New Chapters of Tea Shoppe!

Twilighted Tea Shoppe

Yep.  We did it again!   Another Tea Shoppe and Twilighted Tea Shoppe chapter are coming your way!  The above banner was done by the Beta for this story, Mommy4Thomas!

Click the banner below if you want to read Alice Hamilton and Hatter aka David Temple.

chapter 11

Click the banner below if you want to read Bella Swan and Hatter aka Peter Whitlock.

chapter 11 1


The Betas talked it over, and this will be updated biweekly.  But there will be updates, and the chapters will be started to post on the other sites soon.



Yes!! Bertie Bott and I will get to meet this Thursday.  We will also be meeting the stars of the Vampire Diaries (IAN!! and Daniel Gillies!!!).  But somehow, I am so impatient to meet Bertie.  Tomorrow I will be starting the packing, and like my hubs always complains, I will probably pack too much.  Ah well.  Its vacation.  What if I spill something… or don’t feel like the outfit I picked out?!?!?! LMAO!

I will be posting to Facebook from Vegas.  I think (I don’t know for sure) but I do know for sure that WordPress Whisperer has a Vegas page ready.  If she will be taking from Facebook or not to post, I am not sure.  But.. I WILL be posting to the Kittyinaz Facebook Group.  click the above Banner to be taken to the page.  If anyone will be in Vegas from September 11-15th, well we will be there….

Ok.. KILL BILL Contest!!!

You guys kept asking, so I am opening it up.  You have until the end of the month to get those entries on them.  You can Kill Bill as many times, as inventive as you can come up.  I can hint that if you give Sookie and Eric a HEA, it probably will help out too.  I will be building the page here shortly for the contest.  The rules generally are the same, stick with the theme.  You do NOT have to use True Blood.  If you want to use Kill Bill as an other source… Please do!! Imagination is the key folks!

I am also writing.  I am on a roll for the Harry Potter fic, and I am hoping to finish it soon.  From there I am hoping the muse sticks around long enough to write more IND before leaving, but if she wants to write more on the other subjects, that is fine.  I think she was mad since I stopped writing.  I was trying to give you guys chapters!  That should count for something right?  I also need to finish my piece that was for Kelpie’s writing contest that won, I am planning to finish then hand it over to Meridian and she is going to work on it from there.  It will be both of us, but no one will complain that we plan to make this a multi chapter fic right?  I plan to write the story, and she is going to expand it.  Odd Collaboration, but it should work for all involved.

For those who may have wondered, Gyllene’s HEA contest ended, and the winners sooo deserved it!  Congrats!   I entered a one shot and I will be working it to load it here, with a banner.  When I get time!  I also have another one shot that I need to clean up and get up here.  It is a AH Eric/Sookie fic.

So there is plenty going on.  I wish to thank all of you that asked me to write a huge thank you.  I have been torn trying to work on chapters and not being able to.  So when the bug hit me, I decided to let you guys know.  Your response inspired 2 chapters that night.  Not the chapter I was thinking was coming, but still… It inspired them!  I wrote the chapter I was inspired to write last night, and yeah.  The Muse is in charge on this folks.  Sit back and enjoy the ride.  And teasers are being posted in the group now.

I’m off to finish posting and so on… then I will be writing.  I only have so much time before I will be with Bertie…. Gotta write!

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Writing Contest is up!

Yep.  I know.  I am a bad person.  I have been falling behind on stuff.  Sorry, real life was getting to me and had me depressed.  But starting this week, I am dragging myself out of it.

The first step?  Was getting a lot of things done, and getting things ready for the next phase.  I had to make some decisions, and I did and moved things around.  I am now getting better, and I am also going to the gym.  Shocker!! I am determined to not be in this state anymore.  It isn’t easy, but nothing worth doing is. It is what it is.

I didn’t forget about April, but we had one entry.  I have it linked below in the banner.  The page was not ready yet, so now it is, and you can go read the winner of last month.  I honestly have to say it would have won either way.  It blew me away.

