The One More Feared Than the Major by MsDawnSilverKnife



When I first got the letter in the mail I first thought to ignore it, I mean we escaped her for a reason after all, but my “knower” told me I would come to regret it very much if I did so. It also told me that the Major would regret it even more than I years from now, and I knew that Char and I would go and see, no matter how much we feared her.

So, with trepidation, I set up contingency plans just in case, and Char and I headed towards the meet up with Maria. What I expected and what we got, where two very different things. We expected a crazy, scary, sadistic Southern Warlord, and what we got was a protective, scary Southern Warlord who told us a story that I, for one, would never have believed if I never saw her with my own eyes.

You see, Maria told us that she did have the gift of persuasion, like everyone thought, but she also has the gift of sight. She only became the scary Southern Warlord that she did because she knew would need to protect someone so precious, and so powerful that would not only keep the vampire world safe, but would also be the true mate to the God of War.

She knew for centuries that the Romanians would try to have her turned and used as a weapon against all those they considered their enemies, and a certain future seeing pixie would try to force her into being the mate of another vampire all so she can continue controlling the God of War. All the while thinking it would someday make her the Queen of all the Vampires.

So Maria was coming to Char and I to take on the task of raising Maria’s newest newborn baby vamp, only this one, was not to be raised to go to war, like so many of the others were in the past. Maria knew that this one would need to be taught the same way as them, but not be in the same circumstances. She also told us, more warned us, that it didn’t mean that this newborn baby, wouldn’t gain a monster that same is the Major and I.

At the time, Char and I didn’t pay any attention to her warning, because we felt the girl in front of us was too gentle, even though she was a newborn vampire, therefore a killing machine, and she could become quite as bad as the Major and I if given the right incentive.

So, for the next few years Char and I raised her up good and proper, the way we would any baby, but we made the biggest mistake when we got too close to where her past lived and she came across the scent of those that had killed her family. What followed, I can now honestly say was worse than anything I have ever seen the Major do when he was at his worse, and that was when he had descended into Ares. This one we found was Eris, his soulmate, and is known as the Goddess of Discord, she is insatiable in her desire for bloodshed, and after all the others have withdrawn from the battle-field, she still remains rejoicing over the havoc that has been made.* It is a sight to see, and terrifying besides, and I have seen some terrifying things in my life. I thought Major was terrifying, but the General is so much worse.

After that she left us for 20 years, just up and walked away, and no matter where we looked Char and I could not find her. Not even with the help of trackers, that could find anything you ask them to find. Then one day out of the blue I got a card and it said to be home, and waiting. Char informed me the date we are to be waiting is in fact Christmas Day.

Bella’s POV 20 years after Forks.

There are not many people that can think back in their lives, and remember having such a crazy upbringing as the one I was lucky enough to have. You see, my name is Isabella Swan, and most of you think you know my story and how it begins and ends but I will have to set you straight. I never did move to Forks to live with my dad, you see I didn’t live with my mother Renee past the time I turned 12.

I remember it all so clearly, I had just gotten home from school when I heard a knock on the door. When I answered it I saw the most beautiful Hispanic woman that I have ever seen, but she looked vaguely familiar to me at the time. When she introduced herself to me as Maria, I felt the familial connection to her, and knew she was a distant relation to me somehow.

I came to find out she was in fact related to me through my father very distantly, and was from a very long time ago. You see, most people don’t realize that Charlie didn’t come from Forks originally, he was born in Texas, and later moved to Forks as a child with his parents, when his father was given a job offer.

Anyways, the reason Maria came to the door was because of a vision she had, and due to the fact, that one of the vampires from that vision had already killed my mother, in the hopes to get a hold of me. Maria decided to interfere and came to me and raised me herself until I was old enough to be turned, which we both decided on the age of 18, unless an emergency happened before then, but no younger than 16. Which was the cut off age by the Volturi, but Maria wanted me to be able to grow up some, and mature into an adult body, which her visions told her would be finished by age 18.

So for the next 6 years everything went according to her plans, then she contacted some people she trusted to raise and train me after I was changed, and after contacting them she changed me. Once I woke, she made sure I was alright, then handed me over for training to Peter and Charlotte Whitlock.

For the next 5 years we all went through a tough time, and all because I was a difficult baby. It didn’t help that I had more than one gift myself, but then came the time that I call my black period and Peter calls “Generals March” I for one never really knew I had such destruction, let alone, bloodthirst inside me. It was a very lucky thing we didn’t come to the attention of the Volturi, and Peter says its more than likely due to the very fact they fear me, than anything else.

After I killed everyone involved in the death of my family, and the included the very wolves who were supposed to be the so-called “protectors” I disappeared on everyone for 20 years. I just walked away from life, mine and everyone else’s.

Then I came across something that my future mate must have touched in the recent past, or the one controlling him, but it made me decide to get in contact with Peter and Charlotte, because if I was going to step out into society and act the part of a college girl. I sure as heck wasn’t doing it alone, and I would definitely need Peter and Char.

So, with that thought in mind, I sent a note telling them to be at home on a certain day, and only afterwards did I notice it would be Christmas Day.

“Hmm, a good time to get back to the ones I have come to see as family, and eventually get to meet the ones who will become family.” Bella says to herself as she is driving to Peters and Char’s place in Colorado.

Thoughts of a certain Blond vampire that could match her in fighting skills still running through her mind, as she is driving up their driveway. So she wasn’t all that surprised by Peters comment when she got out.

“Stop thinking about how sexy the Major is and get in this house, baby girl.” Peter yelled out, then Bella heard a smacking sound, and an ‘ow’

“Woman, what was that for?”

Bella just shook her head, all the while thinking ‘things will never change, and I for one am glad they never will.’


* – Encyclopedia

A/N: Well should I continue this story as a multi or keep it to a 2 shot??  Pairing is Bella/Jasper 😉


Posted on

January 5, 2018


  1. together25x3

    I would love to read more of this!

  2. addicted2love7

    So interesting 🙂…
    You should continue this One!
    Good luck

  3. GeezerWench

    This seems pretty interesting to me!

  4. Isisinme83

    Oh this is very intriguing. I really hope you keep going

  5. trbuie

    I like your story and would definitely

  6. kinnik7104

    I would love to see this continued. My favorite pairing!

  7. Alexis Cambell

    plz update


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