Saturday Evening Post!!!


It’s my rendition of the Saturday Evening Post.  And I spent most of the day either in bed trying to sleep, or taking meds.  Sometimes I HATE insomnia.  Ok.. I always hate it.  Specially when I had been doing pretty good, one day can ruin it all and I end up spending more time trying to feel good, when it feels like I am getting something.  But normally I am not.  Ah well.

Today’s Offering:  The Mummy/Twilight.

Chapter 2 Light 1

Click the banner to be taken to it.

Just a reminder of the tentative Schedule that we are working on per the schedule we have posted in our chats:

Sunday – None (But I am off this day along with all of you!)
Monday – All I Want
Tuesday – None
Wednesday – I Never…Did Posting all the chapters previous to this day on the other sites.
Thursday – Wisdom, Justice and Love
Friday – Heavenly on Kittyinaz, Cross The Line on AoA
Saturday – The Mummy, or Clocks

This is tentative.  Meaning, if I am not feeling good, or the betas are not feeling good, their family comes first and so on happens, it is able to be skipped.  We try to stick to it, knowing how much you guys like to read your favorites on the days you normally get it, but the holidays are coming up.  That means more Betas doing other things and that I might actually be busy.  ::author pauses for gasps of shock::  Yes.  This is the time of year I go visiting and do holiday stuff too.

I will warn you the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years are all considered holidays by me, and I enforce them on the betas.  So don’t expect anything those weeks.  They all have lives and since we all do this for free, I want them to enjoy that time.  A lot of them write also.  So basically, I am spelling this out, so you guys know to give us a break.  Last year at this time I was in AZ, and I wrote All I Want in those weeks.  Just saying.  Good things can happen.  Just we dont’ want to have to do it.


General information as always.

Kill Bill

Kill Bill.  Entries are due at midnight on the 30th.  You guys asked this from me, and I am willing to give it a go.  Last time there were two entries.  If no more are entered, I will be retiring Kill Bill.


Amazon, As always, the link is to make it easier to click it to go straight there.  If you make the page your favorite when you arrive, you will always have link giving me credit.  Thanks for all the clicks, it is helping!!

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Reblog page.  Yes I reblog everything I can.  Sometimes, I forget and delete on my iPad.  For some reason, on the iPad it hides the reblog box behind the banners on most pages, but not all of them.  So I try!

Other than that, I think I will be going to rest.  I know Bertie Bott is trying to get to Cross the Line over in Anthem of Angels, but she isn’t feeling too well.  I swear, I sometimes think we do spread our germs through viruses on the computer!! We often all get sick together!

Enjoy your chapter and I will see you on Monday!

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It’s still Thursday!!

chase%201%20(Large)It is!! And we are safe!!

The chapter for tonight is:

Chapter 3 Wisdom 4

Many huge thanks to Bertie Bott for betaing this even though she was sick.  I told her that her health comes first! But she ignored me.  I understand that.  I sneak onto the computer when I am sick too.  Shhhh it’s a secret!  I get bored!

Murphy is gaining weight.  He is no longer skeleton dog.  We are giving him the medicine for his allergies to the flea bites, his poor nose was a mess of blisters, and they are going away.  We are giving him the stuff for his mange, and he is getting fur.  Slowly, but hey it has been two weeks.  We are dealing with the potty training. That is a mess.  I think I rather have babies with their diapers.  But we are slowly getting there.

Ok reminders: (remember to click the banner to be taken to the sites!)

Kill Bill

Kill Bill is this month.  Either you can do the whole Kill Bill from Tb/SVM or you can do any story with the mention of the words Kill Bill in them.


Amazon, I really can do with all the help possible.  I am posting the link often to help you guys out if you think of it!

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Reblog page.  It is slow and then there are busy days.  If you want an idea of who I follow and when they post, that is a great place to see them.


And lastly, but not by far, I have a new team member!

Lisha Watermark

This is Lisha.  We have been working to learn Photoshop, and she is doing great.  Her first pieces were like a month of me doing them!  So please welcome her.  She is aiming to help us out with the Banners, as well as The Anthem of the Angels site.  I can’t wait to see what she can do!