North Star_edited-1

The May one was a Kill Bill Contest.  Real Life seemed to come along and wreck many of the ladies plans to participate in it.  But I begged for at least two entries and got it.  Follow the participation banner below to the page.  I limited the voting to per one per person.  I know there are ways to get around it, but if you are willing to work that hard, have at it.

Participation Banner 0514_edited-3

This month is a plethora of prompts.  I threw all of them out there and told my group to pick one.  One of the pieces I gave them has inspired a new story for me, that I will do for you guys to read.   If you are interested, just come to our group and participate.  I already had an idea for the next one.  But determining on the amount of participation from this, and from the group themselves, determines how often this will be featured.  I know of a couple of writers telling me they started with a chapter here, and it helped them be confident enough to publish on their own.  That was the idea.

Read the stories, and please vote on the one you like.  I’m off to continue writing my chapter… That I will be teasing later tonight.


Ending of a Story


Yes, you heard it, You’re is done.  It’s a short chapter, but it gives some hints on the next book in the series. I got to use this gif with permission, and have been entered into the author protection program. Click on it to go to the story…  For those of you who write stories, you will know when I say it is a happy thing to be able to say completed, and yet, very sad time also.  You pour your heart and soul into these stories, and the characters become part of you.  You get paid nothing to write these, and yet, you feel like you received a million bucks when people like, favorite, review and so forth.  It’s a bittersweet moment.  My reconciliation?  I am not done with these characters yet.

Cover for You're_edited-1

4padfoot has already turned the entire story into an ebook, which you can find by clicking the above image which is the cover I made for the book.


This story was from a challenge to write for a month and finish.  As you can guess, it didn’t happen.  No that story in a month is All I Want.  But this one has finished, and there abounds hints to the sequel all over it, but it is more obvious in this last one than anywhere else.

HUGE thanks to Sitalia25, who is the official beta for this story. I hope she is well and able to work on the sequels!! I know she is wanting them as much as any of you.  Thanks, Sitalia25 for all the work, time and everything you have done for this story.

Many, many thanks to my beta Queen, Meridian.  She stepped up when Sitalia25 had complications.  While not knowing anything really of TVD, she worked hard to get these chapters done for you ladies.  Her dedication to making sure the chapters will be published makes me feel very justified for naming her the Queen.  Please join me in thanking her for stepping up.

I Never Did Banner smaller

I got a bee in my muse bonnet, and have been working on I Never Did.  I am about to start Chapter 10 today and will be working on it until Saturday when I get back to the to do list.  I am planning to edit these chapters I am doing, so that while I try to finish the other stories, you guy will have something to read.  It won’t be finished, but there are huge hints to the story in the character list.

As for the sleeping thing, well I am trying.  I have bad days, and I have good days.  Yesterday I started back to the gym, needing to get in shape to keep up with Bertie Bott when we meet each other for the Vampire Diaries conference in Las Vegas.  3 Months to go!!!

Please remember the Amazon link!  It’s right there on the side to visit the pages.  It costs nothing to you guys to use it, and it often makes a huge difference to my hubby and I.  It helps with the cost of the site also.


The voting for the You Want Blood awards is still ongoing.  You guys are rocking our socks off!  I think the last time we looked there are 40,000 votes.  You can vote up to three times in each category, and you can vote as many times as you wish.  Also, you can leave comments to us.  Is there an award we should have had?  Let us know!  Just click on the button to take you there.

Sephrenia has a writing contest out, and while I did not enter it, (nothing spoke to me) a lot of my betas and ladies I admire did.  Go read them, and vote for your favorite!

Participation Banner 0514_edited-3

The writing challenge this month is another Kill Bill.  I went through and released the banner for the participants.  You know you really want to Kill Bill.  The Rules are in the Facebook group.  The how to enter, and so on.  I also opened up the Banner contest for this month.  I am hoping the turnout will be awesome!  1st place will be used for the Banner of the Group, and the 2nd place will be used for the Facebook page.  I am going to add a page for you guys to see the entries.  They were awesome last month!  Bertie Bott was our winner for the banner below, and I came in second place with the banner on Niall.

