Ummm…. Yeah.

Ummm…. Yeah.

Aos Si 1

SO while I was writing that other post, I was also writing the story.

See, my Internet is taking forever to load pages and so on.  So I was typing up the chapter while waiting.  And I finished it.


Ah well.  Robin will be happy to have her man in an action packed chapter.

For me, I am done with Original fiction for the week.  But I am working on some other things, as well as hoping my headache will go away.  It’s in that irritating spot of not quite there enough to take something, or even know what I need to take (sinus, headache headache, or what).  So while I wait for it to decide to either go away, or form completely, I am going to get those dang cards done.  For once I am done, I am done.

See ya tomorrow or sometime this weekend.

And the chapter?  PM me, or good luck finding it!  IT is on the site….


It’s Time for More Road!

Our Road Banner 2

Though, I have to warn you, this chapter starts a sad cycle, but necessary to the story.  No wish is ever granted like this one had, without pain involved.  If you mess with timelines, there are going to be consequences.

And this chapter is beginning those consequences.

3 Our Road

However, this is me.  I can’t go too long being sad.  I have a plan, and for why this had to happen the way it did.

I give huge prompts to my beta for this.  She worked on it, and I gave her a heads up that I will be forwarding a new chapter of Edge towards her probably tomorrow.

Yes, Tomorrow is the start of the Fanfiction weekend.  Before that happens, I am finishing up a chapter of Aos Si. It’s an actiony scene and major.  It starts them off towards the story and bringing in the universe they are involved in now in more detail.

Which I will say, I am thrilled to be getting to the meat of this.  I may go back and write more on their last school year, but it is not that important to the story.  I hit on the high spots, and now we are getting ready for the battle coming.

So enjoy this chapter of Our Road is Long, while I write my little heart away and then write you another post for today on that chapter update.

I’m getting excited.

So reminders, The contest.

Outlaws and Angels 2bYou are now reminded.

You Want Blood Awards.


Go send in your nominations.  If the stories you wanted nominated are not, it’s your fault.  This is your time to shine, to suggest the stories for the categories!

And I know there are more reminders, but seriously, I can’t remember them right now.  Maybe later tonight?

Banners will take you to stories and/or sites….


Ummm…. Yeah.

First Aos Si Chapter for this week!

Aos Si 1

Yes, you read that right.  The first chapter of this week is done.

Though, it is a short one, so it is no big deal.  But I needed it to finish up High school for them. But now their free time is over, Mordred is on the move.  Too bad for them.

I will probably expand on it more later, but for right now, I am just trying to get ideas on ‘paper’.

I have also sent in another chapter of Our Road is Long.  Once the beta is done with it, I will let you guys know, so the general public can get to the stories.


Don’t forget the You Want Blood Awards and submitting your nominations!!!

Outlaws and Angels 2b

Also there is my contest, Outlaws and Angels to submit for as well.


Bertie Bott sent out a request for any of us who are continuing the stories that they submitted for her Superhero Contest, please let her know so she can supply links to the stories.


We are still looking for donations for the site.  We have enough for renewing the site, but not to pay the security.  We are also are leaving the donation button up for you to use.

All in all, I think you guys probably like what is going on, you are getting more updates as Natsgirl pointed out.  I never thought about it that way, but I am getting rid of all the stories that have prewritten chapters done.  Of course it doesn’t help when I go off to read the rest of the story coughEdgecough.  But as long as I can get work done, it will be good.

Right now, we have been rained on.  For some reason, my allergies are trying to overrun me, making it hard to sleep, since I keep sneezing like crazy.  Stormy has been jumping and looking at me like I am crazy, since I normally don’t sneeze like this.  Luckily no flooding around here, but then, even when everyone is being flooded, we live in a pier beamed house, that is a good foot or so off the ground.  So we are not so worried.

I am off to work on clearing my inbox of writers that I follow, so I can get them on my site and on Robin’s.  Have you submitted your site to me at  The banner needs to be 888×499.  If you want to know if I already done your site, look on my Blogs I love, and see if your ‘card’ is the standard size.  More of the entries at the beginning are of the cards, since I was working alphabetically from my list.  If you want to submit a banner, or your site for my listing, please send it to the email.  If you want to replace your ‘card’, please send to the same email.

I’m off, I need to link up everything in this post, then I need to try to get rid of the headache I have from my sinuses.  Which unfortunately means I am too tired to work, but not tired enough to get my mind to just shut up.  And food might be good.