Not much for today, but I am tired.  A cold front came through and all I want to do is crawl into bed.  I even blow dried my hair cause going to bed with wet hair was just not something I wanted to deal with.  No it doesn’t make you sick, but I don’t like my hair being cold.  Don’t ask…

So have fun, enjoy the chapter!  The next mummy chapter will be Saturday.  I am hoping that I can get another chapter done for the Mummy, I just finished chapter 3 today.

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Thursday is here!!

Thursday is here!!

One more day until Friday!!!


And yes you have another new chapter ready for you!

Chapter 2 Wisdom


I am up early, we have a puppy who is much more playful, but he is still  having some issues.  I can’t wait until the weekend and the chance to maybe…just maybe…sleep in.  I think I have forgotten what even 6 hours of sleep is like.  Anyone who tells me that pets are not children, well, I am not seeing the difference.  Maybe they get past it faster?

I also have a Connor who is thrilled his new buddy is playing now.  And a missing Morgan who got out before all this started and not home.  As well as a Tucker (MamaKitty’s Cat) who is pissed at everyone, but loving on me.  Seems he is just used to me bringing in strays.  Wonder what that says about me?

Ok.  Reminders.


Amazon, remember this costs nothing to you guys, and often helps me out in ways you have no idea.  I am getting $10-$20 a month from it. Not much, but every cent helps.

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Kittyinaz’s Relobg page.  I am using this just to reblog the WordPress stuff.  There is a way to get one posting that has all the daily postings in it.  I know cause I have a page for that.  Go to My blogs, and go to Kityinaz’s reblog page, and click on it.  Change it from immediately to daily.  That’s it.

Kill Bill

Kill Bill is this month!! And yes, I made the banner!  If you want more information, please click on the banner above to be taken to the page.

I’m off to work on the end of Chapter 2 of The Mummy.  I almost finished it last night, but I had to put murphy away and listen to him cry, he doesn’t settle down until much later.  Tonight MamaKitty is buying him a crate for her room, so that will be easier.


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Bad Kitty!

Bad Kitty!


I have to admit, I have had the chapter published for a long time (again the ladies in the group knew) I got busy with Murphy and forgot to post this afternoon like I wanted.

Chapter 9 AIW

So yes.  the new chapter of All I Want is ready! Click on the banner above.

Also, First chapter has been sent and returned for The Mummy Crossover.  I am working on the second chapter right now.  the day picked for that to be published will be Saturday, and so will Clocks when I get to it.  So now we will have Saturday Posts.

The schedule (That is NOT written in stone!!!!!!!!)

Sunday – Sunday Post, day off for all betas and me.

Monday – All I Want

Tuesday – None

Wednesdays – I Never Did, Week starts for posting so all old week stuff is published on other sites.

Thursdays – Wisdom, Justice and Love

Friday – Heavenly (When it starts) and Cross The Line on AoA

Saturday Mummy Crossover, and Clocks (When it Starts)

So you can see things will be getting busy for posts.  But then… you guys are not going to complain right?

Please remember the following:

Reblog Header 5 Click on the banner to get the updates!

amazonClick on the banner for the link!

Kill Bill!

I really need to make a banner for that.  But yeah.  That is this month!  click to go to the page for it.


kittyinazowl31 Signature


What?!?!?!  I updated on time?!?!?!?!?!  HOLY SHIT!   This update is brought to you by Meridian.  Who worked her ass off to get this ready for you guys when I gave it to her late, after my jam packed weekend!

And.. This is an update on sooo many things!!!  So we will get to the actual update you are waiting for:

Chapter 14

Yes!  And this is a fully M rated chapter!!!  Hold on.. Warning signs needed:


Lemon Warning

Lemon Warning

And for those that know me: Alexander Skarsgard showering

There should be plenty of signs what this chapter is all about right?!?!?!  I spelled it out and demonstrated with a picture for the old school ladies on my site.  Once of these days I will do the infamous him getting out of the shower gif in a story.