The Best by Bertie Bott

Niall by Kittyinaz

So come join us for teasers and so on.  Facebook is the place to be, since we always talk on there.  They also get teasers and so forth on what is going on.  It is the place I find my talents, talk to the ladies in the group and so forth.  And for the pictures.  They are of men, of stars, and the favorites of the ladies.  We have Tom Hiddleston, Alexander Skarsgard, Ian Somerhalder, Andrew Lee Potts, Jensen Ackles, Chris Hemsworth, Josh Kloss, and so many more.  There are ALBUMS of the stars. and lots of Eye Candy….

Enjoy this short chapter, and I will be back with another story while I finish up a couple before I edit.  And then expect multiple updates for awhile as I work my betas…


Chapter 26 of You’re!


Yep, it is ready and waiting for you!  I know you guys are excited!! We are getting close to the end.

So, for those of you not on Facebook, I warned them all I would be up at weird times.  I am getting off Ambien.  Seems you are not supposed to be on it more than a week or two.  I’ve been on it for years.  So I am kicking that to the curb, and my insomnia is still there.  My issue is falling asleep.  When I do sleep, usually there is no issues, but sleeping during the day?  Yeah, people call more often than they do when you are sleeping at night.  Funny how that happens.  Don’t they know you are sleeping then?!?!?!?!  LMAO.

I am back to working, since I have to exhaust my brain.  However, there is a list of things to do now.  Yeah, knew that wouldn’t last so long now that I got a new toy to play with.  I like lists.  I like to mark them down so I can see the progress I make.  I am a very visual person.  Hmm maybe since I think in pictures?  Yeah.  Lack of sleep makes me more skip around worse than normal.  And its bad normally.  Ask my hubby, he can tell you.

I have mentioned that I have a deviant art account, and just to let you know, it has some hints to the new story I am working on, Clocks.  I have that and the Twilight one I started with, plus a new one I am blaming Karen’s muse whispering.  She said she gave me a rest for a couple of months.  But I am pointing to Clocks as NOT resting.  Nope.  And Wisdom is another of a new idea.

Now for Wisdom, I am doing three 5 chapter segments… If the reviews want them.  And for the other story that I am spending this week on, is another shorty, since I am NOT sure anyone will read it.  It was the product of a dream that lasted two nights.  Stubborn bugger.   I wrote it up, and getting some very favorable replies back on it.  If the ladies on Facebook make their wishes known, I will post a teaser on it.

Kill Bill!  I love the Kill Bill contests.  It is the writing challenge for this month, and when I stated the rules, I got a lot of replies favorable.  Again, you have to be a member of the Facebook group to enter, but I will be posting the stories here.

I bet you guys are wondering what the heck is the next group after I am done editing this group will be?  Well, you guys asked and asked.. So I will give you the pet names the Betas (coughKarencough) came up for them.  Aossi, ITE, Edge and Sun.  So is it going to be great for you guys when I finish?  Heck yeah.  And I will have gotten a Twilight one done and off my list by that time.

Also up is the interview with Eric from ITE.  (Yeah I am VERY late, but hey you try getting ready for writing the interview when your muse is being a fickle bitch and not letting you finish a story before flitting off and presenting me with new ones!)  And I will give you a preview to a story that Sephrenia helped inspire.  I wonder what it will be. [Activate Sarcastic Font]


That is up in my busy, busy world.  I do have a plotline for Clocks, since my Muse decided in a night to give it to me and my white board is covered in notes.  And I have a contest to verify and work on also.  Voting closes tomorrow.  So.. GO!  Nominate who you want, before the nominations close, and we go through them.  You guys have been filling them out, and we thank you, but with tomorrow being the end of the nominations, well, you DO want your favorites to be there for voting? Click the big banner below for it.


Enjoy the chapter!


Good Day!!!

