I am working on the post!!

We had a slight mishap in the chapter for this week.  I will say this much, it is for Tired Wings.

Yep!   It is one of the stories I have been hoping to get done.  I am going line by line trying to save my beta some work since we found out the same error in chapter 9.  It is an editing issue and will make no change to the story itself, but we are working on fixing it cause it will bug me otherwise.

I also have some RL issues going on at the same time, with Monday tiring me out.  It might happen (I’m hoping so!) again tomorrow or later this week.  If so, things will be a little delayed.  Sorry, but it can’t be helped.  But it is good things for the house so…

But I wanted to let you guys know we are working on stuff.  It isn’t as fun as editing (which is not as fun as you might think) and I am needing to go line by line for 9 pages of edits to make sure everything is done.  Hopefully, I am able to get one chapter at least sent to the betas, as I work on writing some more on Revelations to get that one done.  I am almost done with that book, and the final story of that trilogy is already planned in my head.  I wanted to get it on paper this week as well.  We will see.

I am also rereading the In Death books by J.D. Robb aka Nora Roberts.  I have found later that Hatter/Peter in Tea Shoppe was partly influenced by Roarke in the In Death books.  Not that I knew it until later when I was describing him to someone and it flashed across my head the similarities.  At least at the beginning.

So, I am working on returning to writing, as I mentioned before.  And I wanted to let you know that there is a slight problem we are working through to get the chapter to you this week and that it is on a story that most of you have been waiting on.  Be patient!!  NO story is going to be unfinished.  As evidenced by the fact I am going back to the beginning to finish those stories.


I Posted a chapter!

I Posted a chapter!


So here is what is going on.  I am planning to go for one week working on stories (last week) and one week working on quilting (this week).  I’m trying to merge the two things I enjoy doing to see if I can get back in the rhythm of working on stories as well as doing all the quilting I have to do.

Also, I have mentioned this before, I am working on finishing the older stuff first.  So that means Alice (aka Revelations) which will be wrapping up soon but will go to the last of the sequel I had planned for the trilogy.  I will also be working on Tea Shoppe (both the Twilight and the Alice version).  Then onto Tin Man, Once Upon a Time.  Lastly, will be What If.

During this time, I will be also editing the stories I have already written.  Which are Tea Shoppe (which goes hand in hand to the above since it will allow me to get back in the swing of things), My two Marvel Stories that I have written out, and Sacred.

I will be sending one of those chapters to a beta a week as I can.  No promises if a muse gets inspired, but I am going to try.  As well, I will be posting a chapter a week.  Since I will be working only every other week on writing, we will see how this does.  I have some chapters banked, and I will be dipping into those as I send chapters out hoping to get them back in time to post.  This is to helpfully get you guys back to the site, as well as not overwhelming me.  I already have quite a few quilts I need to finish here before Christmas so I am trying not to stress myself on that end as well.

It’s sad when you have to explain to your nephews that I will make them another quilt next year, not this year, but they were so excited that they already picked out what they want. ::Shaking her head at her nephews::

So without further ado, here is the chapter for this week:

Thanks for being patient!!!

Just a blurb

Related image

I am just letting you guys know what is going on.


So for the month of July, I spent it as busy as hell, or sick.  With the two juxtapositioning over each other sadly way too often.

In the middle of June, I was looking at the last week of the month, excited but at the same time worried.  My parents, who lived with me at the time, were moving out the last week, with the last day planned for Saturday, with me having guests (in-laws) that following Monday.  I also had a quilt due, as well as after they left after a week, I was going to have a couple of days down, then will be living at my brothers for a week and a half watching my three nephews.

I thought it would be tight, but hey, I can do this!

That last week, they closed on Monday, and we proceeded to show how much a Traverse could hold and move.  They wanted to sleep in their new place after I showed them how much we moved in one day?  Sure!! Mr. M (aka Mr. Kittyinaz) packed my mattress in the traverse (a queen, and holy cow!!) Then I spent that Thursday while everyone worked, packing the rest of my parent’s bedroom.   (Yes, they were not done packing… )  Then we spent that evening, moving what we could there.  And found more things that could fit in the Traverse that I never thought could.  However, my hubby borrowed my brother’s truck and moved a lot also.  The rest to be moved on Saturday.  Which left Friday as me desperately cleaning, moving around my house.  (At one point I had a couch in the kitchen stuck and had all the cats watching me clean around it, and move a dining room table from one end of the house to another by myself.

Remember, I had guests coming, and the house had been configured for two families only sharing the kitchen basically.  And my mom and I sharing an office.  So I was spreading the belongings of my side of the house to the rest of the house, as well as cleaning and washing so much stuff cause I was about to lose the washer and dryer.  M came home to start laughing at me and the way I had chairs stuck in places as well as the before mentioned couch of my parents.  (yeah not mine.  That was staying in the front room now designated the living room only).  He soon was working, and getting into the idea I had of trying to get everything gone and what could be cleaned as soon as possible, had us moving things outside to store in the garage at midnight only stopping at 3 am.