Ok. Fun part is done.  (Not really but I wonder how many people will read the rest of this?!?!?)  We have a lot to discuss.

I will be going back to the Sunday posts since these take soo long otherwise!  I even wrote a list for me to type up all the things! (And yes the pictures are the discussion topics)

Angel universe Banner 3

In the Facebook group, I asked a question, and the ladies agreed to it.  So Cross the Line is being beta’d and then will be published, without an edit!  These will come faster to you, because of this.  I have a couple of ladies getting geared up for writing in the Universe, so I am getting excited.  I can’t wait to see what happens, and one of the ways to keep it up for you guys to remember, is for me to post in it.  When the other ladies are ready for their stories, well if they are a beta on this site, they can post the updates themselves, or I will be posting for the other ladies if they tell me about it.  If no one tells, then I have no idea.  It’s how the cookie crumbles.  But I am looking forward to some of the ideas that are being tossed about!

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I am thrilled about this one!! Bertie got the idea after Cuinawen posted in the group a bunch of two sentence horror stories.  I love when my group comes up with these things!! And from there, they find inspiration to do contests, or to even write stories!

Since this is going to be Bertie’s contest, I delayed my writing challenge.  So have fun, and enjoy the contest!!!!

Kill Bill contest!

Since I haven’t built a banner for this one yet, I wanted to let you guys know, that the Kill Bill contest has been extended until November 30.  The page is up and if you click on the Kill Bill announcement up above, the link will take you there.  Why am I delaying it?  Bertie is doing a great Halloween contest as I mentioned up above.  Plus SOOO many of the ladies do the Novel in November.  I wanted to let you guys know ahead of time.  You can click on the link, and it will give you the rules, and the email to send it there.  The rules are VERY lax this time.  And if you don’t read True Blood or SVM, NO WORRIES!! there is a way for you guys to be able to play in the contest this time!!!!


Yep, I am going to remind you guys until the holidays are done.  It costs you nothing, but to click and save the link!  Nothing.  And deals can be found by using it!  What is there to lose?  I am also making it easier since my hubs said that to be on the main page of my site and being able to click on a banner to get there is easier, so I will be making sure it is easy to get there.  Just remember, there is a page that 4padfoot keeps updated with specials.  the link is on the page also.  If you need help with knowing how to set the bookmark, leave a comment, and one of us will get back to you on it.  It helps offset costs for me writing.

Last but far from least!


Our very own Bertie Bott is being crafty in every way!! She is making these purses!  Right now, she is working on some new ones, and there is rumors of more coming.  They are freaking awesome!  Click to find out more, and favorite it for when you are thinking of Christmas presents!!! Let her know you came from here!

 ::Takes a deep breathe:: ok I am off to spend some time with Connor and Marty (since Connor is literally trying to push me into the room with them…dang schedule puppy!).  I hope you enjoy the chapter!


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Chapter 13 of I Never…Did

Chapter 13

Yes!! The next chapter of I Never…Did is up and ready.  We meet more family.  Many huge thanks to Meridian for her awesomesauce betaing skills.  She makes me look good!

Ok.. some information I am tossing your way.

Angel universe Banner 3

First, Anthem of the Angels.  Thanks for the interest, I am looking forward to you guys having fun in the universe.  I have a couple of chapters written, but I will be tearing into it when I get the chance.  Feel free to work in it.  I have done the Demons, Angels and I need to do the Witches in the Bestiary, and my characters so far are done.  My Profile is up, and you can get an idea of what we are planning to do with it.  Feel free to click the banner above for information.


