I know a lot of you are wondering where the heck am I?  And what is going on with your stories?

Well, here is a sort of an answer.  I am not abandoning anything.  But there are complications.

M (aka Mr. Kittyinaz, but he wanted to be known as M), asked me to get a job to 1) have some money coming in from another source, and 2) to get me out of the house and make some friends.  He had told me over and over that, for the most part, the money would be for me unless we needed it for bills.  He only wanted a part-time job that would not aggravate anything to do with stress.

I did get that job in October, and it has been fun.  It is at a quilt shop called AllBrands.com aka Sew Contempo.  I have been learning tons of stuff and finally getting somewhat knowledgeable about my job, and comfortable with being there.  Then I was thrown a loop in the middle of December, of being asked to become assistant manager of the location I am at.  Basically, I would be handling the administrative side while the manager does what she is best at, selling machines.  I am taking over the displays and so on while listening to the input of everyone who has worked there for a while.

It’s still part-time for now, (which I say since I can be bumped up to fulltime at any time) but it’s still fun.  We are hammering out some details, but it is all settling down and we are moving forward on my plans and so on.  It’s only a bit above minimum wage, but for me the discounts are awesome.

Which brings me to what is going on in my life.  I am working on some quilts and display things, along with finishing some quilts and making me one for my bed since I had to retire my old one.  No biggies, but when you work from 8-6, on your feet all day, it takes up a lot of time.   I am starting to settle into what is going on, and maybe with no holidays and so on going on, I can move forward on getting things ready for me to return to my big love, writing!

I think of writing each day, and hopefully, after I finish some quilts for displays and so on, I can move back to balancing my RL and being able to indulge in writing again.

For the writing contest, I received only one entry, and I hope to work on the banner to the author since she well deserves it.

For now, please bear with me.  I never expected a way for me to relax away from writing, turn into what it has, but the more it goes on, the more I am wanting to return to writing.  It’s just now, M and I are starting to relax, sit down and start talking about what we can do for making the house the way we want, with the big renovation being making us a master suite.  At the same time, we are also making it easier for me to work in my office/hobby room.  Cutting tables are a huge plus!!!

So, I am off to work on the baby quilt so I can get that out of my way, and relax into making everything else I have.  I hate having something hanging over me, but I do like the term that quilters use for these things, UFO’s.  UnFinished Objects.   I think I will adopt that for my stories as well.  It seems to make it more fun, but at the same time, where I want no more UFO’s hanging about.  They might kidnap me!