We then moved them the rest of the way with the help of my brother, his truck, and a trailer.  And oh yeah.  The aforementioned Traverse.  We were done moving them out and then went home to work some more on the house.

There was a laundry list of things to be fixed, and we did them.  Then I went to lie down with a headache, and then woke up to no sink in the main bathroom.  I had asked him to fix the leak, and the pedestal sink (that I absolutely hated) cracked all the way.  So we ended up having to replace the whole thing and went for one that was a vanity.  There were other things that went wrong, and as M said, if it wasn’t for his bad luck, he wouldn’t have had any.

We get everything done in time and spent the following week showing them Houston.  Only resting on Wednesday (7/4) cause of a storm.  Somewhere, (maybe exhaustion?) I started to get sick on Friday, but pushed it off, as nothing big.  I spent the following week cleaning and resting.  Then went off to watch the boys.  It was fun, and my family was reminded of how I made up games for everyone all the time.  The boys loved it.  And though I was sick and very exhausted, I loved it as well.  They helped me with the cutting out of the hundreds of pieces I needed for the quilt and would work with me.

But I was seriously sick and was so bad I was on the BRAT diet.  I came home sleeping and trying to better on Wednesday, and ended up with an infected tooth.  I had a quilt class that Mom and I signed up for, and went to it, with my pain tolerance kicking in finally.  I went to that each week and finally got to the dentist, only to have him tell me I am insane.  Apparently, it was a very bad infection.  He was worried cause I have VERY bad ringing in my ears, and wanted to make sure he didn’t make it worse cause he had been told that it can add to the pain I would be feeling.  Somehow, my allergy to penicillin was missed.  Luckily my Pharmacy caught it and it was fixed.  I spent a weekend in bed sleeping with taking pills as needed.

Last week I finally got the root canal and would sleep irregularly, with my insomnia kicking up and finally kicking in completely Friday night.  Which I had a class that morning, then I family party that I had to show up for a little bit to show I was alive.  Especially since it was my cousin who figured out I was really sick and checked up on me the entire time.  (The antibiotics had kicked whatever it was that had me so sick as well).

Which leads to now.  The second day since that long ago day in June as feeling better mostly rested and pain-free.  While I am LOVING having my own place with my pets and my hubby only, it had been a huge ride to get here.  I am also working on the class stuff then I still have that quilt to finish as soon as I do the stuff I needed to this week for the class.

I REALLY want to write, and even have a plan ready.  I am going to finish those fics that I started out on, to get them finished, then go back to the other stuff that I am still strongly inspired for.  I am also going to try to edit things, and so on.  However, I do plan to make quilts and sell them, as well as take orders.  Something to help supplement the one income we are having in, while not working on my end.

Also, I just read this blog, that VikingsSuccubus posted.  It helped motivate me to get this all handled.  https://www.bustle.com/p/a-published-author-told-me-to-stop-writing-fan-fiction-but-the-lunar-chronicles-author-marissa-meyer-disagrees-9195268.

And just for a last whatever, if anyone is interested in seeing what I am doing, I am posting the finished blocks, I am learning to make on the Kittyinaz’s Group. Now, I am going back to finish up the Ohio Star and the four after that one to finish my homework for this week.


What Is Going On Kitty?

I know, I know… It’s been MONTHS since I last touched base.   The Facebook group gets me a little more often, but not much.

Let’s put it this way.  There is a lot of Drama happening, and it has been taking up my attention.  I have barely had any time to do quilts, much less anything else.

The good news is the muse is peeking out and pointing my attention to things.  And I have been nodding and agreeing with her until something happens.  I am also dealing with stress over other things.

I am still awaiting the seat cover material.  And M is finding that people are really willing to pay for me to make them quilts.  People at work are wanting to see what I have done, and he has someone asking if a Baby quilt can be done.  This is great news.  (and shocking for me.  Remember, I am shocked when you guys read my stories!)

But… I am thinking of working Part Time for my mom’s boss and seeing what happens.  We will be soon ready for the remodeling to happen, and having the extra income will mean that it will go faster.  We have a bunch of things happening to the point I am unavailable for Grandma for a month starting Monday.  I will be having family come from AZ to here, then I will be watching my nephews for a week or two.  (I can’t remember now!)

The happy thing is that I am taking my laptop with me to work on stories since I can barely work with kittens on quilting.  (especially Bobbie who thinks my brother’s quilt is his and you should see his face as I am finishing it!)  When I get back here, I will be working to integrate everything, but the office will be mine.  I will be rearranging to allow me to flow from place to place in my chair.  You might think this odd, but my OCD tendencies have come with a vengeance.  I literally can barely work unless I clean and have things my way.  And if I do work, I am so easily distracted to be worth anything.  A mess is my enemy.

After the upheavals end soon, I should be back to working as I can on what I can on the stories and so on I enjoy doing.  I really want to get my Marvel stories done and work on my E/S stories.  Besides the stories, I have done, and sequels, I am not posting anything new unless they have been started before now.  I want to finish up some things.  I need to work on my original Novel and just get things back on track.  I don’t know how I am going to do that exactly, but I do know I am cutting out some things.

