab something to eat or I was going to pass out. I had to sit down for a bit when I got home to take a shower.  All that made me more determined to do the following:

  • Keep going to the gym.  I hate feeling that weak!
  • Make sure I eat.


I am hoping that I will be able to get a lot done today on the project, so I can get back to our regularly scheduled programs.  Nothing would make me happier than to get back to writing.  And working on that damned original fiction.  I have a lot more back work to do, but it will be worth it in the end.


I also want to finish up Clocks, (I am on the last ‘fixer’ chapter!) since I am so close to going back to already worked over stuff.  I just need to check it all, then let the beta know I am done with that one.

Some Sacred Place In Time Banner

Some Sacred Place In Time Banner

I am also ready to work more on Sacred when I feel the inclination to write.  I have some prereaders who will placated with the project, are still looking at me, tapping their feet and looking pointedly at their watches.  I left them on a kinda cliffhanger.  Not really, but they seem to think so.

I still have Best to work on and Blood’s chapter I had not been aware was out there.  And I am currently reading some fanfiction in that universe.  So it is getting me back in the framework.  I need to write up some reviews so that when 4Padfoot’s idea is ready, we will have some stuff waiting to be used over there.  Shucks, I have to reread some favorites.

All this so I can be reset back to how I was when I first started to write.  Alot of work isn’t it?  I prefer to write.  More than anything else.  Though not under the time limit I had, but I can successfully say I CAN write a story under a month.  Not that I want to again, since I had to depend alot on my CB, Rissa, more than I like to.  It’s not fair to her.

I don’t know if I mentioned, but Mamakitty likes to draw.  I gave her my bamboo tablet, and then she got an iPad.  She realized that if she just got the right pen, she can draw on it also.  The first try was not so good, but I ended up with a Pen that is just like one you would use.  She went on to get a Bamboo one.  Well, I have been playing with mine, and found a program for writing notes.  It erases the fact my hand rests on the tablet, and reacts to the sensitivity of the pen itself.  You have different pen types to try, and I found that the fountain pen is the best pen for my style of writing.  Which cracks me up, since I use one of them to draw on glass. But the results look like I actually wrote them.

The bad side to the program?  Unlike OneNote, it doesn’t transfer to any other device.  its strictly for the iPad.  It will convert my handwriting to text, so I am playing with the idea of using it for more than writing my notes to myself on stuff, ideas and so on.  We will see.  The program is called Notes Plus.  If you take notes for work and so on, it is awesome for it.  Just we go back to the fact that I like to have a program if I am out and about and am stuck with an idea, I can write it in my phone and see it when I get home on my computer.

So yes, I have a crapload of stuff to do, and I am working on it.  I had this project come up and it took over everything, but the hard part is done.  I just need to get in gear and get the next part done.  I will say having a laptop has been helping, I take it with me into the living room, bedroom and so on to work on.  While it is not mine, and I really want one of my own, it works and more importantly, it connects to the internet.  So I can write on it, then save, and come in here and take up from there.

What can I say, when technology works, it really is awesome.

Alexander Skarsgard 18

I have to mention, Happy Birthday to our leading man, Alexander Skarsgard.  The man looks better with aging!  He is the same age as me (which is sad, I don’t know how old I am have the time, but I can remember his age.  Seriously.  That is messed up!)

Ok, I have one review that I did here: (Sorry Katfergie for not getting this done earlier!)


And I have a review for a story out there as well:

Much Ado About Vampires 2

I will be posting the contest for banner of the month in the group soon.  (like today or tomorrow).  The theme?  I have no idea… I am running out of ideas it seems when I am overwhelmed.

I will get out the chapter this week.  Just give me some time, and when I need to take a break, I will look it over, add the pictures if it needs them.  Then I will let you know.  I also saw proof with my own little eyes, that Dying is getting close to being done with the beta.

I’m trying, so give me some time, folks.  You have no idea how busy RL has been for me.  Drama Island has nothing on my family lately.  I cannot wait for vacation.

C-ya later!

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