The Best by Bertie Bott

Yes it’s Sunday, and that time for our favorite posts!!!! Also, Bertie Bott won the Banner for the month contest and this is her banner.  Since no one else entered the contest for the writing side except for her, she won that too.  🙂

I already started the writing contest in out group and I will tell you the theme.  Kill Bill.  For the rules and such and how to enter the contest, you need to be a member of our group.

Well you might not be excited yet, but wait until you hear that our very own WordPress Whisperer made a video for a story I am working on.  Clocks.  She made the video and it is freaking awesome!!

All in all, I am being swept up by a muse, and I am writing again.  Yeah!!! So hopefully I will get to work on the last two stories and get to where I can edit.  Sad to say, I have already filled up the four stories for the next round.  There is one Original Fiction, 2 fan favorites and one new one for my fandoms.

Hopefully, since I am not sick anymore, I can drag myself out of bed and start my last month on the bicycle.   Yes I have to do the couch potato to 5k on the cycle, then I can move to the Elliptical.  Then I get to work my way up again, and then I can be a normal person going to the gym, working carefully on weights and so on.  Its a long journey and I am going to do it.  I have some great clothes I want to look good in.

So this week who are we going to honor?  Sephrenia!!!  She gives of her time to make banners, and has a banner for me to write to, (Along with the interview, but I will get to it!) There are many authors who get to have the privilege of working with her much closer than I do, but I have her in my group!  hehehehe.   While I would love to showcase the banner she made for me, I am keeping it under wraps until I write it.  The whole banner gives everything away.  However, she was the one who gave me my first set of buttons.  The ones with the Butterflies?  Yep that is her.   She is also hosting a writing contest by doing three banners.  Go over there and look through the work she does, below is such a small selection.  Amazing.

Now for the fan made videos:

Of course 4PadFoot’s is first cause, hello?!?!?!  It’s for my story!!  Watch, and subscribe to her You Tube!

The other is a song for Andrew Lee Potts, cause he is just adorable.  LOL.


And here is one more.  LOL  Thought you might want to laugh.  Eric and Sookie by Naatthaaliie.



That’s it for tonite.  Sorry it is so short, but I am in a writing thing, and I hate to leave it for too long before my muse decides to leave.  She is really fickle.




Kill Bill Contest Volume 1

Bill Compton

We just finished the Kill Bill Contest Volume One contest over on the Facebook group and the voting ended last night.

MissRon80 won the contest.  Unfortunately, I have no Banner to give her since she IS my banner maker.  LMAO!!!

But I have added the entries into my WordPress site and they are here for you to read. As always, click on Bill to be taken to the page that lists the entries.

As for Volume Two of the contest?  Well, we will see when everyone is up for it.

Also an update for my readers, I am still trying to get Tea Shoppe done.  I know you guys are wanting updates, but when I go to do updates, they will be by story, and frankly I will be rereading the stories to make sure I won’t forget anything before I do massive updates on them.  After I am updating all BUT What If, I will go back and edit them, sending them to the betas with the rule of no more updated than once a week.  Then I will settle down, reread What If and finish that story.

I know this has been longer than anyone has imagined.  But I did NOT expect to get so sick, then Marty getting REALLY sick, not to mention my grandmother and so on.  It really has been an unlucky year for all of us.  So take a deep breathe, read my Beta’s work since I am giving them free time.

As for Brotherhood, that is a whole other story.  I have to finish the rough draft before the end of the year.  Only pre-readers who review, (and yes when I get a chance I will check who all is able to get in and the reviews…) are allowed to read it.  I am working towards publishing it, so I value the input of the readers for when I am done with the rough draft and go back to work on the chapters, seeing what I need to add to them.

So be patient, read the entries for Kill Bill, read my Betas… (Sitalia25, Meridian, Magsmacdonald, Zabby Perno and Thewriteashley) who are listed on the side.  Their names listed under the Beta banner link back to their sites.  And I will be working on my 2nd story and give the readers an ending that they have waited over three years for.  A month or two is not too long for you guys to give them that is it?