I am barely on Facebook, which will probably change when I am back to writing.  But I am not going out on the main walls anymore.  I am tired of fake news, being blasted for expressing opinions and so on.  I am tired of drama and acting like I am back in High school.

Real Life is happening, and just last month, my sleepy town had its eyes blown open with a shooting literally down the road from me.  Now before anyone says anything, I live in TX.  I live in Santa Fe, TX, which is rural.  Houston is an hour one way and Galveston is closer than you think for storm purposes.  So down the road is a ten-minute drive I think.  7-10 minutes at 55mph.  But I was peeled to the TV, seeing things that are happening right outside my street.  There was no traffic on the streets, and everyone spoke softly for days afterward.  I saw the Old Gym, was confused when they named it as what it REALLY is, but I have known it as the Old Gym the entire time.  The reporter confused on what the schools were was felt by me as I knew the school he was in front of as the JR High and now it is a middle school.  I watched as my neighbors were searching for their children, finding out if any of my family had in-laws or such in the High school.  Sat there confused as they said one thing and then another.  Horror struck as I recognized more and more of the places.

Harvey was bad enough, but it was down the street.  (Literally 15 minutes another way for Dickinson).  But this was happening in my town.  I will tell I drive by the High School a lot, and seeing the crosses in front of it for those poor ten souls makes my heart ache each time.

I had more typed but realized it will do nothing to change anything.  So I will end this just saying, I know I have slacked.  I know that it may look like I am giving up on writing, and I am not.  In fact, I am bored reading, and need to finish some of my own stories so I can see how they end!!!

So, Be patient for a bit longer.  I will try to come back and start posting everything that is ready for you guys, I just need to make sure that I will have time to make sure I can keep doing it.  For I have missed this, and you guys as well!!!

Seeing you hopefully soon!



Good Afternoon Everyone!

Good Afternoon Everyone!

Life has been interesting and getting better.

The sad news: Stormy is still listed among the missing.  I hope she found someone new and is living in the lap of luxury.

Now all good news.

Well after this bit of business due to the GDPR.    When you log onto Kittyinaz.com, there will be a message on the bottom of the screen about the GDPR.  It will also allow you to determine what cookies you share if you click on the settings link.  If for some reason you wish to unsubscribe to the site (Insert shocks of horror and so forth) this is a link to a video on YouTube on how to unsubscribe or you can click Here for step by step instructions if that is what rocks your boat.   I will miss you if you decide to no longer follow me and will be happy if you miss my stories and want to subscribe again.

Ok, now good news.  I have two new kittens.  And I will say two is the way to go in the future.  Loving is all done as normal, but they play with each other ALOT.

Connor has seemed to have attracted Smokey, who is the tortoise shelled kitten.  She was born around my birthday this year. She ADORES him and he is lost and always looking for M and me to rescue him.  He has started to calm down and is allowing her to sleep with him the few times she has wanted to.

Bobbie, who is the orange tabby with unusual markings, has decided that he is my cat.  He wakes me up each morning wanting me to love on him (apparently sleeping is just too long of a time without love!).  Since he is sneaky and does this before my brain connects with NOT doing it, he gets lots of love.  He follows me from room to room. Often with Smokey following him like a train of ducks.  He was born 3 months later than Smokey, but is now to the point that he doesn’t look like he is younger than her.

They have made it where my depression is not governing my life as strongly.  I am up and about and cleaning my house each day, or close enough.  Hard to quilt while they try to climb up on me while I am working.  But the pure laughter that they cause as they do Kitten things.

I was not able to work on writing, until Thursday night.  That night I got to work on All I want’s sequel.  The scene jumped in my head and has truly inspired me.  Now to make it where I finish these quilts, work on Boat seats and write all at once!

Hopefully, in a few months will start the reno on the house.  THAT will be quite interesting.

For now, I wanted to let you know I haven’t forgotten anyone.  My desktop had decided to stop working, telling me there is no Harddrive.  I was like… okkkkkkk.   But this weekend was dedicated to cleaning out the office to allow my mom to pack up her belongings so I can move into the room more.  All that will be left is her computer and the stuff needed with it NOW.  We have been doing this to each and every room, which is making it interesting for me to start arranging things the way I want it.  It won’t be done all the way until at least they move out.  They have done much for us, including selling us this house.  It may need work, but it is livable and will be awesome when we are done with it.

That is it for the heads up on what is going on.  I have to make a baby quilt and keep trucking as I finish them.  I will be posting pics as I go.  And we have a page somewhere for where I am showing the ones I have finished so far.  Just need to find where we put it!  Thanks for your patience as I move on to something to help bring in money for the renovations and so on.  Once life settles again, I hope to be able to set a better schedule for things.  But since I just got a schedule started for cleaning and so on this week and not having to drag my butt outta bed to make myself do it, I may need some time.