Second, the domain for Kittyinaz has been paid for the next year.  Owning the domain means a lot of pluses for the site.  Not only is it easier to find, but we get more control over the page.  Huge thanks to everyone that uses the Link to my Amazon page.  For those that are new, If you want to help support this site, All you have to do is bookmark the following link:  .  The part at the end that has the Kittyinaz part is what gives me credit.  This costs you NOTHING.  In fact, according to the information they sent me, you may receive discounts.  So how does it help me?  Amazon treats this link as a referral.  I get a small percent of your order for referring you from my site.  I save the money through the year for any updates I need to do for the site.  Now, I do know Christmas is coming, and if anyone is like me, I am already buying.  So please use the link instead of just clicking into Amazon without it.  It costs you nothing, (My hubby checked this part out for the past year) and it helps support me.  It makes this site what it is.  The banner above has the link if you want to visit it now.  As long as you open the page with the link, I get all credit for the purchase.


Third, as many of you may remember, last year this started my bad luck time.  My mother found out she had breast cancer.  Her cancer is not one you can find by self checking.  Luckily, we have a great doctor in our local Breast Cancer screening area (Victory Lakes for anyone in Houston area) and she caught it early.  This type is very dangerous since most people don’t get it caught early have to go through chemo and all that jazz.  My mom had to have a mastectomy.  So please remember to get checked.  And if you want, please donate.  This is not just affecting woman, it affects men also.

Fourth, I am trying to get back into editing!! I have so many awesome stories, but as many knows, this had been the worst part of the year for me lately.  I am actually dreading the end of the year when I used to look forward to it.  Last year I dealt with the breast cancer for my mom, and the day she had her surgery, my bio dad died.  The year before my Bio dad’s brother died, my maternal grandfather died and my first dog that I owned and raised from a pup died.  All within a week.  My grandfather had Alzheimer’s and I had taken him out for a ride and had a last memory of him that way.  The end of that trip, I got hit with how much he had declined.  After that he had to be put into a home, and he died after that.  His Alzheimer’s was very advanced we had found out.

The reason I am telling you this?  Because as I try to clear my slate, I often have issues with depression.  I will get you the chapters as I can, but I wanted to give you guys a heads up.  Also, when I am done with the Editing, before I get on those favorites, I am going to push to finish my book.  I want to start the new year by sending it out.

I am working on getting everything on my to do list done.  I finished the Las Vegas trip last Monday, and will be working on other things also.  I am also working on Banners that my friends have asked for.  Since they are the ones who give up their time to Beta my stories, making a banner is the least I can do!  And it relaxes me when I have those days.

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Also!!! My mom, MamaKitty, is doing the Essential Oils.  For those that do not know what this is, it is pure oil’s extracted from the plants.  Now she swears up and down that this stuff works.  She bought me the spearmint since I love that stuff, and I will admit it makes tea tasting so much better, and it seems to be helping my tummy.  Last night I had a migraine and it sucked.  Nothing was working.  I got up since the meds were making me loopy and helping Harleen figure out her WordPress.  I figured what the hell, and put a bit of oil on my temples.  Lo and Behold, it freaking worked!  Peppermint is the ideal one for it, but spearmint is another one for headaches.  So, I am letting those of you with issues, please visit the site.  I will ask MamaKitty to have something so that any who would like to order can contact her.  If you have any issues, my mom ordered the book to figure what can help solve stuff.  She uses it to help sleep, and for the headaches and any other things (Since Peppermint seems to clear up a lot of maladies) as well as the other scents.  Its all natural, and my family has all started to use it.  For me?  I will just steal her stuff.  And drink my spearmint tea.  We are getting the Basil and Oregano oils for cooking.  Let me tell you, one drop of this stuff goes a very long way!  Click on the flower above to go to their site.

Don’t forget there are still banners to be adopted, and that the Banner contest is going on for the Facebook group today!!  There are some awesome banners for this month’s banners for the group and page.  The Facebook Page gets all the notifications, (I share from that page to the groups) and the group is where I hang out.  There are teaser threads and they even talked me into posting a story earlier than I thought I would.  I also have an interview with Carter to do this month!!!

SO I am off to deal with stuff today, but I will be back later.  I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.  I know the Kill Bill is on everyone’s mind, and I will be working on that as my next webpage thing.  I will get that out there!!!  So much to do, so little time…


Eric-Gif signature