Thanks!! (banner on top is your link to the story, after this post, you guys will need to contact us to find the secret way into the Original stories that are not being published)


Ummm…. Yeah.

Yes, This is Shocking to Me too!

Aos Si 1

So here I am, with the first chapter being published on Aos Si, since I last wrote on it.

I never expected to be able to jump kinda right back in.  I say kinda, since I spent days researching what I had written before, writing up stats and worrying about other things.

Worrying seems to be the new default for hubby and I.  But, we will get through this and I am doing my side of our agreement.

For those that may have forgotten, or have joined since then, Only pre-readers who review chapters are accepted.  The reason is for to get feedback on the chapters.  They are REALLY rough.  These pre-readers get to see how stories are before I go back and add everything.  I literally write these out, come out here and save the chapter.  This is what I normally do with chapters when I am in the writing mode.  I write out my ideas and the movie in my head.  I try to add what I can but there is a limit.

I can tell you how rough they are, when I went back to read the chapters published already.  Oops… There are alot of oops… Words missing, wrong words used and so on.  I normally catch these when I am editing, or even my betas have had to come back and ask, Huh?  It’s why I use beta’s.  Not only they make the grammar part pretty, they are another set of eyes that can see what I am missing.

But each of the pre-readers HAVE to leave a review about the chapter.  If they do not, we do have to tell them that we are no longer allowing them to read it.  Pre-reading is to help me when I go back and edit these things, (which only the betas will see at that point) I can see what is going on, and what they are thinking.  If it is the direction I want it to go, then I am all for leaving in things.  If it is not described enough and makes them go ‘huh?’ and not where I plan the huh’s to be, I know to make sure I clarify my point.

So without much ado, I will link the newest chapter to the car below.  (which is Jason’s)  The banner above will take you to the first chapter.

Jason and his car 1

If you are a pre-reader, and don’t know the password, well you can contact us, and once we verify you were a pre-reader, the passwords will be handed out.  But be aware, Rissa is sleeping.  (No waking her up!) and I am working on some stuff.  It may take awhile.


You Know That Chapter I mentioned yesterday?

You Know That Chapter I mentioned yesterday?

Our Road Banner 2

Well to my huge surprise, my beta for it did it while I was sleeping!

Huge credos to: Melissa-1

Also, I want to make this as close to doing real publishing, so from here on out, the only pictures you will be getting will be the chapter banners.  And those are only for the reason that they will stand out on the side posts so I can see how they are performing.  Yes, I do look at those and see what is currently holding your interest.  Those and reviews tell me the most.  Well the likes do it as well, so if you don’t want to leave a review (but they really do feed the muse!) Hit the like button.

It lets me know you liked it, even if you don’t have the time to review or are too shy to.  I wish that Fanfiction had those, I think a lot of people would leave the likes behind.

As for the other story, I spent yesterday going through and doing the physical stats of the main characters.  This story has what I call the Pack in it.  All in all, the pack has about 24-25 characters in it.  Yes, it is huge, but there is a reason, this is the introduction to my world, and the Pack will have some characters featured in the future stories.  Plus I have 6 characters who are major in my universe that I needed to get their stats done.  Now I am going through to add in the little details.

You know, what are they good at, what their job is going to be in the Pack, little details that can come interesting later down the road.  Basically a reference card, but allowing us all to remember details easily.  4Padfoot is trying to figure out a way to do Character Pages that allow you to put your mouse over them to get the details.  Since the theme we use is made to be used with tablets, whatever we pick will work with that as well.

So here is the chapter, you can click the banner at the top of the page to be taken to the Cover page and read the prologue also.

2 Our Road

Please let me know what you think, since I am working on my original story and feedback will help me with that as well.




I am testing to see if this one will go out right.

See, we got hacked.  Big time.  And as right now, we finally got a piece of what we had back that sends out the posts to you lovely people.  Hopefully.

Since none of the ones last week went out…

For instance… There was this update:

3 Edge

And then I took the plunge and started to publish one of the Original Fictions I was working on.  With a lengthy explanation on it.  To enter the side of the site that has the original fiction, you need to click through here:

1 Prologue Road

By agreeing to read it, you are agreeing that you know it is mine.

There has been more chapters done in the back end, but I want to see if this goes out.  You can also visit the Post page and see everything else that has been going on.  As well as information on the new banner on the site background… I am proud of that thing!

If this goes out, there might be another as a public service anouncement…
